Did Hollywood caused manchildrenism to be normalized and cool?

Did Hollywood caused manchildrenism to be normalized and cool?

Lots of factors caused that. Imageboards have a fair share of that blame.



No you can thank Japan for that.

Pikachu can speak English?



it still isn't cool.



We've had weeaboos, bronies, gamers, furries, etc for well over a decade now. Why does this surprise anybody?

Lest we forget that Toy Story 3's box office stats were somewhere around 50% college student age, and the other 50% were young children and their parents.

Yeah because wasting your time on image boards is so much more healthy. I know one of these Pokemon fags and he straight from high school to decent career and makes a good living with guaranteed pension, still going to tournaments and convention things.
Meanwhile I'm 'redpilled' serious faggot and going crazy from my life being a wreck.
But manchildren am I right xD



D-Delete this.


Who would have been kids when Toy Story 1 came out. Not sure I understand the problem. Thinking "cartoons are for children" is a way of thinking that only lasts through the teenage years. Adults recognize that allowing others to judge you for something inane as the kind of movies you watch is what's actually childish.

Here's your reminder that western movies were originally made for preteen boys. So your grandpa who still watches Clint Eastwood every night is a manchild?

that's bullshit. The Sergio Leone ones had murder and rape.

But so did your preteen years. It's like you've never been robbed of your lunch money by a crackhead wearing a flowery dress and a busted up top hat he found in a bin, or something.
Do you faggots even know what the 70's were?

Nigga fuck you!

I got Pokemon moon and havent played it yet should i? I was into omega ruby and xy for a while but havent played in a long time.

What’s the point?

He probably would have gotten much further with her if he hadn't bragged about being a pedo online tbh.

On a brony image board?

I think Pokemon has always been more acceptable to normalfags for adults to enjoy vs other shit because a lot of Pokefags somehow ended up with successful normal lives. I think it's because with Pokemon Nintendo tried encouraging kids to actually develop social skills and incorporated that into the games themselves. It allowed them to sell Pokemon as a lifestyle and it worked

Or maybe I'm just overthinking shit

X and Y are hot garbage, just play Moon. Although Moon isn't nearly as good as Gen 5 was it's still better than X/Y but just barely

How can he be a pedo if he rubs his dick with his own shit huh?
Yeah that's right think before you talk shit about Nick.

As opposed to being better for posting kike memes on the internet and holding on to your virginity well past its expiration date?

Sounds like a hell of alot of projection there m80.


No, I just recognize that I'm trash too. I'm just tired of delusional faggots not admitting we're all trash.

Probably for attracting too much attention to themselves with IRL actions. Hackers on steroids, Anonymous shenanigans, Project Chanology, etc.

As for OP, I don't think Hollywood is responsible for the fad, not even partially. They merely capitalized on it when it was already established that (having the less negative aspects of) being a nerd was a cool thing to do.