Who is the most redpilled actor and why is it Seth MacFarlane?

Who is the most redpilled actor and why is it Seth MacFarlane?

He's a smarmy cocktail sipping liberal like Maher who looks down on average people. Try agian.

lel triggered drumpftard detected

He literally tries to redpill average people using subtle hints in his shows… He is #WOKE

You idiots just cant stop sucking cock cant you?

t. std fan

American Dad > Family Goy

MacFarlane complies with his Zionist handlers, but I can tell there are some moments where he wants to be a bad goy.
However anyone who made Ted 2 could never be red-pilled or woke.

It's really not, I just can't stand Steve and Hayley for some reason.

Step it up

Nah. He’s just a dude weed lmao level guy.

early Family Guy > early American Dad > modern American Dad > modern Family Guy > The Cleveland Show

Jimbo Metokur said he is dropping hints of pedowood in Family Guy, so people now believe that he is dropping hints of pedowood in Family Guy.

Well, his punishment is to forever be farming the rice with that fat mongoloid cosplaying whore. Fitting, to say the least.

Actually, it's Viigo Mortenson.

Daniel Tosh, he made Brickleberry after all.

Seth tried to warn us, but we did not listen.

You know, when someone gets character assassinated to the degree McFarlane has, they're probably okay. At the very least you know they're not a part of the clique.

The two guys who made Drawn Together were pretty redpill thinking about it

more like seth macfartland am i right


Did any of their jokes come true or predict anything?