EXCLUSIVE: Fox 21 and Hulu have teamed for a television series based on Hitman...


Is Holla Forums ready for the dawn of Hitkino?


For a relatively obscure title, it surprises me how much have they raped this IP and ignored the single and simple concept the game is build around: Don't fucking get detected
47 has killed more people in a single scene in any of the movies than in the 4 canon games, and the man himself doesn't even shoot that much, canonically he has only shot the ballers like 3 or 4 times, they are a last-resource insurance policy, not his daily tools

Why do they keep trying to make this a thing? Literally nobody gives a shit about the hitman games but they keep trying and trying to make movies n shit about the ip.

Neutral aligned classic James Bond with decent amount of (ridiculous) cinematic backstory and a knack to do things cleanly
The problem is they never portray him as the calm but paranoid Bond infiltrating buildings with autism detail, nor do they make any material with his original story
The movies seem to be made after the screenwriter gets bored and goes Hard Boiled with the base weapons. The games canonically ended 12 years ago, my guess is that the parent company (the same ones who did Tomb Raider) are milking the IP for quick bucks
They don't care if the jews destroy their own nurtured work, they are nordic after all

Isn't scripting the same as writing?

fucking this
you never even have enough ammo to fight every badguy on the map

You could make an interesting series by really basing it on the way the games work. How is 47 going to discreetly take out the target this week? It's probably just going to be a lot of shooting and martial arts though.

What the fuck is up with all this pushing of Hitman, both in vidya and in TV/film?
It was never that popular of a series and it was never some big action game, either.

it will have Olga Kurylenko?

It was basically a puzzle game, the only way to adapt such a thing is to make the puzzle run in very tight terms for it to look like a time-based thriller
Or stick with the first game's story, and a possible sequel with the second

A series would need an all-encompassing narrative concept, hence it should be a mini-series due to lack of prolonged content, or be highly episodic, and the only concept that could make such a thing is the third game, where the man is basically dying from his wounds and sees all the important hits in his short free life, linking them with short, surreal hallucinations between his convulsions
And that one is basically the first game story told backwards

Basically nobody in charge has played the games, or read the book, or seen material which the game ripped off, like Le Samurai, Connery Bond or The Day of the Jackal

it has potential
blood money works pretty much the same if it was a game or a series, you've got a simple overarching plot of the cops/fbi whatever trying to catch him, while also having episodic assasinations

Hitman is one of the easiest games to transfer into television format.
Let's see how they fuck it up.


Hotline Miami would be easier.
How it hasn't made it to the screen yet is a crime.

Pretty hard to make it IMO, it's too absurd and badly written to be action drama and it's unfunny for it to be a comedy

The second game would be a lot easier than the first.
If the first game was a movie/show it would be random fight scenes.

Have you ever seen the trailer for HLM?
It looks like a movie trailer.

Not good for a game

HLM is 100% a gameplay-focused game, not sure why they went for the movie route with the trailers.
But hey, they're decently made.

That's true, i dislike most of it but gameplay-wise they are well made, and that's what matters at the end of the day
The fanbase is reddit-tier tho, but almost all of them are, except the Hitman/Splinter Cell tbh :^)


I wish that Bad Company tv show got made.

The first game is pretty well written and could easily be made into a movie.
Just dont get Ryan Gosling to be Jacket.

They should base the first episode on the Opera map.

It's a pretty shitty concept for a move to begin with though. I mean who would watch a 90 minute movie about someone in a suit carefully planning to kill someone else for money without any other motive? I mean you can't really do it quirky Oceans 11 style because it's about people systematically getting assassinated. You also can't really make Agent 47 sympathetic. This is the kind of thing that works much better as a game.

At least he will be white, because we can't have a nigger running around and killing people, because that would be too accurate to reality

IO own Hitman and bought themselves out from Square Enix.
With any luck, they'll actually work with the writers on this to make it better than the last 2 attempts.

I think writing credit goes to a more novel and the script is closer to a screenplay.