Twin Peaks: The Return

How did you like this series? I approached it expecting a current year show, but left genuinely surprised.

Yet, I'm critical of the shift from "soap opera crime story" to "twilight zone on the road". Also, there was hardly a point in Evil Cooper's quest since he didn't want to return to fantasyland, yet went straight back to Twin Peaks.

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The Return was amazing, might be the best TV show ever made. The shift to "twilight zone on the road" is one big reason why I love it so much. It was such a darker tone than before, to fit with the theme of America's decay.

I was left mostly disappointed and felt more than a little underwhelmed. Like so many other director's Lynch felt the need to revisit an old, classic series decades later, and the result left a lot to be desired. A lot of it felt like Lynch was (slowly) jerking himself off - the long, essentially pointless scenes, the weird for the sake of weird, etc.
I think it would have been better if it hadn't had a connection to the original series.

I didn't really got what happened to the characters afterwards. They got bob, they got that other evil entity they had started the whole thing for, so what did Laura scream about?

She realised it's the current year.


They didn't get Judy, Coop fucked up again, worse than he did at the end of season 2.

Grade A Dunkakino

I still remember normalfags being asshurt on social media over 2deep4u Lynching when they had to sit through deep lore

I think The Return will have a lasting impact on TV just as the original run did. It will just be more subtle this time since it wasn't Game of Normies level of popular. The right people saw it and enjoyed it.

The shift should have been pretty clear as season 2 started setting it up and the movie had the same tone as season 3 did.

They got all the henchmen but failed to get the evil spirit in charge. Cooper fucked up big time, even more than he did in season 2. Where he got trapped in the lodge, he is now trapped in a world mostly dominated by Judy and isn't even in the right time anymore. The faces are the same but that is it.

So, he was caught when he fell for Diane?

Judy = Juden


This theory claims he didn't fuck up and did get Judy.

Pretentious shit.



Does anyone has the 0% jewish image?



It's interesting and brings up some things i hadn't considered, but I'm still not totally convinced that they didn't fuck up.

They have said there are no plans for another season but that they haven't ruled it out either. What would be left if it were that wrapped up? Coop isn't actually destroyed so let's rescue him from the cage? Let's continue Twin Peaks without It's protagonist, villains, or even possibly it's history?

I don't mean I think Coop fucked up in the same way as in the S2 finale, that was very open ended and kind of demanded some closure. S3 I think could very well act as the end of the series, whether or not it's possible for them to continue if they so choose. I just think we got the bad ending, that the evil wasn't defeated wrapped up in a bow the way dopplecooper was.

Whoever posted the flynn boyle and other fanfic epilogue where did you find it

Is in the book, mind you IDK if ANYTHING Twin Peaks is canon by this point.
It seems that even Frost gets a hard on by punching Boyle's face, though I feel bad for Kelly.


The important think.
Is Twin Peaks=The Return thematically.
Was the return to modern TV what the original was to the soap operas of the 90's?



Is fun, people always say how nowadays TV is "the golden age" of tv and "so cinematic" but for years now I've noticed how we've fallen in the second age of soaps, the only difference is that now people have their heads so far up their own ass to realize about it, cheap drama, cliffhangers, tvtropes character writing, style over substance and copy-paste style at that. And then, the return felt really cinematic.

Well yeah, the presentation has improved and there's more edgyness to it but it's still the same old soap under the hood in television. So in many ways the stage Lynch returned to was unchanged.


The finale of season 3 reminded me of Windom Earle in some ways when Cooper manipulated the timeline. He wanted to utilise the power of the Black Lodge but only Cooper got too, although it seemed to have backfired.

I doudbt Lynch is gonna live long enough to film another season. It took him 2 years to fucking edit Season 3.

okay, had to confirm
thumbnail is definitely not Trump

No webm cause 11 minutes.

tfw I stopped watching neo-Twin Peaks when I realized it was based on nostalgic self indulgence.



yeah, It's obvious. Anyone who thinks the new Twin Peaks is "deep" is obviously a retard. It amazes me that Lynch actually attempted this, when he is known for breaking new ground.

Watch the video you fag.

I did, you faggot. The video just confirms exactly what I just said. The new Twin Peaks relies solely on nostalgia.

You got the tism, not me for noticing the thumbnail looks like a black and white photo of trump with a gay beard.

It's a pretty layered piece of metafiction but I wonder how much of that is due to Lynch being able to get away with anything. You can talk all you want about how The Return subverted the expectations of revival series but that would've been the case if it was 16 hours of Dougie Jones walking around Las Vegas with occasional moments of pathos or 16 straight hours of Dougie Jones shitting on a tarp.


Some behind the scenes.
Also, the Blu-Ray came out 2 days ago and there isn't a single REMUX in any torrent, just some WEBrips.

Then why does it look so weird? Every time I watch it looks so smooth. Like a higher framerate

This guy is like a kid playing with his favorite toys.


the return subtitle was tagged by Showtime, not Lynch. it's just season 3.

he is america's last most iconic director. Kubrick died leaving him behind as the only original auteur left in Hollywood.

Lynch knows better than to be so blatantly open about kikery.

all i know is that the giant for Cooper to become Richard. Maybe Coop gets sacrificed by the fireman in order to stop Xiao di.

Will this make me want to eat pie as much as the first one did?

the entire theme of the 3rd season is about twin peak's stagnation and decay.

Nah, he wanted to get away from Cooper and had him killed, then meet with Judy to change dimension without getting captured.

What is Mulholland Drive.

Should we shill at Showtime for Season 4?

Not sure. I'm sure Lynch/Frost could make a season 4 work, but they committed a long time into season 3. Not to mention that 3 was a very pleasant surprise and even closes everything off and wraps it all up.

I want more Twin Peaks, so yes.

Well, awards ceremonies are already snubbing it.
Only Kyle got a Golden Globe nomination. the best limited series didn't even mention it.