White Supremacist, Communist-Nazi PewDiePie Reveals He's a Cuckchanner

**Does this finally prove he's /ourguy/?

He used to post on Holla Forums back in the day.


pick one and only one

Wouldn't done that if i was him

Daily reminder Holla Forumstards unironically watch PewDiePie just because he said "le nigger word XDDD" and is """redpilled."""

Fucking pathetic tbh.

pewdiepie is the best, faggot

Further proof all Holla Forumstards are twelve year old edgelords. :^)

This is true. I heard he was this awful unfunny hack so I never watched him. When I heard he was being edgy I watched a few webms on Holla Forums and he's actually funny. I think people shit on him because he's popular. People like DSP can barely contain their rage when they speak about him, but it's unfounded imho. He's better than most of the wannabe comedian types on youtube.


Forget about this fucker!!


people shit on him because his older videos were legit annoying
around 2014-15 he started refining his style and now he's a fairly decent youtuber
he even admitted this himself


>hey man, i know you're a fat tub of mystery meat, but billy says he gets way less pussy than you

I watch him because he's funny not because he's a barely right wing person. at least your bait is good tbh

I've only seem a few from 2016 onwards, so I must have missed his retard phase.


imagine being this butthurt

Fuck off nu-pol.

>>>/reddit/ (AKA Holla Forums AKA nu-r/the_donald)

Black hole sun,
won't you come?
And wash away the rain?

Literally, anyone with a brain can make a few nazi jokes, you're being butthurt over perhaps the most pathetic thing ever. Go fix your wall tbh, your punches aren't helping it

Lighten up, faggot. You sound like one of those kids in a Bob Dylan song's comment section


Nice rebutting there, Reddit

Well you're in every thread saying the same shit calling everyone a redipol neonazi. It just seems like something's bothering you.

>traditionally conservative feminist parents


This thread really pisses off the shills. Probs because they can't handle the fact that pewds is a legit communist white supremacist. Get fuckt /reddipol/!

what does that even mean

Don't fall for the bait, user. I think you can already see it.

nu? whats happened over there recently? * I don't fraternize with faggots

Daily reminder Holla Forumstards would think PewDiePie is e-celeb garbage if he was left wing/centrist. Only reason they like him is because he appeals to their low brow edgelord humor and is "redpilled."

All Holla Forums users need to gb2:

I can but it's funny to reply to them
it's like a game, what will they say next?

Everyone knows pewds is mocking the 'far-right'. He literally gives the black power fist in every other video in addition to putting in subliminal pro-socialism memes in his vids.

Every single "you laugh you lose video" is him browsing cuckchan mp4/webms. He doesnt even select for the best ones, he's so lazy he just watched 40 vids then hands over the raw footage to his english/romanian buttbudies to make a 10 min vid out of it.
Fuck him.

(this meme is you)

Epic maymay!

cleaned up the jpeg for ya

hmm… the transparency is not working in the thumbnail

I don't go over their either, but I doubt anything over there has changed. He probably doesn't even know what nu means and is just adding it to random things because he knows it is usually used as an insult.

He is saying that pol is the net reddit.

What do you mean?

Sorry meant Holla Forums is the new reddit.

I mean they are the new establishment cheerleading squad. They have abandoned everything that made them good and become a playpen where autists and normalfags spend their time cheering on ziocucked shills. They are basically the donald now.

High five, fellow meme general!

*high fives*

Yeah, Trump is no perfect saint, but his enemies are worse than he is. Don't cave to pressure homie. Be pragmatic and don't burn all of your bridges if you don't get your specific flavor of ice cream.

Well, after Trump turned out to be a crypto-kike we became hammered to the point of desperation. And in our desperation, we turned to a man we didn't fully understand.

At least he's a white man that the kids can look up to instead of whatever rape ape Disney is shilling kids to watch (he's also vastly more popular.)

He disagrees with all of the fundamental beliefs though.
So exactly what are the 50% of beliefs that he agrees with me on here? All of the inconsequential ones?

Are they? All I want is a homogeneous society free of debt slavery and subservience to Israel and he is just as committed to these things as hillary would have been so how is he better?

He is being used as a tool to make people dislike white men though. He is popular among a certain group, not the majority of America.



In the way he is portrayed. He really isn't as popular as people like to think he is either, it's not like everybody voted and despite that he still lost the popular vote. Most people dislike him.

Oh, I was referring to Pewdiepie >_>

That resulted in people hating the media, not Trump.


Not really. Trust is at an all-time low. The left is acting so stupid that all of Trump's dumb shit is getting ignored by non-indoctrinateds even though the media is running with every little thing he does.

I'm just glad we have a good Aryan role model for children to look up to. He knows the truth, there's a reason he left Sweden. He's a major force in the culture war, and too big for the kikes to try and no-platform.

Chris-Chan has been known to normalfags for awhile now tbh

Thats what I was trying to get at with:

Once you've got the children then you've already won. There's a reason Jews are so keen to mitigate parenting as much as possible.

Which is why it is one of the main goals of communism.

Yes, among certain groups of people it is. Why do you think those groups make up the majority?

What is the right? Am I expected to share a tent with race mixing faggot jews and Israel first shills because they are on "the right"? You faggots have all been manipulated into taking part in the political shell game again despite knowing it is trash. Sad!

The indoctrinated make up the majority of the world though. Everybody is indoctrinated from childhood onwards.

There are always more people rolling with that and criticising him than defending him. What makes you think that everybody is suddenly distrustful of the media and loves Drumpf?

What makes you think he has them?

Nvm you are talking about pewdiepie right?

Because the statistics. In sept last year 32% of Americans say they have a "great deal" or "fair amount" of trust.

Not sure where you got that from. Pretty jewey rhetoric tbh.

Less every day.

Wrong. People who were already anti-Trump are becoming more and more unhinged. People who were on the fence are pretty much the same/becoming more sympathetic after watching the anti-Trumpers. People who were pro-Trump are pretty much the same/disappointed that he isn't as far-right as they'd secretly hoped.

Read, faggot.

This, further proves that Holla Forumstards are fucking retards.


dat filename
Next level shitposting

What statistics are those, who collected them and how many people took part in it?

The "nu-right" is full of fags and Israel first shabbos goyim. Am I supposed to just ignore that and hop on board the fag friendly pro Israel train because Donny Drumpf is a-ok with them? Define the right. What is it?


You have all these unverified claims but really they are just the result of staying in your echo chamber. It's just the same shit as it is with every other president but you want to delude yourselves into thinking you have won because now there are two controlled opposition groups being pitted against each other. Meanwhile no real changes are being made and America continues to get darker with each year.

Again, kike rhetoric. At no point did I suggest anything even vaguely like that.

It's just what I've seen. Purely anecdotal, but it's enough to give me some hope, and I'm usually a pessimist.

Look at what you yourself are doing, champ. You could do the most cursory google search and prove me wrong if you were right, but you don't because you're not. I'm sorry that you're not equipped to have this discussion with me, dawg.

Homosexuality is only okay when white people do it.

Tbh, i think he's geniunly funny sometimes.

poo DIE pie xDDD


Well what is the right then? My point is that in the eyes of the average trump voter the fags like milo are "based" and Israel is a bastion of democracy in the middle east. These are the kind of people that make up the majority of the nu-right, the kind of people that cheer when he insults Iran are just as mindless as the average leftist. If I am wrong tell me what the right actually.

Ok. I'm sure your personalexperience accurately represents the entire country.

What am I supposed to be proving you wrong about?
My claims is that Drumpfeteers are retarded for supporting a man who:

Your the one claiming this great awakening is happening so it's on you to prove it. So far you Haven't.

Has it ever occurred to you that some people like to watch a youtuber for fun?
To waste time maybe?

Leave. Now.

ok I'll go back to my confinement cell, talk to you in ten years again

Too late son, you already displayed interest in "fun". You are sentenced to 15 years in a iso cube.

im a fan of anyone who believes in the 14 words

I'm 35 you little cocksucker.

Sure you are, lad. Sure you are.

stop samefagging

All white women must willingly submit to the glory of the Big Black Cock?

Wait Pewdiepie is NazBol?

I'm sure your waifu does already but nice projection

Yeah I am. And I assume you're a faggot, right?

Yeah, pewds is fucking based, tbqh. I'm pretty sure I've seen him use 8 Holla Forums for content before. There is no other person who makes me laugh harder other than Sam Hyde, not on youtube not anywhere. I always donate to his live streams ever since he redpilled everyone by dropping the n word.

laid the sarcasm a bit thick there at the end

You DOUBLE NIGGER, stop being weak.

It takes strength not to say the n-word.

/cow/ is fullchan

/ourguy/ confirmed



>>>Holla Forums

what the fuck happened to this board

BO should've accepted my vol application. I told him I'd wreck this board if he didn't. Oh well, greener pastures and whatnot toodle-oo!

OP is a faggot


you mean the nigger word.

what a fucking gorgeous babe, fucking marry me

1: Does she say she has Charlottesville in her room, "right now?"
2: If so, is that a reference to the Unite the Right rally?
3: Is "Clyde, I found a nigger" a Columbine reference?
4: Why do they call a chink a nigger?

if he started doing pro-commie shit (witch he wouldnt do) youd be praising him admit it
stop being so sad that your losing the culture war, your kind wont exist anymore before you know it :^)

Go back to reddit faggot

Holla Forums and various other forms of reddity imageboard vermin thought they're getting a chance to BTFO the resident Holla Forumstards of Holla Forums due to various recent indications that Drumpf is going to let said Holla Forumstards down in the end. Unfortunately they are unfunny. Even maisiefagging was actually funny in an ironic sort of way.


Good goyim.

Cuckchanners are fucking retards no shit hes a fucking dipshit vidya lover

Get a load of this samefagging autist
Go back to >>>Holla Forums

I dont get the point of this thread though

Jesus fuck you're a salty snowflake. Haven't been over there in a while but preddy fucking sure it still is what it's always been: a bunch of anons calling each other kike and reporting everything. The fact you not only fail to understand the basic nature of the board you're obsessed with but constantly and repetitively insist on trying to import it over here where it doesn't belong says a lot about your autism.

Daily reminder Holla Forums's tranny BO got caught giving head on camera

Nigger might be the most frequent word thrown around in black suburbia. If niggers themselves call their own people as such, I guess they are indeed sure that is the name of their people.

Or at least their species.
