Why does she look like an abo?

Why does she look like an abo?

There's nothing Australian about her heritage, are abos the end result of advanced race mixing?

I would love to be her servant tbh.

Perfect woman

What shitty tattoos

She selected "randomize" during character creation.

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

Virgin squad activated

She's well known for having a heroin addiction.

I really don't think see it, famalam.

source of gtfo

I'm a wizard and if you said that to my face I'd incinerate you with a fireball.

I am aboriginal and I don't look like it


I have on the other hand fucked a model that look a bit like her but very less pretty but she sucked well


Silly you.


You guys are just jealous.


my gf dresses exactly like her.

No ass. 😣

Cara Delevingne on estrogen

Nigger spotted and reported

Valerian wasn't nearly as bad as you guys made it out to be. The only really bad part was muh six bazillion. Other than that it was a visual treat that managed to feel fresh and creative.


Pretty sure she has hairs on her boobs.

Dane DeHaan was the wrong choice.

I dunno, except for the number it really wasn't about muh holohoax at all.

He was okay though. And it's not often you get a hero character looking like he hasn't slept for years. Still, I agree, should have gotten somebody more charismatic and fun. It was basically The Fifth Element if Willis had called in sick and they cast an intern in his role. It's not awful but sure, there's unfulfilled potential there.

If that's an abo I no longer think the colonists were disgusting for breeding with them.

she looks like a monkey

She doesn't look like a nigger at all, user.

Imagine if she made you she pusy slave

Bc she looks malnourished she's a skelletor

It's the shitty hair most of the time, caterpillar eyebrows, fish mouth and bulgy eyes, the unique nose doesn't help either

fucking tramp. There are many things I will defend but that is not one of them

this, although shitty tattoo is a bit redundant. I've never seen a woman's appearance improved by one

I bet she smells like ashtrays and stale fishfood.

if i knew my name would live on for 1000 years and i had to chose a women to have children with, i would not hesitate for a second to have her as my wife


Same here.

Never the less you will share their fate.

I've never seen someone so repulsive and beautiful at the same time.

The budget?

It's a strange feeling.

I swear to god, I was battling this same feeling while watching Valerian and I could not for the life of me decide whether:

1. She's "almost" ugly.


2. She's "almost" pretty.

I'm leaning towards number 2. She looks like in a couple years she will look like a really skanky woman that works as a manager at a grocery store.

every single time someone with an atypical face is talked about in popular culture, Holla Forumsautists instantly say it is fetal alcohol syndrome. It's not.

t. fetal alcohol syndrome poster


maise is disgusting and i wish maise posters were perma banned

cara, however, does not look like fetal alcohol syndrome and doesn't fit the profile at all.



Kinda want to bang that.

Go to hell.

I don't have to suffer with you. Maisie offers redemption, and harmony to her followers. Why don't you let go of the halfchan mentality, user? Why don't you embrace Maisieness?

Eat Shit


Kill yourself.

Jesus Christ. The Jenny fas is a stretch but this is fucking spot on

She was almost Gal Gadot level bad in the Valerian, not that I watched the entire shitfest

If Asians are so smart then how did the Boxer Rebellion or the Mao Dynasty happen?

Well you see, white women are more likely to have larger breasts. She has none, and your brain is partially functioning so you go "Wait, she can't be white." If it was totally functioning you'd go "HOLY SHIT, IT'S A MAN! THAT FAG IS AN ABOMINATION! LET US TAKE UP ARMS TO KILL IT!"

Or if you're an ironic shitposter who can never speak the truth, the living embodiment of that stupid riddle with the talking door that always lies, then you'll say "perfect woman" in which case you should also be put to death.

all were smart things to do

viddu :-DDD

Which makes her the best, ultimate woman. We all agree then.




is this supposed to be attractive? :^/

"Why do you have so many aboriginal girl pics?" you may ask
Because i am cultured dear sir tip o de brim

The word is a smorgasbord of flavours and peoples for your dick

you wouldn't know what attractive was if it jumped up and bit you on the ass cunt


I bet that girl on the first 3 pics gives an awesome blowjob

Dumbassery at it's purest form. Check the proof.

I sure as fuck don't want these subhumans jump and bite me.

live a little
you'll never never know if you never never go!

Just don't live with subhumans

A who?

I don't get it.

Why does she look like a tranny would've been the better question


even this chick that you consider ugly is still 100 times prettier than the asian goblins you fawn over.

nobody considers her ugly, she's the best


Did you just assume that I like non-human slanteds?

Lily Collins is best eyebrowfu

would you say she's a girl that's been on your mind, all the time?

Is this a meme or are there several different people this stupid?


This tbh


Not FAS, just obviously and painfully british.

Yes it was you just have shit taste.

It's one guy going around with his picture

Much nicer bum than Cara

really shrinks my dink

Just say the word

She looks like Nick Stahl

It stands for daddy delememe and reminds her why she has a career.

Because she's a flavor of the month whore for plebs and not a goddess