A new trend is sweeping the deeper and darker parts of the internet. Sites known for their right wing extremism...

A new trend is sweeping the deeper and darker parts of the internet. Sites known for their right wing extremism, such as reddit and Holla Forums, have begun spreading their views into the online world of anime (a Japanese form of cartoon) discussion. Anime, which has been growing in mainstream Western popularity for years, has long been regarded as a progressive and forward-thinking medium of art. This has made it the target of the large and hostile neo-nazi wing of the world wide web.

Through a new artificially created meme, "Cuckime", these extremists are attempting to divide the anime world. Cuckime, a play on the words "cuck" and "anime", is meant to describe anime that does not conform to conservative ideals. Anime in which, say, the protagonist does not conform to masculine norms. Anime in which the female characters are dominant over the male characters (an area in which anime has been ahead of the West for years, by the way). Anime with love triangles, "NTR" (not entirely sure what this is), and no clear romantic resolution have all apparently earned the label "Cuckime". In other words, anything that goes against a euro-centric traditionalist idea has been slandered with this new and troubling form of hate speech.

The meme originally started on 4chan, but the moderation team - headed by celebrated Japanese Tech guru Hiroyuki - acted quickly to ban it. It was only when the notorious site Holla Forums, known home of pedophiles and fascists, picked up on it that the meme truly began to catch fire. Threads on the site's Holla Forums (politics) board called for the "creation of some quality propoganda OC we can spread to the normalf*gs". This "OC" (chan terminology for "original content") has reportedly been spread everywhere from reddit, to tumblr, to myanimelist, to the kissime comments section. Luckily, most of this has been deleted and the userbase's have reacted with widespread hostility.

This is clearly part of a larger attempt by conservatives to take over the internet as a safe space for their hate. In fact, the "Cuckime" meme itself harkens back to the recent "Cuckservative" meme that caused a minor firestorm. Mainstream, reasonable conservatives like Jeb Bush have joined a long list of others - blacks, gays, Muslims, transexuals - as a target of ridicule for this small minority of extremists. If the internet is to remain a haven for free, progressive thought then memes like this need to be excised like the cancer they are.

Good /n/ post, very informative.

Which flopped forced meme is worse, reddipol or cuckime?

reddit isn't known for being right-wing or compatible with imageboards, and "cuckime" just makes no sense. The latter is spammed constantly by that one tard though, so I think it wins.

hardly flopped or forced, weebloser

Hello I just wanted to remind you that it took almost two years to get /reddipol/ and /poleddit/ to where they are now. Please think of the effort involved in creating/popularizing a meme such as this and pay respect where respect is due.
t. creator of the meme


Being tired of a couple of weapons grade autists constantly spamming "cuckime" and throwing tantrums because they want an anime-free safe space doesn't mean we want a safe space.

We don't belong here? This is an imageboard, it's about television and film which means anime, and the owner has made it abundantly clear that any kind of animation can be posted here.

If you belonged here as much as you think then you'd also know just how "moderated" this board is.

It doesn't roll off the tongue the two words don't sound similiar at all, it's fucking lazy and uninspired.

What sort of dense cunt goes to a chan and expects a board to be free of anime just because it isn't the boards theme?

They are called goons.

Yes, sweetie, and we're taking over ;^).

A new spectre is haunting the internet. The spectre of fascism.

Not likely.

It made you butthurt enough to make a thread about it and what will basically be a new pasta.
What does that say?

oh jesus, it's the weebs even nu/pol/ rejected



No one is going to check these?

Bump to fire reddipol

You're supposed to say:
I want this to become the next big meme. Thanks.

I got banned from >>>/islam/ for wishing everyone a happy Halloween in general thread.

Holla Forums is a cesspool of intolerance on both sides