where did everything go so wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:





Just some washed up e-celeb that got a shot in the big leagues and blew it and maintains his lifestyle by scamming gullible right win retards. Just sage, hide and ignore, if it weren't for these containment threads the RWSJW's would shit up the board more than they already do. It's a necessary evil.

Thanks for the rundown. Hiding thread now.

lol butthurt

You wish you were as smart as him

hi sam

honestly I can't tell. I hate Sam as a person too and but why make threads complaining about him? Is it because you feel bad you can't understand some of his work?


It contains the right wing retards and let's me BTFO of them if I am in a bad mood and need to vent.

lol hydecucked

>Scam "his fans" (and) Hide "the money that he stole from them" "the dick sucking guy"


lol butthurt

When you kept spamming this untalented ugly fag

lol hydehurt


Your daddy sucks dick you gullible right wing retard.

Hey guys, I just uploaded another video to my channel.


He scammed anonymous. We never forgive, we never forget.

Expect us


Shhhh, no need to be upset.


you know, the only sam hyde rumor that has any credibility to it is the marky-chan one, just because sam mentions that he knew a really cute girl in "boston ross" and told her not to eat anything so he could fuck her in the ass
vid rel - 2:20

pic rel too

Did that one start before or after the Ross video?

The video came out like 9 months before the post was made according to the timestamp

fuck I messed up, the video actually came out three months AFTER the rumor

Uh oh, 15 in the ass the law won't give a pass

Doesn't matter, he'll keep getting away with it
You think cops coul take on this big motherfucker?

Depends if he's Jewish or not.

Maybe he got lucky that MDE got cancelled before the Weinstein thing blew up Hollywood.

Pity though, it would have been funnier if Sam's sexual deviance ended up ruining him instead of him sperging out on Twitter with right-wing stuff.

I have returned.


I did.
Unless you post some Rose McGowan nudes, I will delete all your threads.

Is this some kind of normalfag celebrity.
She looks like she has a glasgow smile though.


Wtf was his rabbi thinking? He took half of his dick sleeve off.

Why live when you don't have a rape accuser sucking on your cock?

Americans just like Muslims and Jews

Wtf with aggrah snackbar?

I know that but it looks like his surgeon got a little too into the cutting and decided to remove half of the skin on his dick.

A daring brave comedian who pushed the boundaries of comedy back into actual comedy but was punished by kikes for this. He now has several other projects lined up (he said he does) and unfortunately his season 2 MDE got cancelled.
Sam Hyde is /our guy/ more so than anyone else.

Sounds like reddipol famalamadingdong

Sounds like you're reddit famalamadingdong

Funny you should say that reddipol. Because your boy Scam the fucking goyim and Hyde your jewishness is pretty open about it back on your home.


Rothschild banking dynasty in the 1500s.
You're all late to the party, you smug slobs.

Nice try reddit but you have to go back.

its obvious that the politics got you angry. why not just own the anger and move on? you are hurt and lashing out over it

i wonder if Ashley ever got in contact w/ him or just moved w/ her life entirely

this is a chan. You're the one who doesn't belong here. And you know it.

They are used to getting their way through tantrums. Usually if they stamp their feet and scream loud enough people capitulate. For some reason it's not working now no matter how hard they autistically screech.

This is an imageboard.