Dude, the 80's, stifin kangz, lemon

dude, the 80's, stifin kangz, lemon

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is this supposed to be the new chan 'meme-face'?


I fucking hate that fucking shitskin/mexican mongrel. My satisfaction will be when he ages and in 15 years he's gonna be the next posterboy of JUST. He will be the next steven anthony lawrence.

It's some cuckchan shit.

The irony is he is non of those things

That's even worse. Literally a de-evolution, a subhuman.

Italians are white, dude. Enough with this DnC infighting.

waaaait wait wait. He's italian? He's fucking italian for real?

What the fuck is that supposed to be based on? Another Soros paraphilia worshiped by tumblr? Literally, Are You Afraid of the Dark reboot?

Yep, just checked. Matarazzo.
Well this is awkward, i'm italian too.

Weren't you supposed to be fighting with giant turtles?

i don't know this meme


Murica is hwitte

What the fuck is this image even supposed to mean?

Frog face! Yes I hate this cunt and his equally abhorrent cast members; aside from the red head.

He's also Hungarian which might explain the slight Hispanic skin tone and flatter nose

Probably jewish then.

OP you are a degenerate who memes about kikes and degeneracy. Congratulations on this massive level of hypocrisy. Congrats on being a filthy piece of shit.
You are no different than nazis or jews, you deserve to be put six feet under.
You aren't cool, you aren't smart and you probably have really bad taste in film and music as a result.
This board is a place for people with taste to come and discuss films, not to shit up the board with Holla Forums and /r9k/ and /autism/

That is next-level radical centrism.

You're a brainlet also who can't think by himself and can't not meme I guess too. Fucking dipshit.

He said Hungarian, not Polish.

Well 'matarazzo' is possibly Jewish…

t. butthurt german

This is an English-only board.

Judging by its stable manner of life, it was in neighboring Poland that the biggest Jewish community emerged, expanded and became strong from the 13th to the 18th century. It formed the basis of the future Russian Jewry, which became the most important part of world Jewry until the 20th century. Starting in the 16th century a significant number of Polish and Czech Jews emigrated into the Ukraine, White Russia and Lithuania. In the 15th century Jewish merchants traveled still unhindered from the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom to Moscow. But that changed under Ivan IV the Terrible: Jewish merchants were forbidden entry.

And the growth of Jewish population of Russia was rapid and confident. In 1864 it amounted to 1,500,000 without counting Jews in Poland. And together with Poland in 1850 it was 2,350,000; and in 1860 it was already 3,980,000. From the initial population of around 1,000,000 at the time of the first partitions of Poland, to 5,175,000 by the census of 1897 — that is, after a century, it grew more than five times. (At the start of the 19th century Russian Jewry amounted to 30% of the world’s Jewish population, while in 1880 it was already 51%).

The newly formed independent Poland played an important role. It had a large Jewish population of its own before the revolution, and now a part of those who left Poland during the war were returning there too. “Poles estimate that after the Bolshevik revolution” 200-300 thousand Jews “arrived in Poland from Russia.”

In different areas of the front things took shape differently: in some areas, the Soviets would not admit Jewish refugees at all; in other places they were welcomed but later sometimes sent back to the Germans. Overall, it is believed that around 300,000 Jews managed to migrate from the Western to the Eastern Poland in the first months of the war, and later the Soviets evacuated them deeper into the USSR.

Two Hundred Years Together, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Poland has an history with jews, whether you like to admit it or not.

Tell that to all the polfags

Maybe right, I'm a quarter Polish, and my 23andme test gave me 0.6% Ashkenazi.

Where to buy English version?

I have the version Holla Forums anons finished, but it doesn't seem to be letting me post it directly so I'll upload it somewhere else.

It's the face of America

The face of nauseatingly inclusive America.

guys my show got canceled and i need money
pay attention to me and donate to my patreon

Fix that face and then we'll talk. You're a liability.

I really don't get why people think he's so ugly. I get he has some genetic disorder but he looks normal, even particularly clean-looking which is the main thing women look for, hygienic.

the new 60% face tbh :^(

stop making fun of /ourguy/


He looks anything but normal or clean, user.

Some shitty leftypol devised meme. I still have no idea what it's supposed to represent since you usually need a wall of text to explain them.

would you?

I want her to sit on my face tbh

I love how an Ed Edd n Eddy reference was thrown in that image and it adds nothing.

It's a bunch of dumb, fat, 56 percent white americans worshiping black athletes. How do you not instinctively get what this meme is conveying?

It's a far right meme though.

It must be so embarrassing to be a burger.



Is he related to this fine Jewish specimen/wife?

That is where you are wrong, champ.

Muh waifu is not a kike

Is it weird I wanna have sex with it?

Yes because it's cuckime.

It's definitely not for cuckime posters.


How can it be a Holla Forums meme when it's actually funny?

Because it's not funny, and you have to go back >>>/brit/


In the name of Cuckime I approve this! kek

Seems kc tier.

nigga I recently went on one of my occasional surveillances of Holla Forums and a thread about subverting Holla Forums with this meme was the first thing I saw

nice try reddipol

What are you on about?

I appreciate that alot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you its ok, but let me send you a message:

This is a blip, a temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated, but dont be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you're out of your parents basement to meet a few people that arent like you. You are afraid. We are not.

People making fun of children with facial deformities makes me sad.
Especially when they are cheerful like the stranger things kid, and not just pity objects.

t. deformed beast

They should have thought about that before thrusting themselves upon the audience. The parents are more to blame though. Continuing to live in denial over how abhorrent their 'differently able' offspring are.


Keep telling yourself that. It might comfort you but will ultimately be proven wrong; yet by that time it will be too late to shelter from the storm. Noose or nation?

This board must be like a lars von trier film to you.

Anti-European D&C

Yes only physically perfect people should be allowed on television unless its for a specific plot purpose. I agree with that.
But as that isnt the convention and child actors almost always get chewed up and spit out by the Harvywood machine it still makes me feel bad.

Also its much worse when the child in question is cheerful, i dont know why but i feel much less pity for sadness object children. I think its cause they come across on TV much more like some one is trying to teach me a trite moral lesson.
But i dunno really.

If we practiced eugenics that wouldn't be a problem.


At times

Its odd as i don't feel nearly the same pity for adults with deformities.

Must be the innate urge to protect the innocence of children and shelter them from the harshness of the world.

I can't be the only person to feel this way.

Im un-ironically totally in favor if eugenics, and would like to see a moonshot type government investment in ensuring that within twenty years only genetically perfect children are born.

How is this rape?

nigger, haha, xD

It's a cuckchan /int/ meme, not Holla Forums. You're giving them too much credit.

shia is that you?

He looks asian.

It's everyone who got tired of Americans laughing at the splinters in everyone else's eyes, while ignoring the log in their own.

It's that race mixed abomination from Talmudic Things.

Holy shit, that kid needs to not be on TV, he is not helping the 56% meme.

Reality is more weirder than the meme

Its not

its just a joke.



So Holla Forums?

Actually that's pure ethic European And yes, it is an abomination

Holla Forums are mostly American. Only Americans are that obnoxious.

it's a bot. it posts the same text in random threads.

I think they prefer to be called Democrats, user.

He is Italian and I would bet upon him being a Southern Italian mixture with Arab and/or African.

Regardless, he's still European and that means he has to to go on DOTR

Any results under 3% simply aren't reliable. There are many factors in identifying ancestry which can be easily corrupted; for example, your DNA could have been compared with mixed Polish DNA, which could explain the result. It's not an exact science, it serves as a simple curiosity for people interested in the field, if you're actually interested in getting results with an higher accuracy, you'd have to look at your genes separately and then compare it yourself with non-mixed genomes; you would still have to trust a laboratory to provide you with those.

tl;dr looking in the mirror and comparing phenotypes is more accurate than genetic tests through companies like ancestry.com or 23andme

Americans aren't European.