
So what are the essential qualities needed to make a great villain for a story? Also post your favorite Holla Forums related villains here.


intelligence, nihilism and a wicked sense of humour

Knowledge of how to use a katana

Heh, really remind me of myself

The inability or total lack of self awareness when they cross the line. General sociopathy.

Homosexuality ♥

Best villian of all time, prove me wrong.


in the eyes of the villain he is the hero

Was this list made on Reddit?



What is wrong with you, fag?


Feeling insecure?

Just your spam of Adam Driver seems unrelevant to this thread

He was the vilain in The Mist you fucking shitlord.

I guess you are the only one on this board who knows this

One of the worst series that I have ever seen.
Glad it has been cancelled.
It was a fucking SJW propaganda work.

A little faith in humanity remains


Make me feel hate

Someone you would hate in real life but is so entertaining you sort of root for them.

The guys on the left in this movie. Accurately portraited villains, pure evil.



Why did the director make them so cartoonishly evil-looking? He went too far, I think.

Those stupid nazis who think jews are some kind of cartoon villains. We must genocide all whites for this insult.

His code was in Star Trek Discovery.


There are only two genders.

filtered & reported


Justification for their actions, from their point of view they are not doing something wrong but something for the greater good. Depends though what kind of villan you want. A righteous villan is not the same as a phcycopathic villan.


A good villain is one who is actually hated. Not some fun bad guy, not some guy you root for, but some piece of shit you want to see actively see suffer.

so Jinder Mahal is the greatest villain in wrestling?

If he gets heat

No, that goes to Kenny Omega.

why isn't Giorio in your pic?
