Happy now you fucking femicucks? You did this

Happy now you fucking femicucks? You did this.

Don't take this as a statement that you have power btw reddipol, I'm saying the listen and believe attitude that you support is responsible.

His indecent exposure is his funniest bit KEK

Fuck off Reddit nobody is pressing charges or pushing him out of the business they just don't want to associate with a pervert

t. Femicunt fanboy


ha ha, faggots.



How dare you, you fucking misogynist shitlord.

Maybe you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house, especially if your glass house is huge and public and your stones are massive film sized boulders being lobbed toward Woody Allen.

Besides, all that happened was that Louis exposed himself publicly with full knowledge they could go and talk about it later and people have decided they don't want want to associate with him. If he is so funny and people want to forgive him, surely he can make money in the free market on YouTube, Patreon, Kickstarter etc.

I am very happy. I hope Louis CK dies. I hated that stupid fucking unfunny stale at birth meme so much, as well as the dumb faggots who slaved away writing the same fucking joke over and over and over. My only wish is it was happening to them as well.

Happy doesn't begin to describe.




Tbf we all already knew about these claims so we have shitposted about his exhibitionism in the past. It's old news and the lulz will come from the public reactions to it.

Really makes you think



No it doesn't.


Holla Forums has turned in to white knights because some hollywood jew power struggle which most serious consequence so far is some fat kike in sex rehab for six days and no one has been arrested for anything lol

never go full retard

They were physically unable to refuse because of his (((white))) privilege. That's a new subtle level of rape.


I thought his whole life was an autism special

like pottery

That would make a pretty nice reality show. Jewish comedians and actors locked up for a month with nigger rapists and murderers. I'd watch it tbh.

I'm getting a really weird BDSM vibe from all of these accusations. Do you think his punishment will be having shit shoved up his ass by the accusers?

lmao stay salty jewboy

keep telling yourself that

telling myself what exactly? think your burns through

Don't even bother user, trumpcucks are more delusional than SJW's.


They will make shit up regardless of what Holla Forums does. Why do you want to mobilise/pol/ to protect the kikes in pedowood? I'm sure Hitler would have defended the jewish defilers to his last breath. ☀

So is he going to star in Cuckpost: The Movie to save his career?

lol yeah that's exactly what the leftists thought

Louis pls, you will not find sympathy here, leave


Toasties have been making shit up to rob and imprison dudes forever. Now that the news are finally getting their turn you are trying to stop it?

Every kike must die





Stopped reading, broke my suspension of disbelief.

He's on suicide watch, give him a break.

Why do cucks get mistaken between testosterone and estrogen?

>asking for permission to jack off in front of a woman

Holy fuck can you be more of a cuck.

He probably also encouraged them to laugh at him while he's doing it.

That;s what gets me about this. He's asking for consent. Can you not even do that anymore?

just another example of the kike's self destructive behavior

Garbage, as usual

I can't believe the left is so bad at memes

Down the memory hole it goes!

Lena Dunham:
The world:

Some random skank:
Some other stank:
The world:

I'm curious how Reddit is reacting to the fall of their savior but I don't want to go over there.

Anyone want to screencap their shit?

Yet Holla Forums are cheering this on like the retarded tools they are. I don't think any of the old userbase are there anymore tbh, it's pure reddit now. They truly earned the title of Holla Forumsedit.

*Holla Forumseddit

das rite, the first and second exodus people migrated to schizo boards like endchan or ended up shitposting on Holla Forums

What did sudocuck mean by this?
Has the need for rulecuckery driven him mad?

Because cucks have low testosterone from too much soy.

Now this is some prime cuck posting.

Fucking Soy Boys.

They're dealing with it the only way they know how. Insanely long butthurt novellas that nobody in their right mind would read. There were others but I couldn't fit them in one screencap.

And just in case you ever wondered what kind of comedic mind it takes to truly appreciate Louis' sublime stand-up genius.

Is this what passes for comedy in Reddit? Imagine being that much of a loser you reply to every comment to further jerk off your ego. Wow, what a comedic genius, I bet he watches Rick and Morty.

Two hundred and forty three upboats for that pun.

God, I hate Reddit. Normalfags are truly pancreatic cancer of people.

Imagine being so angry about a group of people you will most likely never meet IRL that you blame them for a shitfit between two other completely unaffiliated groups.

People have agency in their lives, this is Louis' fault and nobody else.

I despise this smug, moralizing fuck. Everyone is focusing on his copping to guilt, but he literally created a new art form with his response to the allegations. I think he's the first of this celebs to attempt to 'rapesplain' or 'creepsplain' his way out of the hot seat. The idea that news drops and the very next day he's giving thoughtful, insightful reflections into his own situation suggests it's all just another comedy bit to him. This is what he does. He's the guy that moralizes and gives the thought-provoking perspective and it's our job to listen & believe. Fuck this guy. His response read to me like some weird passive-aggressive power move, which is essentially the way "comedians" and wiseguys get by in real life. This is some (((Harvey Weinstein)))-tier narcissism, for sure. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising.

What's to be salty about? I'm about to own the Weinstein Company giving me further more centralized power over the entertainment industry and on top of that 'da Nazi's xD' are promoting feminism. I'm a very happy man right now. :)


It's anonymous here so really you're not stroking your ego that badly, unless you're a faggot who tripfags

You have to be tremendously autistic to do such a thing, like sudocuck or the original TruthSeeker.

I'm pretty sure the tripfags who exodused got mad they kept getting banned and made fun of so they went and made their own imageboard lol

What is even the point in making an imageboard full of tripfags?
You might as well just make your own shitty forum at that point, there's no fucking difference.

First pic:

As opposed to what? Is this some sort of reddit code for "well he hasn't actually done anything wrong, but I'm offended so I need to punish him! I stopped reading after those first two sentences but fuck me if that isn't one of the most worrying things I've ever read.
Do these idiots not understand why we have a legal system? Why people are innocent until proven guilty? Do they genuinely believe mob rule is better than the rule of law? Fucking hell.

Seeing the amount of people on here that are cheering for this shit is really making me rethink spending my time here. It reminds me of a few specific posts I encountered back on 4chan years ago when I realised "oh shit, this site is all 13 year olds and morons now."

I support feminism 100% when it takes down Weinstein and Louis CK and people like them

100 fucking percent

is op blaming us for failing to defend this cuckold lol

Failing would imply we wanted to defend him in the first place.

You're a fucking idiot then.

I think sudocuck is going crazy.

Hello Shlomo.

How so?

"Listen and believe" is the left's culture. They have to live by the standards they laud or leave them behind. You're a fucking idiot. They've shot themselves in the foot and you're rushing to kiss it better.


This isn't "listen and believe", Louis himself admitted he did this.
Why are you all missing this part of the story?

The listen and believe is more to the fact that the women claim it was traumatizing and akin to rape. If you see Louis' statement regarding all this it reads more like a doctor's note than a sincere apology.

Because you propagate this shit you purport to hate because it's convenient for you to use against your enemies. That makes you no better than the feminists.
It's very easy to hold an idiot to an idiots standards. But then you also become an idiot. You should apply your own standards, if you have any.

Listen and believe isn't the lefts culture any more than "Wont somebody PLEASE think of the children and ban Harry Potter/Video games/ violent movies/etc" is the rights culture. It's a subsection of the left that wants this this, just like a subsection of the right wants all pornography banned and the government deciding what you do in the privacy of your home. Years ago when this shit was coming out of the right constantly people didn't say "ok lets lean into this and hold them to their own standards" because then you give them the go ahead to continue with it. You have to fight a shitty ideology at every step. You can't fight against it when it's convenient and allow it when it suits you. That's what both these groups do anyway. If you allow people to erode the rule of law in order to enact mob justice based on accusations and people saying they agreed to do something but regretted it 5 years later then you are explicitly condoning that behavior to be applied to yourself also. It's a very short sighted and stupid thing to do. The kind of behavior I would expect of a child.

cuz u gay nigga

Lmao isn't it fucking retarded? These are the people we try to actually discuss some things honestly with.

Yes I can. I don't care about ideology at all, only results.

No you're actually the one is brainwashed and has their head up their ass at the same time lad.
You hate women, go kys then. I dont care.

didnt read you fucking MGTOW sperg

Not at all. You're twisting things to suit your narrative. All I'm doing is standing by idly as the leftist's own policy eats him alive.
I knew something along this line would be said. You're a faggot. That stupid centrist shaming shit doesn't work anymore.
You absolutely shouldn't. It's bad strategy bordering on cuckoldry.
Your entire argument seems to be "if we don't save Louis and Weinstein from the online feminists we'll be next!" ignoring the fact that both Louis and Weinstein admitted their crimes, and ignoring the fact that so what? It doesn't matter because I'm not a public face shaming men for being sexually aggressive and calling everyone sexist.
Go back to your Sargon videos and your wife's son.

Also ignoring the fact that those kikes wouldn't lift a finger to defend goyim.

What do you call this?

Off your meds again schizo?


I call this kikery.


It's called reddit

I'm highly suspicious of this being samefaggotry due to how close these posts are together but this guy posted the same thing in at least one other thread.

this. "listen and believe" is only one of many traps planted by the left and now ensnaring soyboys and sjw cucks along with normal men. louis may weasel out of this, but as i stated above , his statement leaves him vulnerable to accusations of mansplaining once the dykes and jewesses get around to critically deconstructing it. If the mob picks this up, it may be out of the frying pan, into the fire for Mr. CK

what did he mean by this

Cuck loses his career for harassing women without even touching them, his life ruined for touching his own dick.