Reviewbrah hit 500k subscribers the other day. Let's get a discussion thread going

Reviewbrah hit 500k subscribers the other day. Let's get a discussion thread going.
Anyone else consider him to be their friend? Whenever he hits one of these milestones I catch myself feeling sad for myself which I feel guilty for, but then he brings out his usual content and he's always the same person no matter what he's going through. I genuinely have more affection for him than any other person, I want him to do well. I'm truly grateful for the two years of companionship he's given me thus far. To me he's much more human and real.
I don't consume every upload these days due to a hectic schedule, and was definitely more intimate with him during his more trying times which are hopefully forever in the past, but he's always been a staple these short two years and consider myself to definitely be a true fan. Hope there are some Holla Forumsbros who share him as a mutual friend.

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As usual I worry I made this all about myself. I want to talk about Reviewbrah, I want to celebrate with anons his bright future. I'm not good at talking, what are your thoughts about how far he's come? Are you proud of him? Do you admire him? what relationship do you feel you have with him?

I've seen his penis. It's mega-BIG.

Good friend simulators.


Have you ever eaten breakfast? I have.


I have the same fucked up habit as Reviewbrah of having 1 meal a day. Literally done this since I was a preteen so over 10 years now. It's either depression, the brain's reward system being fucked or both


honestly they're not on the same level. RLM (Mike especially) are arrogant and think they're better than everyone. They can't talk for 2 minutes without belittling someone, usually some fictitious or highly exaggerated 'mouth-breather' type person. It would be ok if it served a purpose like if they were actual comedians and it was funny. They're also highly conceited.
Reviewbrah on the other hand is the realest nigger there is. When he has something negative to say he doesn't have that unwarranted self-importance. Reviewbrah is more famous than any individual in RLM and somehow is more down to earth than any of the average every day people I have to deal with every day.
It's not even a comparison, Reviewbrah is the ideal friend while I wouldn't even want to associate with RLM.

He's a fictional character you sperg.

you don't know anything about reviewbrah, and you get emotional over something trivial and call someone else autism because of an obsession you have. You have the same arrogance too because you think you have a really fucked up need to feel better than someone on the internet by dehumanizing them with no basis to your insults. You need to re-evaluate yourself. That or if you really need to be an arrogant asshole be an asshole about something you understand.



epic banter there friend, you're really talented I see your friend simulators did you good :)

It's a character you spergs.

This. At least Bigcocklasa keeps it real.

you misinterpreted what he was saying, it's not a character he probably has literal autism. He was referring to his food reviews not a comedic persona, although he is self-aware about how weird he is.

That redneck with girly hair is no Chad, was this meant to be serious?

Wrong. He is satirising autism.

and where's your proof of this? I already explained the interview. He's been doing this for years, I've listened to his food reviews and radio broadcasts for countless hours and he's genuine.

Can we get him to review some films? Tell him to make a kino review.

Uhhhhm, I have eyes?

dude he's talked about how hard he finds life, he's dealt with a lot of mental health problems. He's almost /r9k/-tier. You're just sticking to an assumption you have not being anything other than a passive observer and googled for proof and posted the first thing you got. And the proof you posted is very clearly not what you thought it was.

He tried to rape me when I was drunk.

Honestly nothing remotely pleb or normie about RLM.

Most have never head of it, and if you showed it the bulk of the tumblr/SnapChat community would be disturbed and confused by its content.

Wrong. His demeanour in the interview is clearly different from that if the character he portrays in his reviews.

I bet he's a kike too! I torally believe you, let's fucking ruin him.

did you even click the video linked in OP? He acts the same way. They're not going to make him look bad in a friendly 3-minute edit of an interview. He's able to make jokes and be eloquent and emotive.

I don't get how people can say Reviewbrah is an act even after all the Q&A sessions and radio broadcasts talking about his life, or the 'night walks'. He goes to sleep at dawn every day. It's been well known for a long time now that he's not normal. If you go onto almost any parody video you'll see people saying not to bully him or disclaimers that it's not meant to be hurtful. I don't know if he has autism and I don't care really because I like him and care about him as a person regardless.

I work in a high school that deals with a lot of autistic kids.
He ain't autistic, autistic kids are very bad at speaking. They can't articulate and they don't have the same sense of self-awareness.

fair enough. He has """literal autism""" though, in the socially awkward sense. Also it's not really true to say he's not autistic just because he's not so bad that he'd need aid at school.




I've heard stories from Vid Con..
Girls pretty much know to stay away from Reviewbrah, 30 years ago he asked a girl working at McDonalds to name all the ingredients of a Big Mac, then at the end he interrupted her and yelled "My penis! Cuz that's what you're gonna be eating bitch." Reviewbrah then unzipped his trousers and proceeded to make the girl feel very dis-empowered. Basically he abused his influence in the fast food community and is now seeking "help" whatever that means.

fuck you and fuck the people saying Reviewbrah is fake. For him to have had all the interactions with his fans over the years if it was a persona these would've been cruel without reason. Saying he's a fake is frankly tantamount to calling him evil even if you're too much of a dick to see why he should (and does) care about his fans, especially the vulnerable impressionable ones.
And I also want to say if this is your intention, we're not getting convinced. With many of us we've become so close to reviewbrah that any attack on his nature disgusts us. You'd have better luck concern trolling honestly.

Wasn't he living in a van and raving about gangstalkers recently? I'm concerned about him tbh.

that's over, he's doing much better now. Living with a friend, still in Florida. There was someone stalking him and I don't know how it was resolved but he seems much more back to his usual self in terms of mood lately and it comes across through his videos. Thanks for worrying about him user but our boy is doing very well.

How can he get away with this?

I don't care if he's autistic or anything, he seems like a genuinely sweet guy. Would absolutely be bros with him. I wish him nothing but the best.

Reviewbrah is a rapist, this is true. My Hungarian great grandmother was at a Soviet summer camp one time, and some weird goblin-like manlet approached her while wearing some kind of tattered checkerboard suit. She was trying to eat a bowl of nutritious breaddust, when all of a sudden this baffling orcish looking individual starting shoveling handfuls of dust into his mouth while loudly chewing with his mouth closed. He then began to emit utterances such as "the tanginess compliments the sweetness" as he ripped off all his clothes and started convulsing violently on the floor. This was akin to spiritual rape and my great grammy was so traumatized she died mysteriously without leaving a trace of evidence. The story reached me through a novelization of the events.

Good to know but I don't think he was actually being stalked. A van pulling up next to him and the guy having a camera doesn't mean he is being stalked. Good to hear he has gotten over it though.

A 4chan user (I think Holla Forums) posted pics of his house though, and I think stole something from his car or house I can't remember. Reviewbrah hasn't come close to going crazy he's just been through some really trying times recently with his parents making him move out, but he's finally back in a comfortable routine. He's still really weird staying up all night and sleeping during the day but I think he's healthy.

he's not a troll and he's not a Daxflame-esque persona

He's not nearly as good at emulating being a friend and he seems kind of fake tbh. Reviewbrah is always genuine. His autism is also way more formulaic, every review is pretty much the same. It's either fantastic and it's the best food he's ever eaten or it's not edible.

I refuse to talk about Reviewbrah here because the niggers here can't keep their own retardation in check. Same with Ullillillia.


Reviewbrah is obviously gay

Remember this post

so is the joke here that he has autism?

Those retards made fun of Reviewbrah in their latest Nerd Crew episode.

With friends like RLM, who needs enemies?


Fake news

Nope. Sorry chump

This is literally 0/10


military rations from 60 years ago >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(((Fast food)))

It's only a matter of time until he rises to power in America and makes it white again.

The soldiers of the revolution will be fueled with pepperoni pizza.

Fast food knowledge will be what leads to his decisive victory in the upcoming civil war. The black supremacist troops fighting for Soros will be devastated without KFC. The spics demoralised without their Tacos.

I unironically think of reviewbrah as a friend. I go to the restaurant order what he does and listen to him talk while we eat.

I don't have real friends and to be honest I think about killing myself constantly. I wish I could actually be reviewbrah's friend.

Some people from 4chan have been following him and fucking with him


Why are you so obsessed with (((Kike Cucklasa)))'s penis?

Underrated post


I'll be honest I've thought about going down to Florida to meet him but it's a stupid idea and I'd probably just stress him out even if

Yeah don't do that. It's creepy even if well intended.

I wouldn't try find his home or anything, just stake out various fast food places in the region. Probably a lot of Floridabros know his general location. Then I'll pretend to bump into him one weekday night at 4am
he wouldn't be able to resist my charm. I'll approach him donning my formal ensemble and he will know I'm a man of class. I'll offer to assuage him of his hunger and a classy joint for gentlemen like us. If he declines, that will be the end our encounter, if he doesn't (he won't) we will both make the first real connection to another human being we've ever had in our lives and will share this wonderful moment in time in a true bliss of affection (not gay) and intimacy.

I really don't want to do anything like that. It would probably make him really uncomfortable. I will continue to watch while I eat and imagine he is talking to me.

I bought a shirt from him off of Teespring a little over a month back when he had a brief sale for I think 15% off everything in his store. Consumerism has never really been my thing but a.) I thought the design was cool, b.) the price was fair, and c.) I actually trust him with my money, something I can't really say for a lot of the people I'm subbed to, and it felt nice to be able to support him monetarily, even if it was only $20. I originally took this picture of the shirt with the idea of starting a thread here about YouTuber merch and what the board's thoughts on it are but ended up not doing anything with it because I figured no one would care. He's been plugging the Patreon a little more frequently now than before, but he does it in such a polite and straightforward way that it doesn't really bother me, plus he's one of the least deserving people on the entire website to have his ad revenue ripped away from him so I completely understand it (I've been seeing some ads come back on his videos recently but they're rather infrequent). He's one of the few "celebrities" I really look up to and I wish that I could be as positive, polite and just overall nice as he is. Hell, I don't even swear or say anything off-color in his comments because I almost feel like I'd be disrespecting him somehow, especially because he has one of the best communities on YouTube. I also admire his creativity and style, too. I like that he's being more adventurous and inventive with his content lately, like that "Thought Experiment" video and the vlog he did of his experience on an Amtrak train, proving that he isn't just a one-trick pony and is in fact a well-rounded content creator. The guy could make an hour-long review of air quality by location and I'd still watch it because no matter what he does, it somehow always manages to be good every time.

FAS Match made in Heaven

Jenny and ReviewBrah would make for an adorable couple. I hope that this happens.

have you seen a styxhexenhammer666 vid? Autistic kids can be very smart but they just can't mask themselves and pretend normies, people see through it and it tears at their core putting up a facade every day. Reviewbrah has embraced not being normal and is living day to day being the best he can be. God bless him.

Margcuck go back to /televisi*n/ where you really belong

Have you seen her booty though? High class.

You could just email him and ask him if he ever meets with fans. At this point he could probably set up a time and place to meet a bunch in an organized public setting where no stalkerish weird shit needs to go down. He could make a few shekels even.

he's said that it's something he would consider in the future. I only remember him addressing the issue once before on a vorw though. If he does I don't think he'd make it a cash-grab opportunity though.

I would if I was him, and show up hungover in a fur coat and surrounded by security tossing anyone who tries to shake my hand or speak to me signing autographs at $50 each. Then I'd pick a girl from the crowd and fuck her then kick her out immediately afterward.
