The Director of The Guardians of the Galaxy Trilogy Is Right

Why are some sexual harassment accusations treated differently than others?

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It is very easy to pass off judgement when so many people idolize you

Many people still don't believe Michael Jackson was a boy molesting pedophile even when he had tons of child porn they found in his mega-mansion.

When Bowie everyone was giving him praise and saying he died too soon. I reminded them that he used to fuck 10-12yos in hey early days and nobody wanted to believe it.

My God!? They're right!

Roy Moore: Got a girl's number, called her up, she agreed to meet him, drives her to his home, she admits she consented to the activity, he doesn't even penetrate her. Angry Hollywood libtards everywhere start shouting "double standard!"

Roman Polanski: Lures young girl into photoshoot on promising stardom. Rejects his sexual advances, so he drugs her, while she's still resisting sodomizes her. Takes her home and shows off his risque shots of her to the girl's family for more fetish kicks. Hailed as Hollywood hero by liberal elites.

When libtards want to start shaking a noose in Roman Polanski's direction, then they'll be free to share their wrong opinion equating his actions to Roy Moore's.









How are they all so right, bros?

This is so true, I love the God Emperor but I do hope he pays for what he did to those women.

Even after all this time just seeing his name makes me kek.

based blue checkmark Twitter btfoing drumplets

He's right Holla Forums, either listen and believe all womyn or shutup and get out. we don't need your misogyny here.



Didn't one girl who accused Trump begged Trump to visit her restaurant before she came out a few months later???

Oh my god. I know that Americans can't read, but can they even listen at this point? Listen to that Bush audio clip and tell me where he said that he grabbed anyone by the pussy. I don't care if you're left or right or up, how are you still spouting this meme? If Aaron Rogers was quoted as saying, "They love me so much here in Wisconsin that I could burn down Miller Park and get away with it.", are you going to start screeching that Rodgers is an arsonist? Have you ever been angry and said "I was so mad that I could have killed that guy"? Does that make you a murderer?


< the guy actually not accused of rape
Hello? Am I on crazy pills again?

Leftist damage control

CNN go to bed, your research is wanting and you're slandering a dead man.
PS. Sony called, there was a problem with your payment. Try contacting HR.

But both of them admitted to it while Moore and Billy didn't.

These fucking morons actually think this is something to be proud of? Women wield the power to destroy a man's life with a single sentence and these God damned troglodytes think believing them unconditionally is a good thing?

Also, I believed the allegations against Spacey and Weinstein because there was fucking evidence to support them. Maybe if liberals believed more in evidence than listening and believing their idols wouldn't be falling left and right.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: in our current society I would rather be accused of murder than rape. At least with the former some people might say that it was justified, or hopefully there will end up being evidence that clears my name, etc. With the latter even if it's proven that I committed no crime and even if the girl later admitted that I'm innocent, in the eyes of many in the public I'd still be "that possible rapist".

And at least if you're accused of murder there will be a trial where actual evidence has to be brought against you and you get the chance to prove your innocence.

With rape accusations you are tried in the court of public opinion. All those people in the twitter posts ITT seem to genuinely believe that in the case of rape accusations are tantamount to hard evidence.

Innocent until proven guilty? Pfft, that's a relic of the past along with the constitution!


Well, you probably should bring some evidence then huh? Weinstein admitted it and there's evidence of it all. Spacey admitted too. These morons can't pick their targets properly, they lack the mental capability to properly compare the two.

Tbh, I'm playing the long game. I hope half of these rape allegations turn out to be false, and we stop giving women this ridiculous power over us. Also, I want Hollywood to die by any means necessary.

Razorfist would like a word with you,

I don't think Bill O'Reilly is guilty though.

It's like this, see. The media is overwhelmingly liberal, and will go out of it's way to smear anyone remotely conservative. Allegations against conservatives should automatically be given less credence for this reason alone. If an allegation about a liberal somehow makes it through the net, it's probably true.

Goys accuse jewish rapists: oy vey it's antisemitism

Jewish rapists accuse goys: this is why I'm a feminist

Fuck off MGTOW. We aren’t protecting Spacey or Big Harv, who are guilty. Roy Moore is innocent.

Can't wait for the next release of James Gunn Sexual Harassment Behind a Golf Galaxy. Coming soon with allegations toward you!

Liberal or cuckservative, they all need to be put behind bars

lol this is what you get for white knighting some overpaid whore, Holla Forums

They're only concerned with who raped the women. If it came out that a major donator to Trump's campaign was a rapist you'd never hear the end of it.

You know who rapes countless of women but the media never talks about? Immigrants.

Fucking hypocrites!

With any luck this will happen.
This too.


The major difference between them is that Weinstein and Spacey never denied what they did. Weistein tried to blame the NRA for his raping ways. Spacey immediately said he was gay. Moore denied wrongdoing and so did Oreily.

Take your meds, schizo.

>>962763 >>962771 >>962782 >>962784 >>962787

all me

I think you mean to say:

But nah, lets leave out that little tidbit so that you can act really smart.