Did South Park just call out the Jew?

Heidi (Irish) was talking to Kyle (Jewish) near the end of the newest episode Doubling Down.

Heidi said this.
>It's okay. You can't help it. It's how you were raised. What you were taught. My heritage is Irish so I'm prompt to being moody, and your heritage is…you know.You can be a little sneaky sometimes and not even realise it.

Then she says

Holy shit.

It'll turn out she was being brainwashed by Cartman to be an evil antisemite

Member last time this was being marketed here and they were saying stuff like "is kyles dad being the troll calling out jews"?

Imagine being a rich and famous Jew celebrity and you choose this thing as your wife. Why do you think he wants his kike genes to get BLACKED?

For the same reason they got away with it with Cartman, she's portraited as "bad".

It was pro-kike; Kyle is the good Jew trying to help her out; Cartman is Holla Forums; Heidi is the newfag.

is south park /ourguy/ again? the kikes are already triggered

Women literally physically cannot be portrayed as bad.


That's just standard jew banter for SP
Is that the first episode you ever watched or something?

that's a beautiful nigress tbh i wouldn't mind getting BLACKED by her

But how big is this banter?


The ending was good but most of that episode was shitty re-serialization.

Do you have any examples of people getting triggered? I haven't seen anything.



They were quite literally doing this in the episode though.

You want to know what the worst part is? Matt and Trey said in the Season 20 DVD Commentary that they will completely stop serialization starting from S21.

They also claimed that making fun of Trump has become boring and said they will stop doing so.

When will these guys realize they've sort of become the ones they've made fun of in the early days? Hypocrites.

I can't stop watching.

South Park should've ended 10 years ago.


For 10 episodes a season this show is lazier than most tv series.

No you fucking idiot, it was supposed to make fun of Cartman's antisemitism, not to endorse it. Do you know what satire is, Holla Forumsyp? Nobody outside obscure Mongolian throat singing boards believes this shit about a Jewish conspiracy.

I agree, absolutely horrible season so far, they don't even bother to make jokes or to create interesting scenarios anymore. Literally the funniest thing was when they took the piss out of those house renovation shows, and that wasn't even that clever.

The irony is Heidi will get shoved in the refrigerator the moment her and Cartman's arc finishes because her only relevance in the show is in her relationship with Cartman.

Holla Forums ~ Hated Wolfenstein because Nazis were potrayed as bad people.

As for Holla Forums or Holla Forums, just put up a thread appreciating black people and most of the time, it will be shit on with how bad they are.

How's that black cock tasting?

They realize it.

Oh no! How could they? Why would they possibly do this?

Don't bother replying, the fact that you redtexted "Ahahahaha" is proof enough you are already in full damage control.

Oh, you would be suprised plebbit.

Put your tongue inside my mouth.

Fool! You have to be the one to BLEACH her.

Get your eyes checked. She looks like M Night Shyamalan.
This is what a REAL beautiful nubian princess looks like.


they also said they rarely made fun of Bush because he was 'an easy target' and they want to explore different viewpoints each episode

Matt Stone kinda looks like Crendor