Louis C.K.'s Movie Premiere Canceled in Advance of N.Y. Times Story

Cuck unmasked

>A source tells The Hollywood Reporter that a New York Times story on the comedian is about to break, and the premiere was canceled in case it is damaging. Additionally, Louis C.K.'s planned appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert was also canceled, with William H. Macy taking his place on the CBS show.


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And it all comes tumblring down.

I have heard that he Weinsteins in front of female comedians.

Even during his movie premieres, he still gets cucked.

Comedians should be genuinely charming and even sometimes insightful, I'm sick of all these manic depressive self depreciating losers.

that's very antisemitic of you user


another jew bites the dust

what do you guys think the nyt story was about to expose

he harassed women who wouldn't do bestiality with nigger?


We've managed to weaponise meme magic, but why the fuck can't we get Brendan a career back with it?





We are entering phase two now, the claims will get even more silly and they will accuse people that are popular with normalfags. This has been joked about for years and just makes him more endearing if anything. Reminder that all of this is a psyop.

Fuck off, Louis.

Are you telling me that there's no way he has such severe otizm that he has to take all of his cloths of before he masturbates in front of women?

The only way he can attone for his actions is if he gives up his daughters to be B L A C K E D.


You're just butt hurt all the leftist hypcrites are going down in flames at the same time. Everyone has known this about Louis C.Cuck for years.

who is next lads?
dan schneider?

stop slut shaming him
he's a sex-positive feminist man who feels "empowered" by getting in touch with his own sexuality

This is my favorite meme



press s to spit on grave

Just imagine this ugly, balding fuck saying to a some pretty ladies
Immediately being followed by being laughed at.

Really makes you think

hello facebook and reddit

redditors are the only people who would defend him

Louis pls

>During Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s surreal visit to Louis C.K.’s Aspen hotel room, they said they were holding onto each other, screaming and laughing in shock, as Louis C.K. masturbated in a chair. “We were paralyzed,” Ms. Goodman said. After he ejaculated on his stomach, they said, they fled. He called after them: “He was like, ‘Which one is Dana and which one is Julia?’”

Rest in piss C. k


Guys, Louis is a feminist. He's allowed to masturbate in front of women. Please close this thread now.

This fucking cuck


I'm saying he did and we have all known for years but there is literally nothing wrong with it. So he jerked off behind closed doors in front of groups of women? Who cares? I guarantee you they laughed about it at the time and afterwards and are just trying to cash in on this hysteria or actively taking part in the ongoing psyop.

It's endearing because it's funny and you can imagine him doing it, this could be something out of his stand up. He isn't hurting anybody and he asked them if he could do it.

Fuck off Dana.

I'm "butthurt" that totally harmless actions are being pushed into the new format of sexual assaults. You'll be butthurt to when any kind of physical contact with a woman that doesn't have at least three witness can end up ruining your career and possibly getting you imprisoned. If you think it's bad now just wait.

All of those years spent mocking Louis and in the end it was you guys that are the real cucks. Ironic much?

imagine being such a fucking beta that when you strip naked and start whacking it in front of women all they do is start laughing

really makes you think

You're the fag defending the Hollyweird molesters in every thread aren't you?

I get that this will be used for nefarious ends and it's a huge overreaction but come on, it's pretty funny that this all ended up being true.

He didn't even put his penis inside them, you reddit cancer.

Get off of my Holla Forums you absolute fucking tool.

"If someone tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't." -Louis C.K.

Well the upcoming Dark Universe Monsters is put on hold because people didn't like Tom Cruise's The Mummy. So probably they are going to reluctantly hire Brendan to do a new Mummy movie if they want to continue with this.

back to reddit

I wasn't defending the others but I'll defend Louis. This is pathetic and it's a non story aside from being funny, he jerked off in front of some women, so fucking what? This is like Weinstein and the plant pot all over again.

It is funny but I already believed it anyway. Now it is being used to push a agenda.

Exactly. Is jerking it in front of a group of laughing whores behind closed doors a crime now?


>not press B for his daughters to be BLACKED

Louis pls

Why are liberals committing so much sexual assault?

thats LITERALLY rape you retard

The cuck's career if over, just deal with it, reddit.

Why don't you go to Walmart and do this and see if you don't end up in jail. Please, Mr. Hollywjew Defender, prove us wrong.



Because deep down they wish conservatives were as ugly as them. This is why people like Colbert kvetch so much.

1. They're beta emasculated cucks who think they can use "I'm an Allt m'lady" as the new "I'm a nice guy" in order to get laid
2. They try to get laid with the worst kind of woman, the Empowered Feminist SJW


Fuck off daisyfag reddit cunt, it's not a crime but obviously it brings up questions as to that person's self control and their capability of doing more serious shit

Can someone explain the masturbating in front of women fetish? I don't get it.

It's a reddit thing.

Just a reminder, everything a Liberal accuses someone else of is projection. Every single time.

If you don't want to condemn someone over accusations that's understandable, but why the fuck would you ever feel compelled to defend Louis C.K.? He's one of the most cancerous faggots in the entertainment industry.

exactly, this guy is a sjw faggot who produces unfunny jewish degeneracy (cohencidence - his dad's a hungarian jew).

He didn't do that mister feminist SJW, he did it in a private setting after asking if he could.

So he is in trouble because of actions that he might commit I the future? He has done nothing wrong.

Because he is funny and next time it could be me being accused of nothing and getting ruined regardless. Today it's celebraties tomorrow it's normal people. Suddenly I can be in serious trouble for a consensual act of voyeurism from years back? Fuck that.



please just leave

To women he barely knew and/or had any sort of romantic involvement with you disgusting jew pervert.

really makes you think

you sound like a faggot, that would be great
normal people just don't start masturbating in front of women they just met
So you're admitting to being a peeping tom now?

Why don't you post a clip of him being funny?


Why didn't he listen to the bull?
It's a simple rule for the cuck to never touch.

So you don't think it's funny?

Maybe they are too afraid to ask out women and are beta as fuck so they just masturbate in front of them instead and call it "close enough"


You just don't get it do you? Also voyeurism is more than just peeping toms, it is a sophisticated fetish and now we have to worry about it becoming some sort of sexual crime? Here's an example, if I get out of the shower when a friend is over and it "accidentally" slips off whilst I am erect am I suddenly a sec offender?


Oh get over it you fucking baby. The woman had a good laugh and a funny story to share and Louis got his rocks off, who gives a shit? Youare literally radfem tier.

10/10 pure comedy gold.

What part of shitty comedian you didn't understand?

seriously guys, what's the deal with these jews?

It wasn't like a flashing thing because he asked beforehand. I think it was probably too scared to make advances so he just did some socially awkward shit like that.

It wasn't consensual though.

These weren't women he was familiar with, they were literally whos he had met literally five minutes ago. It's weird creepy behaviour. Only reddit could defend such betaness.

If I read he put a hand on a knee or slapped a bum or made a rude insinuation it would be cool because that's normal cheeky guy behaviour not creepy stalkerish wanking in dark offices to fully clothed women.

Pure coincidence.


let redditors know that dan schneider is next :-)

delete this goy

He's funny because he'll go to places that others won't. The joke was funny because it is true but offensive. Louis is funny and he didn't do anything wrong here. Are you really going to side with radical feminism because of an ironic meme about him being a cuck?

They laughed at the time and they were probably secretly aroused and just played it off as a joke because their friends were there, it was consensual. It's bullshit and verging on thoughtcrime tier behaviour, suddenlywe can be judged for a consensual encounter because it is "creepy" despite all parties enjoying it at the time. How are you OK with that ffs?

Shut up, Louis, no one cares.

user why are you explaining the joke? I just told you it was comedy gold.


Now that's shitposting.

Who is aroused by a paunchy ginger dad that looks like one of those dog breeds thats been bred too much? If a woman starts laughing nervously then runs out screaming then she wasn't enjoying it, sorry that I have to tell you that.

Beta males have latched hard onto the anti feminism movement because they think it will free them from their shackles and give them control over women but in reality it just leads to them trying to mimic Chad and getting shock and disgust in return because you have to be attractive to pull off that shit

Wow just like pretty much every other fucking comedian does.
Not exactly hard to find a comedian who likes vulgarity.

Fuck off roastie scum.

They won't go where Louis went in that joke.

The Night Week Month of the Long Dildos continues! Soon the industry will be nothing but bulls and womyn.



I'm not saying it's morally right that's just how the world works. The more attractive you are, the more you can get away with with women.

It's not fair but you do have to sort of have to be aware of where you stand. If you are a middle aged balding fattie then it's pretty bleak prospects, but Louie could easily use his celebrity status to get a hipster chick or his huge wealth to get a high class escort. Instead he pulled a move that would've been borderline for peak Brad Pitt let alone his sad self.

Nah, I'm watching a bunch of kikes fall into the hole they've dug.


>(((Louis CK))) sitting alone in the dark when wife comes home

We can be pretty confident that any sexual abuse allegations against C.K. will be false. They don't call him Cuck King for nothing.

They call him Cuck King because he is the king of the cucks.



Are we heard anything on the Louis poster? Is he alright? Gosh, i hope he didn't do any stupid!
Louis poster if you read this please respond! It's not woth it! There is so much to live for!

Don't know, user. Really activates those ovens though.


I like the idea that Louis' wife and even the bulls have little to no interest in cuckoldry, it's just Louis' obsession that he forces on those around him and they go along with it to shut him up

Louis is a jew

fuck, wrong one

He really was /ourguy/

why is your wikipedia in comic sans

How the fuck? I thought it was a Jews-only thing?


its weird how anyone who does anti-white jokes turns out to be a fucking weirdo

Where do you think you are?
Louis is definitely /ourguy/

Is this the end for /ourcuck/ Louis CK?

It's almost like they're degenerate kikes.

Who's laughing now, uh?

I'm sure it's just (((pure coincidence))).

I smell a glorious comeback on the horizon.

Meme magicks, boys. We did it, Reddit!

Get out of here, Louis. You are the worst combination of the Jew and Mexican. Your career is over, you will lose partial custody of your daughters, and any leftover money will be eaten away by alimony and legal fees.

And all tabloids lost their shit when Larry David joked about i on SNL. Even though he is the Jew caricature in the flesh, many of them called David an anti-semite.

I'm sure these fuckers planned to get shafted by the listen and believe culture they've created all along. It's kabbalistic underwater chess.

Really zoggins the noggin tbh.

2017 is the greatest year in the history of Earth

was his bull waiting in the next room?

Good. I hope this red-haired fuck and the faggots who pushed his shitty meme get RAPED BY NIGGERS.

even the redditors are throwing him under the bus. glorious

are you a nigger?

There’s a reason why there’s a word specifically for a riot in which Jews are killed.

This might be the funniest man on earth. Intentional or not.

So they watched him. Once he came they realized he wasn't going to ask them to suck his dick for a part in his show. Sloots, mayne.

Just imagine how those poor girls must have felt. Laughing and giggling as they left the room.

Truly a harrowing experience.

And you guys said he was just pretending to be a cuck as a part of his cryptokike act. Turns out he's the real deal and gets off on exposing his teeny jewclit.

Woman like it. I used to flash people all the time and you could see that they secretly enjoyed it. It's like says, if they didn't enjoy it why did they stay till he finished? This is pure feminism and I'm not ok with it.


There wasn't any, dipshit. This is a ripoff.

Hello, fellow non-comedian twitter users. I wouldn't mind if widely acclaimed stand-up performer Louis CK (movie I Love You Daddy coming out Thursday go see it) masturbated in front of my daughter! This is all overblown. I'm going to watch Louis CK's movie (I Love You Daddy coming out Thursday go see it) twice and you all should too! It comes out this Thursday!

Yep, confirmed for nigger.

Hmmm, two women against a powerful, overweight man that was probably blocking the doorway. /thinking/

You would prefer that he fucked them? None of these women went against their will either.


If he came on his stomach he was seated. You are wrong you feminist cuckold.

It is a top tier fetish and women secretly enjoy it, that's why it is arousing.

I can already tell you're a kike.

Prove it.

Hmmm, I wonder how hard it would be for a strong, overweight man to plop a hotel lounger down right in front of the doorway. /stillthinking/

Absolutely pathetic.



I-is this the end of cuckposting?

Sorry to ruin your b8ing but I wanted to thank you for correctly using my memes. poleddit is indeed Holla Forums and reddipol is indeed Holla Forums. Please return back to your b8posts.

I popularised it. It's my meme.

Wrong. Check /r/SRS. I started it in January of 2016. You can see the first mention of the two memes there.

Trump curse?

It’s one guy.

And? I popularised it kid, it belongs to me now.

we team shoddymonkey now. based Ron spits in the face of baka gaijin ledditors.

Another one bites the dust.

Shame to see someone like this fall from grace… I was never a fan, tbh, I prefer Amy Schumer's brand of comedy as far as stand up is concerned.


What a pathetic abuse story.

Couldn't he at least rape her?
Why did he have to ASK for permission to FAP in front of a woman?

Your meme is mine now. All the reporting in the world can't change that simple fact, I violated it and that means I violated you too. Eat shit and cry and then die you Holla Forumseddit pice of trash.

You piece of shit. I'm fucking speechless rn. If I could filter you you bet your ass I would've had you filtered twenty fucking posts ago. Now I know what those tumblristas feel like when they're literally shaking at the fucking keyboard. Would break this fucking keyboard if I could but I've had it for so long and I have so many fond memories of using it to filter and report fuckers like you. Fuck man, I'm steaming. Going to smoke a fag and then I'll be back on.

Peace out.

You seem upset, friend.

Haven't seen it at least

lol laura ingraham and ann coulter calling him a degenerate on fox

If there's something i've seen from all these recent messes is that americans are nigger-like in their attacks, cowardly as fuck
They can get cucked all the time, but just somebody starts talking, due to money or attention, and everybody starts climbing up the accusations to get dough and stop feeling like cucks
Almost nobody has talked on its due time because they wanted to

Finally… I use to love the show Louie and I got a lot of friends into louis C.K. and hooked on his show then in 2012 I dated a woman and she told me a lot of shit about him and how much of a total creeper he is. I could never enjoy any of his sexual comedy shit again. All I ever thought about was him begging her to not turn her head away as he wanked it in front of her while she sat in a chair. Here is the thing. She tried to get up and leave the room a few times and he would rush to the door and stick his hand out that he had been wanking it in, spitting in, and go to grab her knowing she would recoil and sit down to avoid being touched. He begged her multiple times to just watch him masturbate and even offered to invite her to private parties and events if she would just look at him and pretend to enjoy it.

After he was done he asked her if she wanted to taste his hand and that she didn't have to if she didn't want to. Even though he was practically shoving it in her face. She told him he smelled and needed to get help and he became incensed and threw the chair across the room telling her that shes just a whore an nothing special and wiped his cum riddled hand on her chest then yelled at her to get out and get a life. I thought it was hilarious and fake for a while, but rewatching some of his standups i could never get that shit out of my head again.

Told my friends and family members that liked him about it and they all thought i was trolling or just stupid for believing the story. Never watched any of his shit again and always gave people crap that watched it etc. It feels good to be vindicated like this… reaaal good.

What a tasty pasta.

I thought this was just an image or two? We have vids? Gifs anyway.


Cuckposting never dies, user.

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!



haha this faggot, there were wars like every fucking day for native americans




Just enjoy the Jews getting what they deserve for once. A few more years of this and antisemitism will be openly discussed on the streets.

Oh, so Holla Forums ruined the funniest comic alive now. Thanks, I guess we really aren't allowed to have nice things.

It's so aggravating. I used to watch all his material as soon it was released but now I doubt I can. All I can think of when I see his face is how he kept raping girls with his exhibitionist behavior. I know this is hard for guys to understand but imagine if a comedian you though was a funny and good progressive woman invited you to a hotel room and just dropped her pants and stuck her ass out at you. Can you imagine the trauma?

It's not just memes anymore! He really is a cuck!

First time I've ever found the cuck funny aside from the Holla Forums meme. Well done everyone. Who's career do we ruin next?


Next time people ask if meme magic ain't real.


Louis CK: a specimen of masculine strength, virility and aggression


Lolibots will never refuse consent and will never betray you.

That is downright the most esoteric meme I have seen in a while. I mean exactly how many layers of irony does someone need to lie like that.

The Holla Forums meme is fucking hilarious now this just gets even better.

It's like fucking christmas every week you never know which kike is going to end up on the slaughterhouse floor.

What is it?

I left Holla Forums after getting a three year ban for asking if people were serious in a 375 post thread questioning which was more alpha refilled and nationalistic; Fucking a black girl because you are treating her like an object, or letting your wife fuck a bigger because as a cuckold you control whether or not that buck blacks your wife.

So sorry not sorry reddipol, we don't want you.

Right wing SJWs everyone

Sounds legit.

sides cracked

spic kikes get the rope famalam

Why do you think SJW hambeasts want them banned?


That guy's a huge faggot.

Their time is short.
They'll never be able to compete.
The adorable cunnytrons will never let the hamplanets hurt master.

/ourguy/ Stefan Molyneux BTFO'ing the Cuck King


RIP Cuck King.

are you a virgin?

This is how the Cuck King fall? Become the bull…

The picture made me think how long it will take before Cuck Whedon gets accused too. We all know that he's a creepy little cockroach, and his creative output speaks for itself.


Cuck Whedon isn't a hot target tbh.

From what I heard, he was too much of a pussy to make moves on the women he was drooling over. Could be wrong though.

I heard he did some stuff but seeing as he's basically irrelevant these days I doubt the media will pick it up.

The one time in his life Whedon could have been entertaining and he fucks it up, like always.

Isn't it already happened when his ex-wife told his fan how he isn't the saint as they think he is? She probably wouldn't rat out Joss, but i wouldn't be surprise if one of his the victim would want a little spotlight and start to sing…

I was banned for suggesting that jews are not responsible for literally every possible thing that could go wrong in the world.

I wanted to see this movie tbh..

Sounds like you suggested jews were not responsible for anything tbh.

So if they're not responsible for literally everything that goes wrong, it means they must not be responsible for anything?

Holla Forums would have been the first ones in the camps during Hitler's reign. For being mentally subnormal.


No, it sounds like you claimed the kikes weren't behind X and when called out you went "oh guise, the Jews aren't behind everything, stop being so silly".

I always find it funny when you leftists somehow are experts on who would go to the camps. I suppose you do have a ton of experience with that kind of thing but Hitler sent people there for different reasons you did.

He does have a point, americans who claim the natsoc attitude forget about rehabilitating the population, they rather throw them right out to the camps than helping them.
Those didn't go to the camps but were withdraw from the SS ranks, ironically saving them from rampant prosecution.

Based as fuck. I bet this will end up I his comedy routine as a self deprecating joke.

best comedian coming through

And then their warnings turned out to be true, modern marriage ends in Brendan Fraser for men.

I was stating a fact, but I guess Holla Forums doesn't like facts.

I said they aren't behind literally everything that goes wrong with the world. You are just making shit up.

But I'm not a leftist and never indicated I am. Maybe you're just projecting?

The leftists aren't satisfied with his apology. One was even accusing him of being a Drumpf supporter.

Yeah, right, Mr. Mysteryideology. I'm sure you aren't leftist at all.


Even if they are leftist, they are right and the bull really didn't apologized. Why should he?

I can't think of a time where apologizing to leftists ever worked.

I'm sure it is, it's always some made up kike shit with you guys.

I didn't say a single thing that would even remotely suggest I'm a leftist, then you suddenly say out of nowhere that I am one. Projection is the only explanation.

He begged women to look at his penis, then rolled over onto his back and pissed himself to show his subservience to the sjw attack squad. You're not going to be able to sell this.

What do you think we are doing? Hollywood refuses to unJUST Brendan, so Hollywood must be destroyed.

i came here to post this

at least he never hid it.


Pure kino. Saved.

carltonautism is unironically a hollywood insider

t. knower


Being leftists is good, though. Heh, don't tell me you're a cuckitalist….

Cuck tbh

I'm completely uncucked, I only care about the volk.

Really makes me think that all these accusations are probably true, but that most of the cunts making them stayed silent long enough to cash their checks.

You aren't fooling anyone Satan.

For americans at least

It's probably because all their NDA rape contracts expired around this time.

That means that all the powerful jewish executives have finally absorbed enough white woman youth for their evil jewish voodoo (jewdoo) ritual. The gentile world is about to be unmade.


I hope the apocalypse looks cool.

What do you call this??

What in the nun-fucking hell are you talking about?


did you read the OP? are you lucid?

wew lad

You samefag so fucking hard, it's unbearable. You think nobody notices, but they do. You post in the exact same way and always reply to yourself just seconds later.
On any other board you'd be banned months ago.

hes finished

Am I severely out of touch or why is this a national story?
I mean, I understand feminists trying to feel empowered and believe they actually have a story here, but it's literally Louis jerking off in front of people.
Every instance detailed in the article is rib crushingly hilarious. The women are so helpless in their descriptions that it's disgusting.

They act like he was holding them down or locking a door. I see nothing in the NYT story about locking a door. Two of them even admit that they said yes but it was about "muh power."
Jesus christ, walk out the door snickering to yourself. As if you haven't seen a dick before. Laugh about it with other people about the fact that Louis masturbated in front of you.

Am I crazy or does no one else see this? How is it that women are so weak that they can't tell a 40 year old that they don't want to see his penis, or laugh in his face about his penis. The "muh power" bullshit is laughable.

hello jewish cuckold.

Feminists only get "empowered" when they're watching TV or something. It's all in their heads.

Women are weak, but everyone needs to pretend they are strong, so we get this sort of neurotic behaviour.

Found the gay.

>you will never make a Rock Man robot and have him and Roll fall in love as you watch them fuck like an ultra-beta
Feels mega bad man…

Hello cunt enabler.

Her witch laugh is sexy =^_^=

literally kill it with fire

for real I want to crush her face with a boot and set the corpse on fire

why can't it be

inb4 >le you enlightened centrist meme xD

Why did he say estrogen?
He must also think Brock Lesnar was tested postive for estrogen.

holy fuck the autism. ok i'll explain it to you.
Yes it is literally nothing

There made it easy for you, you dumb fuck.

Do you think the timing of this coinciding with the Roy moore accusations was planned (it obviously was). Nobody cared or believed the accusations levied at Trump, but everyone is jumping on the bandwagon even though the current accusations are just as ridiculous. I feel like this was coordinated to prime the public into expecting /believing more and more allegations coming out.

No user, you got it wrong. We're talking about Louis CK, not Bill Burr.