ITT movies from the last two years you actually liked

ITT movies from the last two years you actually liked

The Lost City of Z
The Neon Demon
The Circle
Voyage of Time
Hell or High Water
Good Time
Alien Covenant
A Cure For Wellness
The Lobster
The Nice Guys
Never Here
The Handmaiden
Most Beautiful Island
War Machine
Brawl in Cell Block 99
Beauty and the Beast

Fuck off Emmafag

what a pleb

You already listed good time but that was really good

Your name,
La La land (overrated as hell but I like musicals)
American Made



That’s pretty much all I watched since I only watch movies I’m predisposed to liking I haven’t seen new BR yet but I’ll probably enjoy it too

NONE of those movies are good wtf

The Neon Demon
Personal Shopper
The Ornithologist
Nocturnal Animals
The Handmaiden
The Circle
Donald Cried
The Beguiled
Good Time
The Florida Project
Brigsby Bear (had issues with the ending though)

This is from not watching a lot as well. I still have stuff to go through.

cant really remember anything else from this year

Blade Runner 2049
John Wick 2
The Nice Guys
Neon Demon

List your own movies or gtfo reddit. Seriously nobody cares you dont like anything like some bunch of uberautists.

Absolutely disgusting

Pretty bad lad besides neon demon

I simply like films I think are good. It seems we agree on some. I absolutely hated Colossal and Okja from your list. Seems you like Kstew I can't stand her even in that film.

I thought Arrival was pretty good

Hell or High Water
Hacksaw Ridge
Shot Called
The Founder
War Dogs

Pretty good list tbh.

Thanks for the reclist

Arrival was dogshit for dumb tasteless redditors

No it isn't, its pretty much the I don't watch films core

Yeah but your credibility is shaken when you defend trash like Colonia and Beauty and the Beast because it has Emma in it. And I don't really care for KStew, she was good in Personal Shopper but she's also been in a lot of awful films.

… shit

fury road
midnight special
neon demon

that's honestly all i can think of atm.

The Circle is garbage. It's message is that survalence is okay ad long as the "right people" are doing the survalence. Pure cancer.

A Cure for Wellness was actually really decent up until halfway through the movie. They managed to completely ruin the movie by turning it into a Disney style vampire castle flick.

It makes me sad because it had great potential but writers are always just too lazy to be bothered with a satisfying conclusion. Cloverfield Lane was similar, there was no need for such a ridiculous ending. A Cure for Wellness starts off critisizing capitalism in a rather intelligent way, it uses the clinical, sterile atmosphere of a luxury health resort to create an underlying creepiness. The scene in the bar in the village with the girl was one of the greatest scenes I've seen since a long time. So there I was, enthusiastic and all, only for the movie to completely jump the shark. Shame.