He actually put the old videos behind a paywall

The absolute madman!


Am I supposed to be shocked that Sambo is doing what he does best? Once a scam artist always a scam artist. I warned you.

World Peace getting cancelled isn't what directly fucked him up, it's that he grew an ego from all the attention he was getting.

>that awkward moment when I (former mde fan) realise you are right about everything
Feels bad to be wrong but good to be free from the grasp of Scam and Hide. Feels confusing man.


Ftfy fam

t. still in denial

all me


Where's your time shirt cuck boy? Where's your dating sum cuck boy? Where's your kickstarter TV cuck boy? Where your hydewars cuck boy? What happened to world peace cuck boy? You got played cuck boy.


Let's celebrate by taking the virginity of vulnerable teenager, and fuck a tranny.

He's unironically whining and begging for money while trying to guilt trip us lul.

So where are his cucked fans that were saying "it's just a prank bro" when this video was made? Are you willing to admit that you got cucked hard now?

gehs skim hid's a fuking retard just acept it u fukkin fagits

skim hid needs 2 die regardless tbh
too bad his retad fans keep the gibs flowing
nothing can stop his skim and hid habets ecsept them

btw skim hid is a gay

not that theres a problim with that, im not a repressed skim fan or a drumpf voter

ey post the pics op, u know the ones wher skim is sucking dick and a trenny is ousting him
gets skim hid fans evry time tbh


yeh det 1
skimcuks cent help themselvs whenever it gets posted
wheres the skimcap with the tranny tho?

What was that thing he said before about telling yourself that the what he does is like jacking off in front of a dog, it's like who gives a fuck it's just a dog.

You just saved this thread, good job.

i dont unnerstand, is this some shitty skim hid cuckery?

Well, do you give a fuck?
If so, why?
You're not fucking the animal.

I'm legitimately curious btw, I never actually thought about that kind of situation.

No it was about the comparison that he makes with the dog and the viewers/audience, that's also what he thinks of his fans, it's a metaphor you hecking dip.

Also it's just weird don't jack off in front of your pets it might give them ideas.

kek tbh w/ you

Sam is a kike faggot, what do you expect.

maybe he cringed about them tbqh, which i would if i were him

I know it was a metaphor I don't give a fuck about that, I'm asking his question literally.

mor skim porn tbh
the skimcucks rnt mad enough

He's trying to do the same thing to Milo currently.

THis guy is going to get it bad, real fucking bad

skim hid is literally stealing from his fans btw
ill keep remindin u fagits until u allllll admit u got cucked by skim and hid

y does he have so much acne anyway?
we shuld call him skimple tbh

this happened months ago

no it didn u madskim drinking skimcuck

The fuck is with the comments and the dislikes? This guy you are watching gave us the most unique moments on Youtube and Television and entertaining us since like late 2000's. So when you are telling me you are fucking disliking him and not backing him up with his business plans because finding it too jewy when he asks for like 5 bucks a month, I would suggest you to immediately go and suck a dick. Guess that the old MDE userbase really gone and youtube is really shit now. Either pay up to the guy or gtfo from his channel.

user, you need to stop.
Your shitposting is reaching critical levels, soon you'll be given Australian citizenship.

t. skimcuck wif skimdick deep stuck in his skimdick sucking hid hole

maek me skimcuck
even if u wer BO and u banned me u'd still never get ur money back from skimmybee

Nope. All of the old hydewars are pay per view now. Sambo finally went full retard.

skim hid was always an kike retard an u fel 4 his triks like a dumbass
i bet u voted 4 trumpf 2

Plot twist: he's actually a leaf!


Is this faggot actually funny?
I have only seen this WebM of MDE, and seen people shilling him ad nauseam.

Can a jew really go after another jew?
Doesn't it go against the rules of aquisitions?

On occasion perhaps, I personally prefer Nick and Charls' humor.

What are Nick and Chuck up to these days

Nick seems to have abandoned the internet, Charls is carrying the torch for MDE.

Was that old man really going to fight Nick?

No, it was just improv, hence him calling them 12 yo boys, but MDE really dislike actors trying to do their personal spin in these skits, like the indian guy in officer cop maggot

Fuck off, Sam. There's no excuse for this, and there's a reason paywalls died as a business model with the old media.

Get with the times, loser. That was old five minutes ago. I bet you still watch poetv

Glad this hooligan's "show" is gone, not funny at all. The time slot would be better utilized with Rick & Morty reruns, tbh.

Nick actually has a life outside of MDE and was the personal flare of the show and channel. Charls I think was the "Artist" type but is pretty fucking hilarious on his channel Bombstrap. But the unsung hero is Andrew the background director. I pretty much writes 95% of the material. Sam is filler, nothing more and nothing less.

Without Sam MDE wouldn't exist. Charls is utter shit, both in his MDE skits and his solo endeavors. I agree Andrew though is integral to the entire operation, but still Sam is the charismatic star of the show and without him they would've been another irrelevant comedy troupe that gets a hundred views on youtube.

Scam and Hyde his videos is a genuine piece of shit. It was bad enough he fucked his own career up, but now he is going out of his way to fuck everyone else over too.

Fuck off Sam, no one gives a shit about you and it shows, faggot.


Charls can't act

No joke I would suck Charls cock. He looks like the kinda guy that is hiding a middle in his pants.

Scam Hyde can kill himself for all I care.

I know you are just shitposting, but the funny thing is he probably unironically believes this.

Can you imagine being Sam Hyde and that much of an unfunny jew?


If you don't think Murder Charls is the best MDE sketch then you can fuck off.

He is underrated. He gets some great shots and edits them very nicely. I'm going to need some proof that he writes all of their material though.

I want to know what happened to Thanks, Computer! tbh

What happened to Kurush? He added the spice of diversity and I need that.