Hillary taped a winning video, kek

hillary taped a winning video, kek.


for some reasons comments don't load in, but spam this shit anyways.


Go home little Drumpflet, you are lost.


HAHAHA!! Not even Bill can act like he thought it was going to happen.


Fucking priceless
This dried up cunt
Lies as much as she breathes
Every thing like this is so enjoyable to see
Beast of a daughter too
Keep the killer Clintons as far from the white house as possible!

I won't lie to you people, I fap to Hillary Clinton every night.
She calls me her piglet in my dreams.

Who was the more autistic candidate?

The least genuine "person" in all of politics

Good Lord, she actually thought she would win.

I can't believe you people chose President Chad against this lovable sperg

Cum in my hands sweetie

Do you think we'll ever see a Chelsea Clinton sex tape?

It'll get "leaked" in her 2024 campaign in an attempt to appeal to all the sexed up, aging millenials.

Marie is more cute.

lmao even he knew she wasn't gonna win

Yeah, that little bounce and then awkwardly standing there. Was the entire campaign just an ego trip for Hillary? With Brazile's leaks it seems like it was her abusing the Clinton influence to powertrip and pretend she was gonna win. How insane.

Yeah he knew what was up

I think Bill was trolling her



hillary won the moral victory.

Agreed. Trump hasn't killed a single darkie, but Hillary was blowing them up and sending their children into sexual slavery and organ markets for years. Who's doing more to fight against white genocide, I ask you.




I think she was in the Right.
Lovely lady anyway, would bang.