Gordon Ramsey


What the fuck is that thing on the left?

inb4 'it's a thumbs up, you've probably never been given one before'

He's lost some weight over the years.

I like these shows mainly because they expose professional food critics as a complete fucking farce.

It's a smile. You've probably never seen one before.

Bald man is just your average american thrash.

Ramsay knows how pork that ham.

Has Gordon been OINKED?

Would you watch?



Absolute pleb thinking there, user.
Lettuce is to give a cool, crisp texture compared to the hot and soft burger (plus other things that heat quickly like cheese).
Toasting the bun reduces the absorbance of the bread, which prevents it from getting soggy.

Also, if you put too much lettuce in, it will stop the bun from getting wet, but at the cost of the juices being trapped in pools in the lettuce leaves, which will spill over you at a moment's notice.

looks like he found it to me.


I'm just wondering what putdowns Trump would have

Is that what americans like to call it?

Namby Pamby Ramsay?

It's a bad haircut, you've probably worn won before.

Gordon had a career as a respected chef long before he was a household name, Joe didn't.

Why is kitchen nightmares US so fake and scripted? It would have been better if it was just like the UK version but in America.

It's scripted as much as it's edited to fuck.
This video shows how big a difference music and audio cues make.

*It's not so much scripted

It makes it feel fake, the jumbled scenes are trash too. I just don't get why they felt that it had to be super dramatic when the original formula worked so well.

i thought this was about halo but its just about some britcuck chefs

i think mayonnaise is supposed to be the waterproofing agent but mayonnaise is for niggers so i'm going to accept your substitute of lettuce

Dude on the right seems like pure cringe, doing his "I'm judging you harshly" pose.

Gordon's the only reason to watch

really joe? omg

Now you've gone and done it, my boy.


Joe is like if they got Freddy Kreuger to host a cooking show, Fucking demented.

I like stern but fun Gordon. American Gordon just seems like a psychopath.

I bet she makes ice cream using her milkies if you know what I mean.

That Welsh piece of shit?

Exactly, he's just there to try to one up Gordon.

Christina was a huge improvement over Joe and fatty. She's extremely weird. Last season she just started screaming "SOGGY BALLS!" at one point.

The Mexican is shit tho.

Now those are some Khazar milkers