Millie Millie Millie Millie Thread


Fuck Maisie. Srsly get some taste you munter loving cunts


Millie after a couple of years getting fucked in the ass by daddy Harv.

Please no more. She haunts my thoughts enough as it is.

I wonder how her boypussy looks like.

No, that's a Burger lady honey. :)

Millie lives in murica now, and Harv fucked actresses all over the world.

Goyim plz, Bug Harv isn't getting anywhere near her I promise. ;)


Millie is as close to a saint as you can get. T. someone who was her personal chauffeur for 5 months when she was filming in Atlanta for Blackhall Studios. She's an exceptional person and seems like someone who is a lot older in a younger persons body. Her father is protective but they give her a lot of personal reign, especially when it comes to social media. It's very doubtful she was "raped by Jews" or whatever you conspiratards say.

there are no saints you naive shitposting fool
what is wrong with you?

Who invited the gay community?

says the sticc lover, who's also in love with a carrie fisher clone.
who was also a tranny.

Is that where the duffers were filming or is that godzilla?

Godzilla. I work for CL Casting.

less talking, more millie

What did he mean by this?

I think he just wants to believe that there is still a part of Carrie Fisher that's alive.

But there's not. She's dead forever.

Weinstein raped her to death.

What did he mean by this?

She's very very close though…


Probabl pic related

why can't I spell?

Yes, its very doubtful that Millie got used up…




a cute

why do people continue to fawn over these ugly hos when there are 10/10 snapchat hos who do it for free smh famalam



What do mean, he just did?

Shitty chinese cartoons are not an example


I just think she's pretty. Do you not think she's pretty?

Damn, frame by frame you can notice she's sort of cut or "smashed" in half… hot


You're the kind of trash this board needs removed.

any farting vids or scat?








We're going to have to have a word with you Mr. THOT poster





i want to lick every part of her body.
















okay seriously, what interview is that? I can't seem to find it anywhere.






























that's not fair.

Is this the next ugly cunt you faggots are going to spam all over /btv/?














Who's that? is that kike who's been raping her?

one of them, certainly.


wait, are her eyes brown or green?


black with white stripes.

You'd rather people not contribute to the thread?





Juden? Is that anti-semitism? Leave it to the cumskins to be racist bigots… Seriously, After all the jews have suffered, you still insist with this bullshit? I'm glad the white race is dying.

6 million. SIX. MILLION. And you're still a racist piece of shit. Un-fucking-believable. Know that the revolution is underway and as soon as Trump and his fucking regime is removed you will get fucked up so hard all the punched you're getting daily in the protest will look like a dream.

The world has no place for you anymore, and neither whites. Bye, enjoy getting genocided ;) xoxo

i would prefer her with more hair and to be a bit older. just my .02

at least people who like Maisie aren't pedophiles


I like em both


fucking pedophiles I should ban all ur asses right now

faggots go on >>>Holla Forums

You're the one wanting to do stuff to peoples butts. Weirdo


go ahead and ban my ass, but you'll never get the rest of me!

my ass is a small price to pay for a millie thread!

She is super ewww

Who are you trying to kid?

what if it doesn't hit the ground but it hits a trap instead?

where is your god now?

He was probably taking a nap, should be back soon.

Throw bricks at traps

Sounds like a fun game

*believes there's a "god"

…in 2017

Golden Hazel.



You know that's a boy? Even his middle name is male.

Some actual females. So you compare this geldling.




Guess she never learnt any manners. She'll turn to shit real fast, already on her way.

Her family is completely unstructured, she constantly fight with her sisters, will likely go live on her own and date a nigger in less than an year.


That's it. I don't care about our waifus' alliance anymore. You've offended us enough already.

I wonder where that asshole is who constantly accused Maisie's Watch of pedophilia. Why isn't he attacking this thread now? Is he banned currently or he is a pedo and doesn't mind this

Thank you

What alliance???

How exactly? Maisie has only 1 sister, and they don't fight, because they don't live in the same household. She never dated a nigger either…

Look how pathetic you are. You don't even know your own waifu, but you insult other peoples' ones…

Big Harvey already destroyed her

At least Millie doesn't look like an inbred hobgoblin.

Yeah, most of the times she looks like a boy.

Great file name.
He genuinely looks like a douche canoe

riiight, but even still at least millie still looks human


lol millie a shit


How long until we find out this trannie is a jew ?

You mean she is a nigger

what a cunt

You wish Grumpfenstein

How long before Stranger things gets cancelled because one of her co-stars "accidentally" gets her pregnant?

Unlike frog face.

It's the producers that rape the talent. Fellow actors are too busy struggling to simply survive the Hollywood meatgrinder.


goes on /mu/

What happens if your fellow actor becomes the producer?

Those are known as 'daywalkers'.

the cigarette smoking man



too much shit to scroll through

any upskirt moments?

do not sexualise the millie.

i didn't lewd the millie, she lewded herself and OP just spread it.

Fucking degenerates….

what do?

probably ask her what she was doing out, ask about family being concerned, take her home, tell her it was no big deal, hope she gives me a kiss on the cheek (but doesn't), watch her go inside, then speed off and kill myself.


oh so she did it is that right? are you really implying such a a sweet innocent little girl would ever do such a thing!?


I wonder if she has ever been spanked…

looky dem curves ✱‿✱

Met her at a comic con, she is beyond cute and very polite. Also she is smaller in person (suprising no one except me)

she looks taller in promo material than in the show

Considering the size of her feet, she's in-bound for another growth spurt. And not just the width.



Silently hold hands with her in the car.

*Absolutely nothing*







Dude wtf, she's like 10 or so.




I wish


I met her too.










She loves the dick.


Who could resist?




You don't have to be Jewish to love that great big Jew shlong

Pretty sure she prefers Noah and not the ratface kike vermin, she was just offended by his reaction.



Oh look, it's the Punch Some People In The Face-guy

Nazi Gblumpfcuck scum aren't getting anywhere near this girl long as I'm around

When your destiny is to become ash, no one can prevent it.

Reminder that the most vocal and angry "allies" are usually the worst rapists and pedophiles.

There's that fucking leg brace again

please confine these pedo threads to Holla Forums

Princess is not for sexual!




I bet she wears boys' undies.

burgers go on >>>Holla Forums

Another reason why I switched to /r/television.

wtf? I'm with leddit nao!

Essential cushioning for his penis.

you goyim really don't like it that a Jew stole yet another one of your beautiful women do you? :')

You can't steal what's already yours. Possibly the least photogenic cast in the history of television.

She's not jewish, you fat nigger!


How long did it take you to believe your own lies?


Why do you think Millie is Jewish and not Noah? questionably Jewish it would him way before her, then David has a very slight chance and that only leaves Natalia & Joe before we get to random cast members. Millie, Sadie and Dustin would literally be the only Europeans on that entire show

Meme actress.

>>>Holla Forums

I didn't say Noah wasn't.
Millie = Jew, partially deaf
Noah = Jew
Natalia = ADHD
Matarazzo = Mystery meat, CD, retarded
McLaughlin = Nigger
Wolfhard = Jew, possible tranny/hermaphrodite

memes are bad

Millie is British and Spanish, you goons

Spanish by birth only and 'British' - there are plenty of 'British' celebs who have strong Jewish blood.

wtf? I love Holla Forums nao!

If she is, she's the whitest looking hymie ever. I'm not kicking her out of the Fourth Reich.

You're welcome to join her in the chamber.

>She's British, therefore Jewish! Check Mate

Not if I see you there first.

That's not very nice. How dare you sully the people of the Home Nations with such a foreign identity.

Not likely. Unless I come by to gloat.

I was quoting what said

all yours.

Oh… well then, carry on.



Millie Vanillie?

How is The Jew getting away with sexualising her like this?

Fits into the progressive fad of promoting boyish girls and girlish boys, trannies and pick-n-mix. See






you can post up to 5 images at a time like

Are there more of her in this blue swimsuit or are these three it?


so damn cute

All ive seen

4th is the same as the 1st but cropped. wish there were more, oh well. thanks!

Why can't Holla Forums like a proper beautiful woman, instead of this parade of midgets, castratos and men in whore clothing?

Is everyone here a sexually abused teen, trying for all eternity to fetishize his traumas?

no, i wasn't, thankfully.

Yeah, noticed that after I posted lol I thought I saw a 4th from another angle…

Not That double cropped upload, thought there was another (4th), may be wrong.

why is she dressing like this? She's cute but the sexual stuff is creepy and sad. Poor girl needs better parents.

That is what his (((bosses))) tell him to, he is a kid, he is not picking those up himself.



Post more Millie like this.
Also this
And this

daily reminder that millie bobby brown has a vagina

i want her to do dirty things to me while telling me how pathetic i am

fuck gonna cum




What do?

Guards drag me to Millie's chambers?
Millie gettin pregnant tonight


Can't you autists at least spam a non-ugly girl?

That's what we're doing…

You’re making Mara Wilson angry

What did she mean by this?

So much qt Millie up in here

She will push you over the edge

I'll pound her miserable hide and give her a tanning like she's never had in her life!

Implying she wouldn't be with the other Jews in the camp.

Sucks for her. She friendzoned froggo and now he looks like a british rockstar.


She's the only reason to watch Stranger Things.

"How do you do fellow kids?"

Cute in glasses

Cute at TRL



Also, I've had like my 4th or 5th reoccurring dream about her. I've started writing them down now and logging them:

I was at some kind of local basketball game and not really paying attention when I saw Millie there and we momentarily made eye contact and I felt like she recognized me from previously talking on the internet or something. I stayed there at the game, not focusing, but wanting to meet Millie. For some reason during the game, she got up from her seat with whomever she was there with and they all went to lay near the floor of the court and from the angle she was laying with her dress I could see her panties and so I wanted to take an upskirt with my phone but didn't want to be noticable.

For some reason the dream changed up and it was night time and everyone in the venue started to get ready as if they were all going to spend the night there. Under the the lower lighting, I sneaked down to where she was and touched her leg and to my surprise she recognized me and said, "What are you doing?! You can't be seen here. How are we ever going to get married if someone finds out about this?" I apologized and asked if there was anything I could do. She said she was thirsty and wanted a lemonade. I asked specifically what kind, and she said, "in a can."

So I want on this adventure of sorts to go find her lemonade and frantically searched the venue for a drink machine that contained one of those Minute Maid canned lemonades. I had no change or money so I was begging people in the halls. One guy was very annoyed but finally threw some change on the ground. As I was going to go buy the drink, I noticed my phone was dying and I really, really wanted to get a pic with Millie because I knew I was going to post it on Holla Forums later to prove it to other chums. So here I was buying this drink, but I had to plug in the phone and wait until it got a decent charge so I could take a pic with flash.

When it finally got to about 35% charge I hurried back but then was having trouble finding which room contained the basketball court. All the rooms looked like classrooms. One random room I spotted Hillary Clinton in a hijab with Bill. I watched them walk out with Huma and leave. I still couldn't find the basketball court though.

Finally, I noticed huge crowds leaving and apparently the game was letting out. I managed to spot Millie with her mom and asked them both if I could get a picture before they left. The mother looked annoyed and now Millie was looking anxious, like I was coming off creepy now. Compound that with a huge swath of young girls who also wanted a picture. Her mom eventually stopped though so people could get a couple photos. I hurried up and readied my camera but some other faggot my same age was in the shot and shitty faceapp features were turned on on my phone for some reason. I woke up in a panic when I realized I couldn't get myself into frame in time.

cute in leather







Is she more attractive with short hair or what, (then with long hair)? Is it just me who thinks that?