Is female athletics Kino?

Is female athletics Kino?


only if they fart

I'd say so, judging by the box office numbers.

hehe, box office

It's comedy kino.





No goon, I won't apologize for being heterosexual.


and you'd have posted it regardless because you're a thin skinned weeb who's afraid of weebshit getting insulted.

prove it by getting laid
find a girl with fetal alcohol syndrome, she'll look enough like an anime bitch. Or do you effeminate weeb faggots want to BE the girl instead?

Time to get that buttplug outta your ass and man up.

>being this triggered by cute anime girls

you sound like a master spaz and a massive faggot to boot.


What is it about girl fecal matter that makes it sexually arousing?

Keijo is not for fapping.

Real women aren't feminine enough. Those of us who aren't closet gay are waiting for robots.



that parrot is almost as fat as your mom

Epic friend XD
Here, you get an upvote

here's you


I know right? Why can't the stupid goyim just watch true quality animation?

Pillowfucking cuckime btfo

Pick one only.

You're simply assuming they're a) virgins and b) male, neither of which is necessarily true, and even if it were true it would make no difference anyway.


Truly the post-modernist is attacked at every angle.

This term is starting to seem apt, because it's like anime is cucking you out of your free time and free will. You could be doing so many things, but instead you spend all your time here posting >cuckime and raging against anime in general. You are sitting in the cuck corner wearing your cuck hat and watching anime fuck your life.


Hmmm I wonder who is really getting cuckout out of their free time and free will hmmmm I really wonder hmm

they always have far more than one word to respond to that one word and then say it doesn't bother them out of the other side of their mouth.

I like watching anime. It's my hobby. You on the other hand are traumatized by the sight of it yet spend all day raging against it on Holla Forums (and no doubt other places).

Nice projection and misdirection there, pedowood shill.

You masturbate to doodles. The only excuse for that is being 13 years old. Are you a child or a tard?

I don't recall saying anything like this. Maybe you momentarily confused my post with one of yours.

Think folks, all of this butthurt because of one seven letter word. That's all it takes. Weebs have thin skin and are easily disrupted with one simple word.

Think of all the projection you're engaging in here.

They're called paragraphs.

A sentence is not a paragraph, brainlet.

A sentence can be a paragraph, and not having an empty line in there would be retarded. Try studying outside 4chan Meme University every once in a while.


a paragraph on here would be like 5 or 6 lines without spacing them yourself, bud.

A paragraph does not need to be a certain length and obviously I had to put an empty line in there.

This is what memes do to people's brains. Normal writing is now "reddit spacing" and people freak out.

Your post is reddit spacing tbqh

Your brain is competely fucked tbqh.


I'm sorry for your burger tier education.

Almost everyone who used it in that image was banned lol

I have education. You have memes.

Looks funnier than cuckime tbh

damn emmafag is a stupid reddit spacer and has shit taste in waifus. kinda feel bad for him now.