Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal is a lying fatass kike with a ponytail.

Fuck you dude, you are just that ass blasted JCVFB fan who shits up every Aikino appreciation thread with your autism. Get bent reddipol, get bent.

found the jew

>unironically supporting a french faggot who knows a few kicks


JCVD is belgian

OP here, wtf is JCVFB and JCVD?

he's a kike

I love this stuff.

Wrong vid

Jean Claud Van Fuck Boi a gay French exmodel that sucked enough cock to get famas at one point but now he sucks cock for coke and botox. The Milo Snuffaluffagous of martial arts flicks.

It seems evident that you hate him, so do you support Steven Seagal? What if they are both fake ass faggots?

wow these guys are arrogant. how do you "spar" by jamming your thumb into someone's eye, or grab their balls and twist? how do you do this without hurting someone? how do you do that in the ring? these guys are retards.

Yeah, the people they are talking about are arrogant.

no he isn't

good comprehension skills.

yeah, I could say the same for you. They are sarcastically talking about "street fighters" who jam thumbs into each other's eyes and do fucked up shit. They aren't condoning it, they are doing the opposite. You are too autistic to notice it though.

good comprehension skills.
you have no idea what i said, and you didnt understand the video i was responding to.

Yeah I did, you responded directly to it, I listened to the video and understand that Jow Rogan and the other guy are making fun of "street fighters" and people who use tricky ways to win a fight, like stabbing a guy with a broken vodka bottle.


How the fuck is a nigger knife tricky? They pull this shit every chance they get.

who in the fuck cares? That's my point, you fucking jewish piece of sit.

I ask a question so I am a jew shit? Suck my cock dude.

that's a question that needs to be answered by yourself. Do you have jewish ancestry?

i was responding to them talking about martial arts styles that use those types of methods saying theyre ineffective. and using "they wont use it in a ring" as evidence of them being con-men.

you pretty much misunderstood the entire video.

goddamn, the mental gymnastics you are going through right now are astounding, please continue.

here. I'll prime you by saying that they were making fun of the people saying street fighting makes you more hardcore, wen it actually makes you loom like an idiot when you are faced with a real fighter.

Does your dick touch your ass?

theyre talking about martial artists that they consider bullshit. not tyrone saying talking about a "street fight"

are you a nigger?

eye gouging, nut grabbing, small joing manipulation, neck/throat strikes are all parts of certain martial arts. again, nice comprehension skills.

yes they are. they literally say that in the recording. They are belittling people who think they are superior for engaging in fights with no rules on the streets. Did you even listen to the audio?

I'll mock you by saying nice comprehension skills

nice comprehension skills.
why even bother correcting you? you cant even understand english. but i'll try, you get 1 chance.

listen to the first 30 seconds. theyre talking about trained martial artists, dismissing them as "fake" because they wont practice eye gouging and similar in the ring.

also, thats bas rutten, known for getting into street fights and teaching people how to defend themselves in a street fight.

the fucking youtube comments are more insightful than you. on either side. because you simply cant comprehend the video.

gotta admit his stuff from the 70's looked good

JCVD and Jet Li rule kino

Was Executive Decision the first time a character of his died?

He's also a really bad actor.

its very hard to top this, even these days

Tell me this isn't kino.

JCVD is based and pro-white
it's obvious why kikes promote seagal

Belgian isn't a nationality.

The thing is about the Van Damme story is that it's told by the biggest kike of them all, Sylvester Stallone a well known faggot.

The main thing about Aikido from what i understand that it's not just flashy kicks or moves. It's a way of approaching any conflict and if there's a way without an actual fight you choose that one. Martial Arts was never about aggression in the first place. But these degenerate mercernaries called pro-fighters nowadays think they are practicing martial arts when all they do is knock eachother stupid for jewish papers.

My Dad is a master of many martial arts- Taekwondo, Kendo, Sudoku, Go… you wouldn't, no, COULDNT believe your eyes.

He always told me his true power was due to his learning of aikido(he has a black belt but doesn't consider himself a master of the true art, as everyone is a student forever in Aikido). With Aikido, he can end conflicts without hurting anyone, by redirecting their own energy into a armlock or trip that is inescapable(because how can u beat yourselff…?) and he just asks the defeated person if they have calmed down before he lets them go… very beautiful martial arts, aikido is. They say you can even reverse direction of an entire car if you know how…

walloon then

Nah, Van Damme is a kike. His real name is (((Van Varenberg))) and he has a jew grandmother, that atleast what he has admitted.

Yes, it's a truly an art.

>Cannot go to California again or he gets an (((accident)))
He's alright

Unlike the literal Seagal jew

Anyone got the vid where Steven Seagal goes up to a dead body and takes some package from it?
I think it's from the same movie as this webm, Sniper: Special Ops.

Why is this even a thing? Is there some forum that i'm not aware of where JCVD is a meme? Until I saw this thread, I have never seen it posted on the internet before.



If I was in a fight with Steven Seagal, I'd grab him by his pigtail and knee him in the forehead.

Other than not fucking writing his entire name every time, the movie was well received in its release and was an actual good point in discussions about the best performance of 2008, around the whole Tom Hardy (Bronson) and Gay Ledger (Joker) memery

So a bunch of kikes loved it? I am a big movie guy and I pay attention to things surrounding movies. I have never heard of this movie.

For yourself only, and a fag one at that, if you haven't heard of that movie and justify it on just a bunch of jews writing on it (which they hated, by the way)
It's a pretty decent movie with very surprising acting from him, it's basically a drama in which he plays a self-parody, action done as comedy or turning points in the story
He's not a bad actor, at least from 1996, but he went to another level there, probably because he was playing himself and in his native language

A shame he hasn't made something similar since, it really looked like his big comeback role ala Mickey Rourke in Wrestler (2008 too), one of his pen pals and memorable antagonists



implying this is exclusive to Seagal and isnt from disgruntled idiots who didnt get the paycheck they wanted