This flick has aged really badly. Its just another attempt at the reddit audience...

This flick has aged really badly. Its just another attempt at the reddit audience.Reminds me of TFA where reddit is declaring it a masterpiece and two weeks later remember what a piece of shiite it was.

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Why are you trying to shill this shit movie here?
It was a flop becouse it was playing safe like every other rehash that is produced via board rooms.

The movie can be faulted for things, but being a safe rehash isn't one of them. Also it has earned $240 million so far so it doesn't seem like a flop to me.

Budget was $150 million. The box office needs to make at least twice that amount since marketing costs about the same as the budget

I had heard that the advertising was poor, and it's not automatically true that the advertising budget must be double the production budget.

This site says the budget and marketing fee were $300 mil

Where did they spend $150 million on marketing? Maybe it includes the cost of those short films.

Is this really about the new Blade Runner?

A bunch if stupid shit like Snapchat

So the marketing was focused on the people least likely to be interested in it.

It's already a certified classic. Guess you're going to have to get used to that like you'll have to live through 7 more years of Trump as president.

Blade runner 2049 was kino. Leftists will claim it failed because it wasn't pozzed enough but we who are initiated know better.

Lmao, only leftyshits and womyn hate this movie, everyone else loves it.

It's definitely reddit

It's always a good sign, when Reddit dislikes a movie. Since they stick everything in their anuses when they like something. But we'll see once the screeners are released.

Reddit likes it though they suck off Villenueve just like Nolan

It basically hamfisted the first movie in the second half
That's going as safe as possible without literally rehashing the plot

It really is

The only bad about it was the poster they went with, which I presume they had to make look like capeshit to drag in normalfags who otherwise wouldn't be interested. Most fan posters look far better, even the simplistic, minimalistic ones.

The official one is terrible but those are all also awful, the 3rd and last ones especially. I got a laugh out of real human bean? though

Do you enter her GBs of pussy because the ads would be terrible otherwise since that was the focus for those two. The advertising must have been bad because I only recognize one of them.


it may not be as bad as TFA, but it is still a safe rehash

Here we have confirmation that you haven't seen the film.

When will this be on bluray?

well i finally saw it.

was meh at best.

the tits were nice, but the plot was ass. e;r sums up thoughts that pretty much run parallel to mine.

not until next year.

Cut the act scrub, even the focal point at the end is CGI from Rachel and a girl who looks like her, along with explanatory dialogue

Standard release and deluxe box set with 4-hour version split across two discs early next year.

Does that version come with a non-shit plot and no past references?

Jokes aside, that's a full hour and something more, the movie was already self-indulgent with its time, what could possibly go there other than a couple of Jared Leto's dumb character babble and a scene more with the Lexi Belle-looking hologram?

I liked those casual flying through dystopian LA in the spinner car shots of the original.
More of the replicant rebellion, K actually "retiring" a couple before learning he's on the wrong side.
More shots of him flying through neon rainstorms.

A CGI fest?
Was really he?
And it seems he only retired Random Task, due to his lack of injuries
More rebellion seems plausible but it really adds another layer of this shitfest of a sequel if they focused on that for more than 5 minutes.

Sequels were a mistake, Villeneuve is beyond shit at adaptations

A good portion was actually miniature models

computers fucked with the coloring and saturation though, so user isn't entirely wrong.

K wasn't on the wrong side though, he was doing his job and nothing more. the whole robot revolution was a dumb sideplot anyways, it'll just be a repeat of the second renaissance.
