


Here's an idea. Why don't they start making good movies again?


Maybe the could have oppened a few more screens for Kizu and realized that the red pill aryan kinome masterrace market is actually viable as opposed to jew scat and beastiality driven entertainment.

How does it feel, Holla Forums?

It’s a mixture of they don’t know how and wanting to use fiction to change how people think to embrace progressive politics. Even if they did know how to make a good movie, they’d hate it, because it wouldn’t be progressive enough.

Not sure how I feel about this, considering China will just buy it out cheap and literally nothing changes other than you switch control from Jews or Chinese. America is not going to reigain its cultural dominance with the collapse of Hollywood.

Anything's better than kikes. I for one welcome our new insect overlords.

You deserve to be cattle tbh.


You're missing the reason Pedowood is failing.
It's the over-saturation, the decline in quality, the increasing ticket prices and the ease of access of other mediums like online content.
China won't be able to save it without making radical changes, which I doubt they'll do.

The big issue imo is the quality. There's nothing worth actually going to the place and spending the money and time away from home. Even if it's a bit more expensive i'd be willing to spend some money to go see a movie on the weekend with family or friends to feel as if we're "going out" but all you get for it is some loud motherfuckers in the front row who ruin the atmosphere for the movie, shitty movies not worth the price, and diversity thrown in your face at every opportunity. I don't want that shit for free, why would I pay for it?

I wish I capped that post by user about going to see a matinee showing of Dunkirk. It was kino.

Wouldn't it be a smart move for cinemas to throw in an older movie or two every fortnight? I haven't been to the movies in ages because i'm not interested in chickflicks and capeshit, but if they threw in older movies every now and then I'd probably go more often. They could even make the tickets a little cheaper. It would be nice to grab a couple friends, a couple beers, and go see Terminator 2. It's not like they need the seats. The last couple of times I went they were showing the same movie in two different rooms and the one I was in was almost empty.

I'm sure it's floating around somewhere.

Probably, but they might have some type of contract to keep the failed movies on the cinema screen for a few months or so. Or they might need to pay a significant amount to showcase older movies like Terminator 2, making it a net loss overall. I agree it'd be funner to go see older movies rather than the new ones though, and i've heard of some cinemas playing older movies, especially on special occasions. Personally, i'd love to watch commando on the big screen with some buddies, especially with a good bit of booze and food. It'd prolly be fun.

Those used to exist, but they faded away in the 80's with the rise of the entire "blockbuster" concept.
Films like Eraserhead were able to be successful commercially back in the 70's, but most kino since around 1988 are commercial failures that get remembered ten years later.


feels good man

Is that starwars nignog fighting with captain trashbin and apeing the TR8-T0R fight?
You mean Disney is so shit they have to rip off stuff from their own previous shit starwars movie, one little nugget that took off in popularity in spite of the rest of the garbage from force awakens?
And even then they didn't understand what was great about it, only its effect so they forced it upon their stronk coldsteel female troope shit character hoping to just transplant the meme onto her?

So…..party ar Holla Forums ?


That would require less niggers.



Her pussy is diseased though

True fact- I paid a script review service $100 to evaluate my script. In the meanwhile I decided to look at some of their other reviews. A script where a girl is fucking her dog to… I don't know, get back at her conservative mother who was running for political office, (who's also portrayed as a religious fanatic bigot because lol, red states amirite?) scored like an 8. Script was otherwise a banal, rote piece of shit but it scored an 8 because muh degeneracy.

My masterpiece came back as a fucking 6. Fuck Kikewood. Let it all burn.

Also all women get trush at one time or another, Daisy just has a bad case of it tbh


Sounds like a huge scam. I bet if you send winner scripts with millions of sales changed enough not to be recognized, they will score them randomly.

you're fucking blind and unbelievably annoying

It's actually one of the more reputable ones. Scripts they've recommended have gone on to be made into award winning films. Fuck it, no point hiding it, it was The Blacklist.

I'm very tempted to send in an ultra-pozzed piece of shit, with faggots, trannies, portraying Christians as gun owning nuts, just to see what score I would get.

You mad Bro?

Oh shit, you're serious. I'm gonna need a source for this one.

It's not thrush but nasty infections that are like thrush on steroids are a consequence. I'd still fuck her face and ass tbh

Sounds like an even bigger scam.


At least the Chinese don't rape kids as much as kikes do. Do they?

They wish.

Proof she has a womb and ovaries?

You're probably right. For every movie they help get greenlit that fits the narrative, there's probably a thousand wrong-think movies that never had a chance, still throwing their shekels into the machine anyway. This is why everything in Hollywood fucking sucks– they don't want new voices and original stories, they want what they want, and if you so happen to write the dogfucker/anti-conservatives movie they've been waiting on, they throw a parade for you and push you to the top of the list as an exciting new voice. Ah well, live and learn.

Even among the narrative pushing scripts, there is surely a shadow hand picking which based on personal connections and other deals.

Proof that she doesn't?


Her smiles always weird me out, Maisie may have a scrunch face but it's like Daisys cheek muscles are trying to escape her face.

Because they would rather suck each other off by making the latest propaganda piece for gold statues.

They do but you can't detect them

enjoy nothing but capeshit year around

>hollywood gets replaced by the eastern european movie industry

Soon. Soon Ivan will have his revenge on us all.

They are so hellbent on turning "nigger vs stormtroopers" into a BLM commercial, that they can't realize how absolutely heroic it looks like when a simple soldier with a baton, squares off against a superhero with a magic sword.