I feel like I'm not getting something when I'm watching this. I mean, there are parts which I enjoy, and sometimes it gets me to laugh, or think, etc etc, but the majority of the time, I feel like I'm not getting something. I guess what I'm saying is, what's the appeal of the show? Is it worth making time to watch? If so, where, and if not, are there certain parts I should watch?


Its just your typical Adult Swim anti-humor, but with a lot of references and dogwhistles to Holla Forums and alt-right.
I like the tap sketch the best.


Tap water, angry boss, teacher, and "it'll never happen to me" are the best. Just cold bitter black humor at its finest. The rest are pretty shitty. Especially the ones you can tell Sam wrote.

They like to through a lot of subtle references in their skits


Everything Charls was in was shit, especially "it'll never happen to me".

Fuck off Sam. You couldn't contain your shit for one moment in your life and you fucked it up for everyone.

And another thing we both know those were the best recieved vingettes.






Charles is a fag. So is Sam but at least he has the common decency to stay in the closet.

A lot of it seems like it's portraying the present day as a dystopian future through an ironic retro lens. It's like what a guy would make if he went through art school and graphic design and decided everything in the world is shit, especially hedonism. I can't tell if Sam Hyde is fatally blackpilled or not, so I just try to take it at face value: a goofy comedy show with a slight Holla Forums-like awareness.

World Peace isn't actually a good starting point if you're new to MDE. Only a few of the skits are easily accessible but for the most part the show is missing context that's in the youtube channel. Not saying that World Peace is something that only "true fans" will understand, but you'll understand more where these sketches came from and appreciate them better.

Watch some of the original MDE skits first (College Cunts, Ideas Man, Officer Maggot, etc), then try out some of the non-skit goods like Williamsburg Street Fashion, Inconvenient Anime, Paradigm Shift 2070, etc. There are some hidden gems in Sam's vertical videos but they're not for everyone.

The vertical videos were great, it's a shame Sam never used any of these as characters to troll people in his "non skit videos".

Charls is staunchly anti-gay.
What is satire?


Wasnt that a mannish woman?
Why are you trying to slander MDE, butthurt libshit?


Charls isn't gay dude. Look I know you got your little fued with Sam but seruliously dude. You know if I was part of MDE I would probably be just as pissed, if not moreso, at Sam and all his bullshit.

Charls is a very chill guy and fucking with him irl doesn't seem very fun.

Why is his homosexuality even an issue here? I'm not criticising him for it, I'm applauding him. He's way better than closet cases like Sammy.

Because he isn't gay dude

The show itself is a social satire, every skit is mocking something about modern life.
The Man Who Would Never Be.. is about the prison system, the teacher skit is about the joke of an eduction system, The Wall Show is aboutt women who try to settle too late in life, etc.
The show makes more sense if you view it from this perspective.

How can you even miss the point by that far?

It's not about the prison system you nitwit, it's about how people make bad decisions regardless of how they are affected and rationalize the results until reality hits.

You're all missing the point, they're just fucking jokes. Not everything has some deeper meaning. Charls flying through the window is nothing more than a surreal comedic moment.

I'll agree with you I'm probably wrong about the prison system, but I'm pretty sure about the teacher bit. Don't give me some BS about how it's actually about the students or some shit.

BTW the show is rerunning apparently, another episode is airing at 4:30 AM I think.

You put two skits in too narrow context
They both tell about society as a whole not "only" then prison system or "only" education system

it's the unfunny Tim & Eric clone for alt-right morons. scam hide is a fucking worthless hack make no mistake.

Is anyone else watching this Morning Show shitstream or whatever it is? This is fucking painful. Unfunny nu-humxn 28 year olds talking about instagram and unboxing wacky things while they tap away on sticker-covered laptops. A guy is wearing a cardboard box on his head because it's random. Sometimes I understand why God sends earthquakes.

fixed for you

Lemme give you a tip: don't reply to fags like that. 80% they're baiting and 20% they're asshurt. They're the cancer killing this board, by replying you give them more power.