Three years later… do you still hate it?

Three years later… do you still hate it?

Haven't seen it

Didn't hate it to begin with.

You should. It's not bad.

People lately have tried to act like being from reddit isn’t bad, but it is. And you are.

What movie is that?

where did I say reddit wasn't bad?

misread your comment.
where did I say I was from reddit?

2014: the year we kill ourselves

the movie is fine until coop goes into the black hole. then the whole LOVE TRANSCENDS THE UNIVERSE TARDIS bit fucking ruins it. anne hathaway is still a qt tho.

great visuals great sound track
terrible story terrible dialog

I want to put my dick in Anne while caressing her short hair tbh.

I have always hated Matt Damon.

Why should I like something that posed as a bastion of science when it in fact shat all over science?
It's like asking me to like Big Bang Theory or Rick & Morty.

LMAO nerd, go get laid ;)

A weapon to suppass Metal Gear

Holla Forums spotted and reported for ban evasion.


At first I thought it was shopped.
Imagine my shock if I was to wake up with this daemon by my side without makeup ;_;

but it is shopped

brunf supporter spotted and reported for holocaust denial

I might give it a try. How anti-white is it?

It was a good flick but mediocre kino. Obviously it was aping 2001: Space Odyssey but seemed to jack itself off over MUH SCIENCE
the LOVE TRANSCEND THE UNIVERSE shit also detracted a bit, because by the same logic my erection and my anger transcend the universe, so it was a moot point.
They shoulda switched out for a more ambiguous ending like 2001 though, if I were a director I'd have the black hole shred matt across the universe and because of that he becomes some kind of god-like entity instead of it being MUH FUTURE HUMAYYYNS


The main complaint you will hear about it comes from atheist reddit sperges interpreting the ending to literally mean "LOVE TRANSCENDS THE UNIVERSE" which is really upsetting to them because they FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE and it totally ruins a REALISTIC EPIC MOVIE for them.

Kind of like

How do you know it is NOT SHOPPED?
I don't the usual pixels that are visible when a picture has been doctored…

t. Gimp expert.

I don't care anymore

This one is shopped, realistic but shopped.

There is like one black guy If I recall correctly.


The sci-fi bits were cool. More movies should be based on exploring dreamlike alien planets. The movie was unnecessarily long since it had to go out of its way to force the whole "love" thing into the story, but apart from that it was good.


The problem is they gave Nolan a Spielberg script, and the typical Spielberg sentimental mush that was present in the movie was met with Nolan's trademark emotionally detached, prim-and-proper british autism. That's why the "muh love" stuff feels so dopey and out of place, because it was intended for a director far more whimsical than Nolan.

On a side note, what were they thinking with the god-awful organ soundtrack? Shit sounded ridiculous.

I agree. It didn't help the Earth side/backstory was a convoluted and halfwitted mess.

I still love it.

The story was retarded, the acting weak

I saw it in the cinema and thought it was great, except for the ending which was kind of silly.

I also enjoyed all the little in-jokes about global warming and environmentalists, like the fact that there is a scientist called Mann in the film who lies about his temperature data. I think many cinema-goers may have missed them.

I have mixed feelings about it. It's completely copying 2001 even though it tries to act self conscious about it's similarities, it's still copying. The "love transcends the universe" shit was unnecessary and only takes away from the movie. The movie would've been the same without it in there at all. The dude who tries to kill the main character on that one planet I haven't seen this movie in a while and I don't remember the specifics, makes no sense at all. These things (except for the 2001 copycatting) would probably not be an issue if Nolan wasn't trying to make a blockbuster. The good stuff in the movie is pretty self explanatory, the music, some parts of the story were intriguing, the cinematography, and the fact they put so much effort into making a realistic black hole

I didn't hate it, o just thought it was stupid.


But it is stupid.

Not bad, but far for great. The last 30-40 minutes added a forced villain, also the plot-twist was dumb.

Waterworld was a better movie.


The only good movie made since The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, is Drive.

OP's movie, like every other from that time period is overrated shit.



A reminder Nolan argued the physics in movie is accurate.

A reminder Nolan is overrated trash who steal from anime and present it as his own "original ideas".
A reminder his best batman movie was just copy pasta from Frank Miller animation also he copy pasta whole scenes and cinematography from it.

Nolan is the ultimate pleb filter.

i'm crying

Could be worse.

fuck off niggers, hathaway is a qt and short hair hathaway is double qt

What anime was Interstellar? You mean Voices from a Distant Star maybe?

What about Inception?

Only if you spend all your life on the chans.. True plebs, pleb so much harder than this. Go outside sometime.

blind or just 16y old?


Weebshits like to say dolan ripped of paprika, but Paprika is fucking garbage so

yous are the niggers that needs ta fack oof

This tbh. The only Nolan film worth watching is The Dark Knight Rises The Plane Scene.

Also, consider those quads thoroughly checked and admired.

Holla Forums genuinely believes this


Mr.E come on

I introduced you all to Mr.E and provided anatomical proof of trannies via the professional image editing program MSpaint.

He is the chosen one.




The transvestigator gets shills to bury another thread.

Trannwood is unbelievable. Nothing like that could go on without someone going forward. It isn't like anything dark and secret remains so about hollywood. They don't control the press that reports on what's going on in hollywood, if there existed some vast conspiracy of tranny actresses being passed off as female they would have covered it by now in the news.

i never hated this movie i always thought it was pretty cool

What kinonime is this

wew, we've gone full circle. time to abandon this shithole.

it was matt damon, they tried to add in some sort of cabin fever element to it, despite the fact that coop had literally come to fucking save his ass. the film also had no antagonist or any sort of threat for coop to face, so they definitely shoehorned it in.

most of the science in the film is only theoretical and thus not proven.

i believe user is referring to paprika, which is what he provided images with.

The only good bit was when matt Damon got unceremoniously blown out the airlock, the rest of the film wash trash.

It proved its mediocre because nobody even remembers this movie.



Gunbuster is another source of Nolan.