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hes unironically good

Honestly im at 10m mark and i didnt laughed once, pretty weak episode

maybe y oure right

The sad thing is that Trump supporters cannot rebut a single argument he makes so they resort to cheap insults, because the fact is that John Oliver has logic, reason and the truth on his side.

Pretty much anything Trumptards disagree with or virtue signal that they don't like has this same tactic applied to it

He has no arguments. He’s an empty virtue signaler.

Fuck me, I finally got Maisieposting.


What a trump being a pro isreal shabbos goy with a Jewish family?

And really nice teeth. Don't forget the really nice teeth.


so is this topeka, google again

There are no real arguments being made aside from low hanging fruit that is obviously stupid being called stupid. That entire segment makes no substantive arguments about economic development. Why does Trump have anything to do with the lack of anything worthwhile aside from some laughs?

Is the reason he always takes two scoops is because he knows he will.never have 2 termz?

liberal logic

He's also a pretty cool and doesnt afraid of anything. lolol upvote

obvious b8

It's because he'll drop out of the race in 2 weeks, Dolan Blumpth could never be elected POTUS.

its becuase he'll be impeached in 2 weeks

I love how you cumskins keep getting trolled by John Oliver. He blows holes in your capcuck fakelogic and btfo Furmpfh so hard you'll never """""win"""""" another election in this video.

Are you a real person? Are you this famed angry asian, John Bettendorf they always talk about?

>>>Holla Forums
Literally nobody wants you here, right wing sjw.



Well, we had a thread yesterday where there was a vote, and it turns out you angry hapa manlets are in the minority, who would have thought.

In fact, cuck spammers like you are probably the most universally hated kind of autists on this board, good job on that, just making the left look more like a bunch of cuckolds.

Another talking head who gets paid in order to finance his wife's 21-bulls a week appetite. Within the first minute he was talking about the president's erection. It's hard difficult for me to take anything he says seriously after that if this is a talk specifically about jobs and the economy! Every single numerical figure he gives is meaningless since there's no frame of reference. For example, he mentions 7 billion in tax breaks, which may seem like a lot to a typical leftists who only earns 23k a year, but with nothing to compare it to it's just a big scary number. Of course, everything he had said was completely discredited after he said the following at 11:30
How about instead of complaining about stuff you don't understand and making juvenile quips towards the president, you actually fund studies that prove what you are spewing. This is just another propaganda video with no substance that serves to make the tiny leftist brain tingle with joy at the thought that they are smarter than everyone else even though they are stuck working at a part time job as a barista. They are no different than the Holla Forumstards who blame the jews on their problems.

He doesn't have logic, truth, nor reason, just laugh tracks, ethos, and dick jokes.

Funny how a man from a tax-evading corporation complains about other tax-evading corporations. Oliver (his writers since he's an actor) is in no position to call others out when he's owned by HBO to obtain ad revenue. You can start by not subscribing to cable or watching his channel, but all of you communists want to feel smug from having your opinions parroted by multi-millionaire late-night comedian for $$$ while segregating himself from you.

You should be very wary when rich "revolutionaries" want to help you. Primarily because they have the intention of securing their power and ideals permanently. What they don't tell you about capitalism is that corporations and trends have a limited lifespan, and they don't want to die off easily.

Don't forget his british accent, that means you're smart in burger.

>Pleb leddit memeia Huge Blacked Orifice
>(((Kike Cucklasa))) (((Current year man)))
>>>Holla Forums

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Preach it comrade. You see the same thing when these racist, reactionary fucks are confronted with intelligent cartoons Rick and Morty, Steven's Universe, South Park. They literally cannot stand being inferior and try to bullshit to the world that they understand ANY aspect of the show. The truth is sweeties that you OBVIOUSLY don't.

drug pugs neeb 2 b shod 2bh


R&M fans all voted for trump though. It's because of the high IQ.

Trump supporters need yo be shot is what he was trying to say

Bernie brainlets BTFO

There's also the issue that "tax breaks" don't all have the same effects.

Tax breaks just mean you're taxing people less for engaging in certain activities. Like Trump wants to essentially give a "tax break" for those wanting to bring their money into the US that currently is sitting overseas due to being able to defer payments continually. As it is, the money isn't coming to the US at all and won't be taxed, but if you give a "tax break" you can make it more economically beneficial to bring the money into the US and be taxed. In effect a tax break like that would mean getting tax money you wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Donny Drumpfet has a cheeto dicklet.

So you mean the money they evaded taxes with.

Why is this something you believe I or anyone else would care to see?

Has a vol been deleting a shitload of posts or something?
There's like three of these retarded politics threads I was lurking yesterday that now only have like half the replies.

Yeah Tendie Spencer floods any thread he can with hapa bullshit. Check the Eurasian Tiger thread on /cow/ to enjoy the autistic flailings of this faggot. If you see walls of autistic tempertantrums just remember they are a lame attempt to hide his shame and scroll past.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Why's it always the halfbreeds that are the most obnoxious autists?

Drumpf posting thread?

I get all my news from British puppets on cable channels whose writing team consists solely of jews.

It's like having an open goal in front of you.