What's your favourite Japanese movie?

What's your favourite Japanese movie?


Can you guys admit you were lied to the very least about the hillary shit and arresting her?

Trump doing a good job making us look like retarded barbarians.

nice LARP, never going to happen, Mueller had to bust people for stuff that happened years ago because he has nothing

I voted for Trump but that's honestly pretty embarrassing.


Don't have one because they all suck and are non emoting little nips. Therefore the last samurai

They wont admit shit they are cucked, I voted for him because I simply didn't want her, Trumps an idiot.

Was it kino?



Ichipon 055

I want her to be forced to be the democratic nominee, only for her to lose every time to a member of the Trump dynasty as nobody wants to vote for her. She should be forced to watch in impotent frustration as america is made great again, until she is hospitalized after crapping her pants during a live television debate.

Then she'll have our permission to die.

They already thought that about you anyway, what has actually changed?

What a nice team mate.

Better to have a president look like a goof than look like a giant pussy.

The scary part is that there are probably people who are stupid enough to actually say that.

she is probably pissed at the bitch making her country look dumb

Obama was probably a dbz watching weeb. Remember when he said in a speech that we should thank the japanese for manga and video games?

A Fistful of Dollars was bettter.

The Silent Stranger

OP is posting fake news, Abe threw his box out first after the photo shoot ended and Trump just followed his lead.

Autoreiji, but I haven't seen many.

Trump is the Sam Hyde of presidents.

Stop ruining the memes faggot.


>actually believing what some dumb kebab with a (((blue checkmark))) says about Gralby Humpf

that's it, I'm soooo done. I've been devoted MAGApede all my life but this is the last straw. I can no longer associate with such a disgusting, vile, racist, antisemitic, bigoted, homophobic, fascist, murderous movement any longer. First Dylan Roof that pathetic virgin and I was like yeah, that's just some sad isolated NEET it's got nothing to do with our movement. Then Charlottesville and I was like what the fuck Trump why aren't you condemning these obvious nazis. Now fish murder tied to right wing supremacism. I'm done with Trump.

Ffs, I like him but I also want to move to Japan so this pisses me off. Why should I be judged for his retardation?

When his mother dies and his father remarries, Kaito takes a shine to his sexy new stepmother, Sayoko. Driven mad with lust, Kaito is soon spying on her and sneaking into her bedroom for some covert late-night action. Though racked with guilt, Sayoko eventually finds herself a willing participant. And when Kaito tells her that his father is cheating on her with a younger woman, theirs becomes a full-fledged affair. The sex, sin and betrayal will turn Kaito’s whole household upside down!
Do You Know the Milfing Man?

No surprise.


Those fucking Muhammadans they are as hypocrites as the Judeans.

Do they realise how big the fucking pond is? This isn't their goldfish tank at home. They need that much food.

No, they don't.


Look at the pond. It's a fucking lake.

Fuck your "memes" Holla Forums

The one where the giant robot piloted by a preteen boy for an international military organization fights the tentacle monster that was molesting the little girl on a train

leftyshits can't meme to save their lives.

Is this really the hill they want to die on?

Destroy All Monsters

XDDD LMAO, The Don OWND those lil jap bitches, #justice4pearlharbour


fake news



i don't understand, why are they trying to lie about something SO EASILY debunked? at least with some of the election stuff it was ambiguous, or how you interpreted what he said. this is just… sad.

They're counting on the majority of people to be too stupid to question anything.


Modern anime is gay.

Fake and gay.
Meanwhile Donna Brazile admits she was worried about getting whacked by the Clintons.

Like anybody gives a shit about trump enough to fact check. He's a walking joke.


t. burgercuck

top jeb, lefty non humans are becoming fake news

you are easier to defeat then I thought

Truly leader material.

Lol. Ikr?

They're just feeding fish. What else was he supposed to do?

To gain the respect of the aut-left he should have eaten the fish food himself.

Fuck the aut-left

I never said he wasn't. Doesn't change how little they expect of everyone and how right they typically are.

You don't think Holla Forums's gonna make sure that people do fact check? You don't think this is gonna blow up?

Friend, Holla Forums doesn't have the influence you think it does, especially now that it's almost as big a joke as Holla Forums now.

All it takes is a few people sharing it on their normie twitters and they tell a few people, and they tell a few people and so on.

You are way too optimistic.

Cold Fish.

Now that was an incredibly comfy video.

America is the joke, trumpet is just the punchline.

Maybe be a man and take the lead? He made us look like a bunch of weak willed fucking cucks in front of the Japanese. Pathetic.

I'm alt right.


I guess this is what it means to be a leftycuck, except your entire life.


Abe actually did it first. He chucked his whole tray in, then a moment later, CNN and other twitter faggots cut things to hyper focus on Trump doing the same thing, but convenient before the two of them started smiling and laughing.

Still kind of peturbed by this…I voted for a leader and father figure, not a weak little boy who follows the lead of non whites. This is embarrassing however you spin it.


top kek


it's been a year already, leftypol
she lost





Communism is a mental illness

Girls und Panzer der KINO
Sword of the stranger

Remi a cute

you're aut-retard

Donny Drumpf does it again lads! What an absolute embarrassment of a man and a disgrace of a leader. Not only does he overfeed the fish (he did btw, Abe is just as dimwitted as Donny but he is off in a kindly senile grandpa kind of way) he just follows the other guys lead like a weak beta male sissy….A fucking cuck would behave more respectably than that tbqhwy. He's a fucking national embarrassment and I deeply regret voting for him and renounce all allegiance to Donny Drumpfet and the JEWSA.

Look at that limp wrist and open mouth… He looks like a retard ffs. A gay fucking retard…Fuck this shit, the line has well and truly been crossed now crossed. I'm getting off the Trumpet train on the next stop and if you are a real man so are you. It's time to dump Donny back where he belongs and move on with our lives.

Fuck off with your consensus cracking kikery, dipshit. nobody's buying it.

THIS. I half expected him to get on his knees and start choking on abe's cock. It was a pathetic display and this is NOT the man I once proudly called daddy….The dream is dead.

Kek! He probably did once they were offscreen. Lol.

A wild Drumpfette appears!

Lol and lol.

Triggered and salty much? Feed us more of your delicious SJW tears snowflake boy! Yum.

>>>Holla Forums
Is this the only place you can shill now? pathetic.


A wild Trigglypuff appears!

are you a feminist?

Better be careful user. She may accuse you of postrape 20 years from now.

Why? He's American and it's a Japanese custom only a fucking weeb would know anything about. It didn't make Trump look like anything other than a guy feeding fish and if he had dumped the box in before Abe, you'd be calling him a troglodyte regardless.

weak, jews.

If he dumped the box before Abe he would be a man of action that I could muster some respect for. As it stands he handled the situation like a limp wristed beta cuck. Fucking pathetic. He shamed us all with his actions.

sure he did

He did.


The one where the bigoted gaijin embarrasses the American pig dogs in front of the whole world.

Now that's what I call Drumpfcuckoldry.


Daddy Donny has a dicklet and so do you.

Does your dad know you're gay?

wow the media will lie about anything it seems

Imagine being this butt hurt Trump won a year later.

Nice recovery spin work after getting BTFO by the media lies again. That was actually pretty impressive.


You are the want that wants to fondle daddy Drumpfet's Dicklet. I just call it as I see it, Drumpfet is a sad little man suffering from frustrated penis syndrome it's not hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together and find out what daddy Don is REALLY angry about…Pic VERY related.

Imagine willingly sucking on Drumpfet's tiny micropecker this hard…This cuck probably doesn't even get paid for it………SAD! Trumpettes truly are the red headed stepchildrenof imageboard culture…Sad…

There is no spin. He is a cuck by Holla Forumseddits own definition of the world, first he bows to the Saudi king and now he weakly follows the will of a Japanese man. Drumpfet is a fucking cuck by YOUR standards, not mine. You just got hoist by your own petard reddi/pol/. Pwned.

Looks like Donny trying to figure out the intricacies of drinking from a cup. Saved.

That's cuck tier.

The Hanzo Trilogy


Tetsuo: The Iron Man

the absolute state of this board

Ghost in the Shell