Making a living to raise a white family

Making enough shekels to have the classic white family life is nearly impossible for loads of us unless we go mexipepe tier and raise a bunch of kids in a studio apartment. (and we all know white wimminz would quickly abandon us in that case)

ITT we discuss jerbs / ways to make shekels that can allow us to attract dem white wimminz in order to raise a white family.

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If you aren't skilled enough to get a wage that allows you to raise a family, you're not white.

you're either a gaslighting jew or underestimating the economic fragility and ever decreasing incomes and job opportunities most of us face these days

good for you if you aren't

Fuck off you piece of shit.

Your not serious are you? How old are you?
a job selling automobiles pays $3000-$6000 a month. While not the best career it does allow a smart young guy to network into something more suitable

Ok lets get some juicy content in diz biatch:
Software engineering.

Obviously you want a jerb that's based remotely and not in pozzed hellholes like the gay area or londonistan. and are where it's at.

Incomes are 40-80k depending on your skills. Upper end obviously reserved for autist tier people

Downsides: Much more applicants than employers (mostly from low wage countries) but you'll mostly outcompete igor and pajeet with their broken engrish if it's not some race quota cuck startup.

Time to get to an employable level 1-2 years of dedicated learning + half a year to a year until you get a job.

Another downside: You constantly need to keep up with the latest technologies so not so much 9-5 but constant learning.

what do, all i want is a steady job to be able to raise my gf and my future children, but college is a scam except for the harder sciences, which I'm shit at. I like history, but you can't become a history as a job.

sage for blogpost

Get a trade.
painter or woodworking or tiler etc

This. Apprenticeship/training programs will easily get you making 50-80k and cost a fraction of the time/money of a college degree.

They are also give you valuable skills that you can use to start your own business later in life. When shit hits the fan most of the these skills are actually useful, which is more than you could say for some faggot with a business degree.

What would you recommend, given the following data

23 y/o
Pretty smart, measured 130-ish IQ in teens
Some problems with discipline,due to raised by single mother hell- household but have been working on this, with results.
Have no-one to give me advice on industry and/or economics
Have some other family-members who work in their family-buisnesses, but unsure if they'd be able to afford/want my help.
Don't own a driving liscence due to #nomoney for driving lessons. Should i go into debt for this, or save up might take 4 months to save up for the expense

Stay out of professional kitchens if you want to make good money. Being a chef is cool and sounds impressive, but the 60+ hr weeks and low income make raising a family hard. It also takes away almost all weekends and holidays.

There is lots of opportunity in the medical field though.

In europoor most trades keep you poor forever.

All of eastern yurop is flogging to western europe to get a jerb so trade salaries are rly rly low.

Top 10% will make 35k euroshekels with years of experience. Most will make 20-25k.

definitely try to get into this business

save up, its character building, learning to drive is important.

Yep, the poles fucking took everything away from Ireland, huge numbers are emigrating every year.

They import fucking Romanians who can't understand English to be doctors when we have huge numbers of graduates every year that can't get work in a hospital or GP.

I'm a math graduate so I'm sorted, but poo in the loos are swamping all software development jobs to drive down the wages now as well.

If you're white you must go into a high-skilled field to future-proof yourself. Programming is quickly becoming the next manual labour. Study mathematics and you can get into positions that pay well and are difficult to find replacements for; if you study computer science, do a masters in cloud computing.

Now, the most important part: work until you build up around 100,000 in capital. Then move to Eastern Europe and trade part time to escape paying taxes to a government that is trying to genocide your race and people. Living costs are low, and there's no capital gains tax.

tfw it'll be my 4th time
have 40 multiple choice questions
on a fucking touchscreen
they're all questions of obscure rules
have an 8 second timer to answer each question
no backtracking if you have left-over time to look over questions you didn't get right
when you fail, you get to see the questions that you got wrong, but not the answers to those questions
and best of all, if you score lower than 87.5% you fail, that's 5 questions out of 40 wrong

just fuck my shit up fam, and it's a 100 bucks per try also. that's a week's wage for me after taxes and food/rent.

In a couple of weeks I'm about to switch to an internal employee making 4k/month from a contracted position I am only 5 months into. I work a fairly typical desk job at a consumer tech company and was hired on initially among a class mostly diversity hires.

They are weak and they are weeded out at an alarming rate to the point where my boss hires almost exclusively white men now. If you are working like a white man, you will get paid like one in due time.

Something more autism friendly would be better, like programming.

Some ideas to help clear mental blocks for those of you who need a job or wish to switch careers:

- Dental field: People have teeth well most people anyway and they need to take care of them. Consider becoming a dental hygienist or even a full-fledged dentist if you have the chops (or orthodontist, etc., but we are moving into higher barrier to entry). GOOD NEWS: Seldom is a nigger dental hygienist encountered in the wild - seems to be mostly hwhite women.

- Phlebotomist (someone who draws blood): Some up-front investment required. You need to have at least a high school diploma. After that, you take a 4-8 month course in phlebotomy, then apply for a certification, and finally apply for jobs. WARNING: A nigger can do this job, which means you will likely have to work among them and compete against them for jobs and career capital.

- Software: This one can be a massively rewarding career, but can also be a disaster if you are a cuck pushover or are not aware of the full spectrum of opportunities (like marrying your ugly high-school sweetheart). The future trend is "functional programming" which is a software development approach that helps keep people from churning out nigger-tier crapware. It is also much more intellectually challenging than the antiquated approach that most pajeets and code monkeys are using in enterprise projects, so if you become proficient with it you can have some sweet gigs. Also, if you are smart enough to learn it, hiring managers often don't give two shits about whether or not you have a college degree. To get involved with it, get a book called "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good" and just work through all the exercises, then get more Haskell books and work through those. You will quickly become a better software engineer than 99.5% of pajeets and cuckmonkeys by virtue of learning the proper way to reason about creating computer programs.

- Become a barber. You probably do not want to make a career out of this, but who knows. When you run your own shop, you call the shots, and you can choose your market and your gimmicks. For example, offering discounts on certain fashy hairstyles, or offering free haircuts for children in hwhite families.

- Be bold and strike out on your own.

idk op just brain storming

Can you elaborate on this m8, I was sure that distributed systems/cloud computing was the way to go. I think Haskell might be a low-return investment too from what I hear about it.

Nobody do this unless you really know what you're doing, you'll get fucked or just about make a living.

A tip for transitioning from pleb-tier programming to future-proof ubermensch mathematics and ayylmao-tier pajeet-proof software: Learn how to use a "proof assistant" such as Coq. They are programming languages that allow you to both write regular programs, but you can also use them to do pure math and prove that the program you wrote is free of bugs how many millions of dollars are wasted due to pajeet and cuckmonkeys shitting up everyone's code? There is a market for high-quality software.

Can't imagine what that must be like. Here in Ireland niggers sometimes bitch and moan over 'racist' employers and nobody gives them any attention because outside of Trinity, everyone is racist (one of the benefits of being one of the most tribal European ethnic groups); I remember I once thought diversity hires were a meme

Is this a job that you can teach yourself, or do I have to spend money on going back to school?

Maybe I got lucky, but finding a good woman in a white collar setting is what I did. My wife makes about 25% less than I do, so our combined income is pretty freaking high, about the same as the most senior positions in my career in a decent company. We're about to buy a house, and when we pay it off, she can decide if she still wants to work, since I'd rather have her with the kids when we can flourish with my income, which we should be able to once we pay off the house since my experience means more money and no interest payments means more money.

I picked her out because she dressed very modestly, was very shy, and was straight out off college like me. In other words, she wasn't some frustrated, worn out career wymonn. And what do you know, she was very close to her family, she was conservative in practice (default stance for women is liberal), and she was a virgin. Now she's gonna help pay for a nice home very early, and show us to send out kids to private Christian schools, help save for retirement, and be debt-free in general.

The in-house economists don't realise that cheap labour is often worse labour and costs more over time when things have to be repeatedly fixed and returned to. And so we can expect our countries to be flooded with street-shitters and bad code over the next few years - well, that's if they don't outsource the whole departments to India, which is another thing that's currently being implemented.

You're a fucking faggot. not sure if leftypol of a cuckchanner but you're definitely a faggot. Stop shitting up the board with retarded threads and kill yourself.

sounds good user, but you either need to vet those "Christian" schools really fucking thoroughly, or else just have her home school and vet the textbook material you get really fucking thoroughly. that's the only way to be poz-free. even so-called religious schools are becoming tainted with virtue signaling and worse these days.

Distributed systems and cloud computing are just things you do once you learn how to write software. You can technically use just about any language or software dev approach to work in that space. They are not mutually exclusive.

But functional programming has an advantage in that space, because functional programs are explicit about the effects that they cause, and hence a programmer can better chop up a program and distribute it to a cluster or the cloud. Sometimes the programmer doesn't even have to do anything special to get parallelization for free. The distributed part is made a lot easier because of the fact that (local) computational state must be explicitly managed, which improves reasoning about global computational state (i.e., how the cloud will behave based on what you have written).

Software is a moving target, and Haskell may not have as many career opportunities as something like Java god help you, poor pajeet-infested Java shops, but the available opportunities tend to be of much higher quality such as getting to work in finance, or for talented startups (remote work is a plus).

If you don't like Haskell, there are lots of other functional languages to choose from. Learn one and the skills will transfer to others. For example, Microsoft has an FP language called F# if you like sucking on Bilbo Gates's schlong.

dumbing down my explanations and using imprecise language intentionally for reasons.

Good job lad, make sure to have 5+ kids while the wife is still fertile.

It's hopeless. I'm in my mid-30s, and I've been working since I was 16 and all I have to show for it is guns, gold, silver, and - wait for it - a studio apartment. Maybe I'm just too crazy. I don't know. Hopefully y'all with kids will succeed where I failed, but I feel a depression I can't even express in words.

Tattoo Artist: specialize in Queen of Spade tattoos on the ankle, they're trending

Relax friendo. You are not the only one, and you have plenty of time to turn things around. You feel demoralized because you are not focusing on the right thing very easy to do, we are all guilty of this at some time m9.

I am in a similar situation, and whenever I feel like shit I remind myself that my dad was in a similar situation my mom cucked him massively and destroyed his finances and our family during a divorce when he was my age, and he bounced back. Just focus on taking small steps in the direction that you want to move, and over time, you will have moved in that direction. Don't let your imagination get carried away with pointless demoralizing thoughts.

I dropped out of university to seek PTSD treatment after trying to leave NEET mode failed badly. The waiting lists were infinitely long here and exposure therapy/EMDR for dealing with trauma is no joke, especially while having to navigate the minefield that is kike-based psychiatry. It's been so long now I don't see myself ever going back to uni and really have no reason to live besides this World War 3. I've worked hard to beat trauma and am almost functional again at daily life, but what's the point in trying to go back to uni and make it that way? More debt, more wasted time, career started even later in life. It's just not an option any more.

The sole and only option anons in our position have is to get stronger, healthier, and build faith. What else is there to do with no chance at a "You are hereby authorized to be a ZOG wage-slave"-degree?

I'm right on the edge of living the ideal NEET life, guys. Fuck 3DPD and trying to start a family though.


Don't let your memes be dreams friends.

it's only going to get worse
need to figure out how to get a job fixing all these robots that are gonna be stealing jobs

I'll share my story but it won't work well unless you are still a teen. I started going to a trade school at age 13 to learn computer and network engineering. My shop was 2.5-4 hours a day for all 4 years of school. I was able to have several credentials by the time I was 16 and started working entry-level in my field doing bench tech work. I waited until age 20 to start college and stayed with my family until age 23 when I finished. I paid for a reasonable inexpensive college and everything I have ever gotten in cash (always rent or pirate books btw). By 24 I had a decent house with a significant down payment and a great job in cyber security now at 27 I am looking to start a family. So my advice would be to know what you want as early as you can, pursue it as much as possible and try to get in on the ground level as young as you can. work experience ended up being way more valuable than my degree anyway.

Trying to work on getting an electrical apprenticeship but I'll be at least 31 by the time I manage to complete it (25 now)

Then I have to figure out how to get a wife, but I'll worry about that once I have money.

Oh and in school I didn't fuck around 21 credit semesters and I worked part-time.

The problem these days is that no one wants to work a job that, as Ted Kaczynski wrote, offers only a tiny slice of reality. This is not satisfying, to be mostly a consumption unit. Our pioneer forefathers would think our jobs are cuck-tier. While they spent their day engaging with the whole environment, we spend our days trying to sell overpriced cars to fags we don't give a shit about, write bits of gibberish for programs we don't use or care about, and sundry other boring technical or tedious things. People have few skills outside their one monotonous job. There has to be a better - dare I say more spiritual - way of surviving than finding your little nook in the system and then letting it take care of you from cradle to grave.

Teach yourself as in learning from others of course., jewtube channels and relevant intarweb sites, udacity nano degrees (300 bucks a month I think), bootcamps (these cost serious shekels for the most part) etc.

You don't need to spend 100k on a jew college to become a developer.

Nailed it

can confirm that functional programming chops can lead to some of the highest paying jobs

not so many jobs out there but I know someone who makes 200k in London (where entry level front end devs make 20k) working for some jew bank on derivatives and whatnot

Yeah but… ironically, it costs so much money to buck the system. The homesteading thread is still up, I believe, and there's two basic impediments to being a human bean in this day and age. First is initial investment, second is the Feds who will come and murder your ass the moment you start succeeding as an independent community. I would think that Holla Forums has everything it takes to be the pioneers of a new age - I'll bet there's a richfag here and there who would sponsor a township dedicated to Holla Forums ideals. But how long would it take for the Feds to march in and tell us that we're not """diverse""" enough and that we haven't invested enough in kike Ponzi schemes and oy vey that electrical outlet is two thirds of an inch too close to the kitchen sink goy?

It's a field that is technically possible to get into without a degree if you're very good and have a portfolio of solid code to show. The problem is that at most large companies if some HR person is looking at 10 resumes for the same position and 9/10 of them have degrees in Comp Sci or Engineering they will just throw your shit in the garbage without a second glance.

The second thing is that everyone assumes that all you learn at school is how to code, but a degree in computer science from a half decent school is much more broad with that. There is a grounding in mathematics, theory behind software development, algorithms, languages and automota, discrete math and so on. As well as giving you experience in different branches of CS such as databases, data science, AI, and web programming. Breadth is just as important as depth.

I wouldn't have gotten the job here
if I hadn't written an android application for my senior design project.

This. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Everyone here should think about points of failure related to their jerb every once in a while. A good barometer that I have used:

- Is your jerb so easy that even a nog can do it? If so, consider moving to something more challenging or dare I say discriminating. Reason being is that when the robertcops come along to automate away all the nog-tier jerbs, those displaced nogs are going to swarm at speeds amenable to pants-around-ankles and grotesque levels of obesi-tay to the next feasible refuge, which could be your field.

- Is your jerb currently under attack by diversity quotas ("girls can code" camps, "more dah-VER-sa-taaaay", or even outsourcing to pajeet)? If so, then start looking for a position of strength within that space. You must have the high ground somehow or you will be, um, removed. Your absence alone increases "diversity"! Think about that. The bullseye is on you, but they cannot say that.

- Is your jerb preventing you from doing what Mother Nature intended? Too busy to fuark a homely homemaker? Start looking for something a little more relaxed. People often seek jobs with better "quality of life" and both employers and employees advertise this as a selling point (often with a salary hit).

Remember, the career and rat race stuff is merely an institutionalized SURROGATE ACTIVITY that could be displacing what should be your primary objective in life 1487 + 1. In the war that surrounds us, casualties are achieved not by killing people, but by preventing their children from ever existing, or by ruining those children. Don't let them turn you into a casualty.


Deliberately spelling words wrong makes you look like a nigger and/or MPC goon, might want to watch that.

I work at a small multinational company you've probably never heard of, and there's a gang of Pajeets that periodically emerges from its den and blocks the entire hallway. Makes me fucking furious. Every time I see them, clustered together speaking poo, it reminds me that good white men would have had those jobs not too long ago. We have been betrayed to an extent I can't even describe in words.

Counterpoint: Waco.

This. I fucking taught myself how to program, while in high school, WITH NO COMPUTER, and with no Internet connection, and no access to anyone around me who had any clue about programming.

How did I do it? I bought a book at a computer store, read that shit cover to cover several times, and wrote fucking programs on paper until my family finally got a computer.

The university is a fucking scam. Everything you need to become an exceptional developer can be had for free online.

t. someone who unlocked all the university achievements and can honestly say that there were only a handful of courses that were worth a damn. Most were in the math department, because it is still fucking impossible to self-teach a lot of that.

I came accross this the over day:

dude who gamed some accredited shit tier college and got a software dev BA for less than 3k

so there are affordable options out there

Just make some smart investments and buy some land.

sounds like a plan goy

Dude it's really not that hard to scan the news and make some decisions based off that. The upcoming developments with the Iraq currency revaluation for starters.

Any job is more than enough. Work for 2-3 years while living in a rented room saving all your money. Use the money to buy an old farmhouse and a few acres and retire to raise kids and be self sufficient.

Learn from their mistakes (and don't group up in one fucking building). It is hard going out there, but I think someone out there, one of us - maybe me, maybe you - will be graced with a moment of divine inspiration by kek's wisdom and find a way that will work to get out of this trap, something so perfect that it will all seem obvious in retrospect.

Did you somehow forget that with jews you lose?

This nigga can't be serious.

That's fair enough. I'm not proud of taking the path of the jew.

That guy is super dedicated though. You have to be to do what he did. By all means anons here should try and do what they can to save money. For example doing all your bullshit prereqs at a local community college.

But at the end of the day saving money on your education won't matter very much if you're unable to get that all important first job.

I invest a large portion of my income in physical gold and blue-chip stocks. Stocks and gold are essentially opposites, if one drops the other is valuable. Stocks provide more total return with larger volatility.

I welcome the robots, they make goods and services cheaper. If for example every truck and bus driver was replaced by a robot driver, transporting goods and getting around would become cheaper. Even the truck driver would benefit, assuming he got a new job within a reasonable time.

Automation makes life better for working class and middle class families, it doesn't benefit rich people.

Land is great. Small scale farming is tax-free conversion of labour to products, unlike regular work. It isn't really hard to push some seeds into the ground, managing quails or some other poultry for fun and profit. Land can appreciate depending on location.

Build a portfolio and credentials.

Go to meetups, offer free work to freelancers etc. and sooner or later you'll get a decent paying gig even with no degree.

What's your problem, having to work? Obviously its not a plan for niggers.

You're right, you totally nailed it. My problem is having to work.

sleep tight porker

I hate to say it but the military is a great way to get ahead. Only do technical jobs though. Don't be an idiot and be infantry. You'll get tech training, college when you get out, and even a decent stipend for disability when you invariable damage your knees or some shit. Plus employers often discriminate in your favor. It helps overcome the affirmative action bias you'd have to fight uphill against anyway.

The benefit of automation are offset by the costs of the machines. Don't you think that with all computers have helped, that we would see a rise in real wages that keeps pace with that rise in efficiency? Between 1973 and 2015, efficiency went up by 73.4%, while real wages only rose by 11.1%. This encapsulates all the miracles that computers and the Internet have created. Us chattel do not enjoy the real fruits this technology has made, which is increased purchasing power. Self-driving cars or automation are not going to deliver us from a broken Keynesian economic system. Until we find a solution to finally have sound money, we have no foundation for the future.

"The Productivity-Pay Gap." (2016, Aug). Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved from:

Yes, except jews.

Accounting. Go get a degree in anything. Art, political science, whatever. Take required CPA courses at local community college. Pass all four CPA exams and the ethics exam if your state requires it. Work one year under a CPA. Get licensed. Why accounting? No need to go to grad/law school to become a professional. Everyone and their mother knows what CPA is, so there's social proof as well. There are firms waiting to hire people in audit/tax which can lead to jobs in any industry you want. Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, Ernst & Young, are the top four, there are mid-tier and regional-tier firms all over. Takes 2-3 years to get licensed. Kids out of college, in early/late 30s, in their 40s, almost any age will be in your classes so its never too late to start and it's easy to make friends. Industry is heavily Asian/jewish, and have shit social skills, are neurotic, so having social skills is a must to succeed and not be grouped with those shitskins. If you're not fucking autistic, know your accounting, don't make any fucking big mistakes you'll easily start 55k to 60k in corporate, top firms have guaranteed raises, work 2-3 years and can find yourself starting 70k - 75k in private industry. Auditors go on to become controllers, controllers go on to become CFOs, CFOs go on to become CEOs. Path to controller is doable, you need to be talented to become CFO, you need to have Trump-tier charisma and competence to be CEO. While that last part's a bit larpy, accounting has a low entry barrier, a high learning curve, and incredibly time intensive. Work/social balance is shit early on, but gets better after you pay your dues and move up.

Same. My company outsources to pajeets and they're frankly unimaginative. They only work hard for fear of being deported. And then they flagrantly try to favor other poos. I guess it makes sense since my company is run and funded by jews (financial sector). I just wish there was 1 country in this world I could go to to get away from poos, jews, and mudskins. Just 1. Is that so hard to ask?

Only do this if you do not mind stepping on the backs of your white brothers working in the private sector to support your lavish military lifestyle and benefits.

Come on man don't be a nigger. Act like a white man.

Play jewish games, win jewish prizes, sooner or later.

Tell that to Steve Bannon.

It's not lavish but it's a way ahead.

Money is imaginary, but capital comes from somewhere. Every "dollar" you make from jewish games comes from a white teacher, mechanic, or surveyor's retirement fund.

No. Wages come from offer/demand, not productivity and not fairness. If a capitalist can replace 5 workers with 1 and a cheap enough machine he'll do so. Instead of being a sucker and passing the savings to the remaining worker he'll pocket it (if the remaining worker is more skilled and thus harder to find he gets more money than one of the previous workers). The remaining 4 workers go look for a job elsewhere, increasing the supply of work for that job and reducing the pressure for higher wages. The upside is the price of the product can go down.

You don't go head to head with the system like that, it will get you killed.

You might aswell gamble them at the Casino. Atleast you are not deceived by owning anything there.

Why would any /polack/ in their right mind want to give money away for the kike to hopefully win some money back. You give money to jews you fucking dope.

This is why you'll be poor until you die.

I see. Thank you for explaining the scenario. Is it unrelated, then, that wages and productivity walked in step together from the years given in the chart, 1948-1973? Does it have anything to do with the dollar being cut from the gold?

And regardless of our scenario, so far as I can tell, it does not help a displaced worker seeing lower prices if he cannot even buy the thing in the first place.

It is gambling, you're putting in money and hoping for a succesful outcome.

Only difference is that the kikes controls the game and relies and there being enough losers in the stock-market to make up for the losses they make whenever somebody wins.

Take your kike-shit out of here. Why would anybody in their right mind financially support Wall Street kikes?

Stay poor.