Was this Holla Forums posting kino? For the record, I told them I'd take the ban...

Was this Holla Forums posting kino? For the record, I told them I'd take the ban, but I still stated asking them to prove anything they liked was kino was on topic.

it isnt

Those pesky Holla Forums-fags are at it again!


Do it again tomorrow. We must bring Holla Forums to their knees.

I wasn't bitching one bit, I asked if the thread was kino.

if he posts his OP Pic I'll do it

This is clearly an act of aggression. Holla Forums must pay.

DEATH TO Holla Forums

I'm the one who reported you. Glad the vols came online finally and got rid of you. Need to keep you crappy shitposters off our board. We don't need or want you there, and it's unfair to everyone else who takes Holla Forums seriously.

Oh, so instead of whining, you've just posted an overused, unfunny meme. That's way better.

check Holla Forums


Holla Forums MUST GO!

I'm disgusted by your taste

rule cuckery is a poison lads. We are lucky for this board. let us praise God for we have found our sancuary


Holla Forums is way too fucking paranoid. If you accidently slip in anything vaguely sounding like Holla Forums you get called Holla Forums and are promptly banned. It's like when you say something triggering for lefties and get called Holla Forums. Holla Forums is the Holla Forums of the media related boards by default.

And it happens here too, just without the bans. You can insert reddit, halfchan, leftypol, etc. in the gaps.

Fuck off, neogaf.

I don't even know what that means, but you've just proven my point

No, you've proven mine. Intellectual checkmate.

Hey, Holla Forums

According to Urban Dictionary:


So you think I am a place that consists of many people? Also what does gaming have to do with what I've said?

Fuck off neogaf.