Philadelphia MAGA March Crowd

Thank you all for showing, I'm glad to have walked with you fellow Anons. We had a good set of supporters from all around south jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

Other urls found in this thread:

antifa fags feared your fashy haircuts

We met up with most of the other guys before reaching Independence hall by wandering through the antifa crowds… saying "nice hair cut". We knew immediately who the clean cut trump supporters were

why does he wear the mask

and them hard knuckle gloves.

We actually told the crowds to ditch the masks… every twenty minutes. Made us look a bit less classy. Few of the guys were either still in the military or could lose their jobs from doxing. Eh, I didn't mask up

More importantly, if he took it off, would he die?

He wood die

Tell them to quit it with the retarded face masks. Doesn't do anything except justify/normalize the degenerate behavior of antifags.

Marching for patriotism in america, I never thought I would live to see this, and it makes me remember how through my childhood, various forms of media kept pushing "america is garbage, america sucks, america is a joke" down my throat. America and patriotism was actively demonized for as long as I could remember, now what a glorious sight it is to behold.
First picture of the OP made me wonder if anyone has thought of a "MAGA MILK" parody yet.

Face mask looks cool af tbh

Ever taste human breast milk?
It's fucking gross.

You fags are actually memeing fascist weebs. How the fuck this did timeline get so smug.

And yet they sell it on deep web for big money for bodybuilders.

The aviators and face bandanna looks like CS:GO freedom fighter very nice.

It actually made me get my own ass into gear and get an AK47 and learn to use it.

It's not fascist or even simply good if it's degenerate (by that I mostly mean porn). Just be mindful of that for the future, please. I'm sick and tired of an ugly world bereft of nice things.

could someone please post the good webbums from the march? i was at work the whole time and missed it all.

Just like so many years ago, communist street gangs meet in the streets to duke it out with Right Wing Death Marchers. I wonder how many normalfags in mid 1920's Berlin could have even concieved of the JQ at that time. Soon lads. Soon

Good job lads

Sunglasses are often rather transparent under infrared surveillance. To the poin they are completely transparent in many cases. It is much easier then to get a facial match. There are about 30+ points in the latest apple patents…

Most of my sunnies are vulnerable to this. The ones that are least vulnerable have super 'spensy silver/chrome coloured lenses as they reflect so much background light incl iR, that the overexposure makes it very difficult to see through, even with a dark background behind the lens, while using infrared band.
TLDR don't wear dark lens glasses if you want to be max-user in public with a mask.

Nigger you can fine websites that sell that shit on the clear net, an example is
It's not illegal or anything.

I didn't look for it just thought it was funny seeing it on silk road among all the other shit.

eh, whatever. I'm passed caring about stuff like that. The trivial shit is becoming less and less important now. The center is shrinking, and the margins are converging. It's some heady shit, and Trump (though a moderate at heart) drives whites further to us simply by objecting to the kike-progressive status quo. I hope he keeps it up.

Don't let them memory hole all the Trump supporters that got attacked since the election started and still do. Our weakness is following the law while the leftist extremists commit literal acts of terrorism and the law and FBI does fucking nothing. Instead they waste their time on inane shit like the KKK which hasn't accomplished shit in millions of years.

We then totally all played csgo right after lmao



Even the women in that picture are high test

Any kind of colored/stained glass, really. This is an electric stovetop as seen through an infrared camera.

Brown shirt is smart.




I think there were a numbers of anons from halfchan who went as well. How were they?

No, just be identified by the FBI who was doing surveillance.

mixed bag of people there was people from IE, AV
there was half chan, there was redditors, there was Bikers, There was baby boomers

From halfchan confirmed

Bermuda Blue Shorts was def sexy! Mmm…dem bunz.

As pozzed as it is now, Philly is still the most American city.

Those masks have been popular long before that.

We have a shit Mayor, we have demographics changing and influx of more money which hopefully should help but we have been stuck under leftist occupation for awhile , Philadelphia is completely surrounded by Red Conservative counties though so should change hopefully

Hell is for ever!

Wtf do you mean?

You also have a massive nigger problem. Market street is infested by them. Were they around for the rally? Were the black Israelites around?

Nothing will spook a spook more than high test white men in groups.

Why does everyone wear these skeleton masks?

There`s a premium booty hiding behind that shirt

That Jewess in the striped shirt had a nice set of khazar milkers in full pokie mode, tbh familam.

Pics ?