The Jewish Mindset in Video Form

Killing women and children is good because women are thots who enabled nazism, women are evil. Cuckery is good. I can't even describe this video, it's just blatantly the most Jewish thing I've ever watched in my life.

Other urls found in this thread:

I should add that it's about how the bombing of Dresden was a heroic act and how Hitler is a Mommy's boy. It's from a guy who makes "redpill" videos.

There is nothing wrong with the bombing of dresden.

What about jews that call out the holocaust industry and are anti isreal? It doesn't represent their mindset. Checkmate Holla Forums.

Black and white racialism: 0
Logical civic nationalism: over 9000

t. Chaim Goldstein

There is also nothing wrong with the London blitz. War is war. There are no rules.

+6 million
There's also literally nothing wrong with whites being replaced and displaced.

There is nothing wrong with killing innocent women and children in the most horrific and painful ways? Then what does wrong mean? If that isn't wrong, how can you call anything wrong? If the bombing of Dresden isn't evil, then neither is the Holocaust.

Whatever breaks the enemies will to resist is best used. This isn't chess m8. Total war means innocent casualties every time. Don't like it then don't play.

And yet it was the Jews that started WW2. So basically what you're saying is that the goyim just have to take it, and if they don't like it, well then they better just learn to like it. You kikes are despicable.

Quit your incessant whining. The blitz was good tactics too. It just didn't pan out for the axis in time. You lost m8. Deal with it.


Here's a relatively short radio broadcast summing that up.

Kurt Lewin suggested relentless bombardment of civilians. Today, we know Lewin's strategy as crimes against humanity or war crimes.


Oh, sure. The Germans were definitely the losers. Those Nazis that died fighting for an ideal they believed in? Far worse off than the British, French, and American soldiers who got to watch their nations slowly descend into this.

Well some National Socialists had to see that too but at least they didn't die knowing they fought for the right to be displaced in their own homeland.

If anything, them watching that would have just justified their beliefs. Hitler wanted to save the world, he wanted to create a better world, the same way he created a better Germany, and then all the goyim swarmed him and raped his people. This world is sick, and the British deserve everything that's coming to them.

Good goyim. All those white children in allied nations deserve to be raped and/or murdered by non whites and dominated by jews because their great great grandparents fell for jewish propaganda and we're conscripted into service.

The eternal Anglo deserves everything they get.

Yeah, it was all the anglos.

t. Ephrahim Shekelberg
You are this guy in reverse and I bet you are both hate filled kikes. You are probably the same jew just switching tactics tbh.

The descendants of traitors carry traitor's blood. When Hitler died, all hope for a brighter future ended. Hopefully the Gaia theory proves true and wipes humans out.

"No more brother wars, guys. We totally raped Germany and brought all this on ourselves, but now that Muslims are colonizing us, I don't like it anymore. No more brother wars, for real guys, we totally deserve to be saved after we fire bombed little blonde children."

You can't betray something you were never allied within the first place. Would you follow this thinking to its conclusion and cast aside all the National Socialists that choose to serve allied interests in the post war period or the people who renounced National Socialism to have an easier life? They actually betrayed their ideology, most people fighting for the Allies were manipulated, drafted and told they would be shot if they deserted.

Is this the mantra that you use to justify inaction?

What a faggot.

Why can't I hold all of these assumptions?

You cry and moan about how there's still hope, but let me ask you this, are you even a good person? Do you eat meat, do you support the torture and murder of harmless animals for your taste pleasure? I bet you do. Hitler was the last best chance for a true leader of the human race, someone who had the charisma necessary for elevating the race. There will never be another Hitler, only charlatans, hucksters, and those looking out for their own skin. I no doubt expect you to miss the point of my post, so I'll spell it out for you:

The whites in America and Britain who now want to steal the ideas of National Socialism do it not out of moral virtue, but out of selfish greed, out of fear that they will be replaced by the very kikes that their parents and grandparents worked for. They're no different than the scum that bombed Dresden.

Good video.

This is a subjective question and you would need to elaborate more than just "do you eat meat".


I support nature and eating meat is a part of that. I don't support animal abuse but I am aware that some animals are abused in that industry, will that stop me from eating meat? Probably not, no.

There have always been great leaders, the issue is that they are brainwashed from a young age or kept out of the current corrupt system, they haven't just disappeared.

There will never be another Napoleon but we did get a Hitler in the meantime. Great men are rare and unique.

It's a political theory. Judging from the government of the time creating English translations of mein kampf and working with the Bund they intended for it to be adopted by other nations so I don't think "steal" is the right word.

Pure assumption.

How so?

He almost always gets it right. All of his broadcasts are worth listening too.

If you truly support nature then you should support the law of cause and effect. If a man is trying to save a group of people from predators, and then that group of people kill the man trying to save them, the predators will devour them.

Who says I don't? If Europeans aren't willing to defend themselves they will be destroyed and that is nature. That is fine in theory but it gets much more complicated in the age of mass manipulation.

Cause and effect is trash because you are holding people responsible for decisions that they didn't make or endorse.

You admitted that you eat meat, you admitted that you have no interest in living up to Hitler's ideal, in being a moral person. You would have happily bombed German civilians during WW2 if you were alive then.

Not the original user, but

You are right. I'm not interested in being a moral person. What are 'morals?' Lies and cowardice to keep women and weaklings from living in constant fear of the brutal truth that this world is a world of barbaric war and conflict.
Why should you eat meat? Why should you ==NOT== eat meat is the better question. We are the stronger animal. Meat is our birthright. Your morality is enforced by tear-jerking photographs and sensitive feelings- nothing! Kindness is only good as its results. The campaign against meat is a campaign against the blood-caked, glorious reality that is this world: you are only as strong as your fists.

tbh, it was a bit shitty, but it's great material for pissing off Jerrycucked Yanks.

National Socialism was more than just Hitler and plenty of high ranking party member ate meat. Why are you acting like veganism is a cornerstone of National Socialism?

This is subjective. What is moral today would be considered reprehensible a few decades ago. My only moral consideration us "is it good for my people".

What about the people that were imprisoned for refusing to go to war against Germany? Were they all vegan? I don't follow your logic here.

Animal welfare was enforced by law in Germany, not veganism.

Oh nice, the Angloposter's out of containment again. This board and Holla Forums got a little lonely without this pathetic cockroach of a man polluting them with his anti-white D&C.

This 1000 times over. Anti-white Goons need to get the fuck off 8ch already. If you hate any white, you hate all whites. There are no two ways about it.

Weak argument. You did the exact same for years prior and minus the fire via the Blitz. Only difference is I hold no anger towards you, for you in particular did not influence it, for you were not yet born. "Winning" the war has nothing to do with it. Whether you win or lose, the results are almost always the same unless your opponent lacks the means with which to adequately fight back. You lose immeasurable numbers of fighting-age alpha males with which to populate the workforce. You set a country back years if not decades through rebuild efforts. But most of all, while everyone is occupied with this necessary bread and circus, you can subvert the government of every single belligerent country, victors and losers alike, without so much as a batted eyelid. If you didn't see it happen, you can't claim it did, all that jazz.

All you had to do to win was to cripple the political and/or royal establishments that were in place. You did neither. A single V2 to the estate of the (((Saxe-Cohenbergs))) would have done a billion times more damage than 5 civil Blitzes ever could hope to. Instead, your forefathers thought the path to victory involved becoming a Cultural Marxist, that a people would surrender if all their historical artefacts were destroyed.

And what have you done? You can argue all you want, Germany and Sweden are presently in infinitely worse positions than the UK currently is. Wake me up when cities outside of the major 3 (London, Manchester and Liverpool) receive "friendly" grenade attacks on a daily basis. When peaceful rural and village communities are overcome by swathes of rapefugees on their destructive path to gibs. If you truly stuck to your guns, you should have long overthrown the Jewish Empire that rules over you by now. We've done all we can for the time being, should the proceedings renege then we will have to take a step further. You on the other hand have no excuse. You harbor both a kike bitch leader in the face of Merkel and a supreme kike in the form of Schulz. I have yet to see a single post of yours that criticize them for the filthy rotten Stasi hellspawn they are.

Doesn't matter. Actions and life experiences are not genetic. The people of today don't owe you shit. You would literally have to be a Jew to believe otherwise (not that I don't already know you are one, Schaim):
Those who seek vengeance for injustices committed in a past life are channelling deconstructive, Jewish wrath. Kikes, American Indians, Niggers all over the globe from SA to the USA, Irish and Chinese are all guilty of this. They each allowed the filthy kike to worm their way into their heads. Telling them they deserved more than the honor of being brought into this world, and that someone else must pay the piper in order for them to enjoy that privilege. It is the same re-used line of metaphysical code that helped create and perpetuate the 77 cent myth.

To take a page out of Molykike, the number of arguments you possess remain at 0. Eating meat out of free will is an entirely different situation to being forced to fight in a war where you are told you are in the right while being constantly fed lie after lie by those that hold control over you.

This to an extent as well, but be careful with that line of reasoning, else you'll end up indirectly justifying blood libel among other things.

Fuck off, faggot. You are exactly why Holla Forums is divided right now when it comes to alliances between fellow Whites. Eat shit and die, and maybe go marry a rotten kikess while you're at it. After all, that's what you /jewbrit/ types are into. You don't speak for me.

He's too quick to fall for the retroactive kike-originated rumors surrounding Hitler that actually appeal to him. Let me ask him this, was he a meth addict with one ball as well? No? Ah well, if you believed that prior bullcrap then I just assumed you believed that too. Sausage is probably the most spiritually European food of them all, there is no way in hell he would turn down a link or two at the height of his power, "vegan" or not. You of all people should know this. At the very least it is a quintessentially German, Polish, Italian and Austrian food, probably more if I set my mind to it. You can refuse it all you want, that's your choice, but all you're doing is shunning a part of your cultural heritage.

Yanks bring it on themselves. They think it's their right to shit talk everyone, and never get any in return. This is why people say you can't handle the banter.

The whole le ebin bantz mindset didn't exist until moot enabled flags. You people are a fucking cancer. No one gives a shit about your reddit tier jokes. Holla Forums used to be about redpills and now it's fucking pointless "banter" and responding to news articles with anime pictures and redtext, pretending that you're actually doing something effective.

the endless trying to one up each other is very tiring. it's why I stopped using Holla Forums on cuckchan and 8ch's Holla Forums is rulecucked to hell. Holla Forums died in 2014 when trump decided to run for president. fucking redditors

No. Banter. A basic element of human interaction to everyone who isn't American, apparently.

cuckchan is so infested with you redditors who do nothing but make cheap unfunny jokes that they had to create a whole board for it so you would fuck off.

It's fun. It lightens the mood. You try to banter with an American, and they act like you just pissed on their mother's grave. It's probably all of those African genes.

Do you look at why anglo shabbos goyim children are raped and killed? It's because anglos want it. They call police on daily male women journalists for tweeting "defend your women from rape" and then shabbos goy policemen arrest her/them.


So by your logic every white nation right now "wants it" right? The repression of politically incorrect thought and opinions is a part of the ongoing white genocide in nations like England and Germany. I wonder (((who))) is orchestrating that? Must be those Anglo's or evil Nadsees right? Fuck off with yiur transparent tricks Schlomo, at least put some effort into your shilling.

It's jews pretending to be German and English. They are masks.

Just remember that most of these d&c posters are jews. That's why they have such a smug tone at the idea of white children being raped and European people being displaced.


It would have been.

There are literally endless trustworthy sources that show Hitler was an ethical Vegetarian near the back half of his life and he stayed a vegetarian until his death.

Burgerfats are really annoying.


I agree, this video disgusted me. Somehow it has become okay to justify these indefensible wartime actions by the allied powers.

My grandmother was at Dresden. It wasn't strategic bombing of airfields, factories and munitions depots like they claim, instead it was area bombing targeting civilians. Grandma was holed up in a children's hospital when the bombs began to fall.

She describes children rushing out to investigate the bombs which were disguised as cuddly animals who would suddenly burst into flames once the incendiaries went off. These child-seeking bombs are notoriously hidden from the public record, but to my grandmother they were very real. The only way to shield the children was to envelop the explosives up her vagina and into her womb. She was pregnant at the time and my father developed pre-natal scars from the incident. He would often clutch his forehead in pain and whisper "never again" at the dinner table.

She says the worst night was the 14th. She recalls Arthur Harris himself ordering the bombers to fly extremely low to the ground. Once at low altitude, they would drop barbed dragnets that would ensnare civilians and drag them down the road. The history books written the victors will never tell you this but the RAF would reel them back in if they ever caught a baby as they were considered the best to rape. They would then crush the infants skull and toss them from the plane.

It was truly a traumatic event, and one I have third generation survivor's guilt and PTSD from. Never forget the 25,0000.


Scheiße it was real in my mind you filthy ausländer

You're a fucking idiot. The British admit to bombing civilians for the sake of killing civilians.

Just like germs did in the whole eastern europe?

The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naïve theory into operation.

They sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind.

Is your displacement by Pakistanis your whirlwind? You sowed it and now you are reaping it. Also I find it funny that you are patriotic about a nation that would happily sell your children to brown rapists and imprison you for trying to do anything about it, are you a sandnigger? Wtf are you patriotic about, England is an absolute shit tip now.

shouldn't you be on your way to Urdu class?
thank gawd those Germans didn't force you to speak German

Politicians aren't a nation.

The kind of people that celebrate a mass murder of white women and children knowing the full details are as good as responsible. They are the same kind of kikes that gleefully anticipated news of more slaughtered white civilians and they are as bad as the politicians that ordered it and worse in many ways, at least the politicians gained something out of it. The British people as a whole aren't to blame but the Britpol kikes get off to pictures of dead German women but meekly avert their gaze when Achmed walks past them hand in hand with a young white child. They belong in the trash.

The absolute state of Holla Forums right now.

A few months ago I saw a jew outside. He said "activate it" into a walkie talkie, and then a UFO sucked up some holocaust deniers with a tractor beam and flew away. He noticed me, and before I could recite any Holla Forums memes he just said "Nobody will ever believe you." Then he threw a smoke bomb at his feet and vanished. What a bunch of bullshit.

Comrade, when you chide the fascists in such a brutal manner you have to include some hard hitting memes, don't feed into the the polyp lie that we only know how to blogpost.



Jerrycucks are so blinkered and one note

Area bombings only started after Coventry was bombed. Germany wasn't an innocent helpless little baby being attacked by Britain. Why do Germaboos get so weepy over Germany but not over atrocities commited in Poland, the Balkans, U.K, France etc.?

Because the lion doesn't mourn the gazelle. Maybe you should've built a bridge back in the 40's to let them help your shithole of an island out too. Maybe with a little bit of ethnic cleansing weak men wouldn't have invited the Bangladeshi kiddy-fiddler that is shagging your bird.

smdlgbtqqiwpwwh, familytree.

Actually its a colorization of real pic made by airplane shortly after warsaw uprising

What are you patriotic about? I'm not attacking white people at all, I'm pointing out that England is a shithole which is true. What do you like about your nation? It's history of firebombing civilians, starving Boers in camps and selling Irish people to jewish slave traders? What a noble history, truly something to take pride in.

Who says they don't? The people whose ancestors committed those atrocities don't gloat about them though.

Is this what they consider proof on Holla Forums?

damn you Holla Forums falseflaggers are getting more and more pathetic
Back to >>>/oven/ with you Holla Forums shill


I'm 0.6% Jewish.


You might also be and not even know it.

Take that back you bitch!

t. Moishe Goldstein-Rosenblatt, CEO of 23 and me

What other degenerates has this liberal douche outed through jokes that nobody noticed?



Might makes right means that even if it is wrong the force of might will successfully implement it, not "it is right because we are stronger than you".

Well gee, that explains a bike lock or two.

What do you mean?