Top Liberals Confirmed Low Test

Hahahaha. Can anybody find a source so we can share this? The TOP liberals have ridiculously low testosterone

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Your waifu is a slut.

I'm not a weeb dude its just a random anime bitch to me

Here's one I like

Thanks you two.

How do I know if I have low test? I'm a permavirgin loser that's made their home on the chans since before I can remember. I'm not a fucking cuck though and I lift and run and eat a lot of meat.
I share no semblence with faggotry and jewry. I feel though my test levels may be low just because I'm 5'8 manlet and I've got a long ways to go in regards to lifting before I look decent.


It's not the meat, it's the fat. Lots of saturated fat, from red meat and eggs.

Feels good man

I'm gonna make another thread soon.

I must build a shrine to my forefathers. Without their naturally hight testosterone levels I would be a sickly beta cuck right now. Nobody but you faggots to inform me of arguments against this endless shit, I'd have been beaten into the mud.
Thankyou grandpa. Shadilay my friends.

Do a general blood test and ask for testosterone analysis as an extra (if it's not covered under the test itself).

I didn't answer your question. In general, if your sex drive is low, you have low test. Your size and how far along you are in lifting has no relation. Age, however, does. But, if you are eating and lifting, all you gotta do know is get some PUA skills, and sex, sex, sex.

Only fuck whores with a condom, save the good girl virgins for marriage.

Found the shitskin.

Do you know where we are, nigger?




Being around girls increases test. Fucking girls increases test. This is why chads are chads, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.

But sure, you go ahead and not have sex.

google "signs of low test". I'll wait.

I liked this anime up until it became explicitly incestual in the end. Dude should have just gone with the childhood friend or chuuni girl and the anime should have been about the strengthening platonic love between siblings despite idiocyncracies. It's a real shame what it turned into.

Source from Faggot OP.

Plus check this out Trump got his test tested on Dr OZ.

If you think your test levels are low start taking 25mg /day or 50mg /day for four days as a loading dose.

Check your body for signs of hypothyroidism, if you feel cold, and show signs of poor energy output this could be a culprit.

Also if you do have some money and aren't totally poor you could try a supplement called cordyceps, it increases ATP production which gives you more energy, it also helps the liver which enables you to process and produce certain hormones, as well as maintain a healthy glucose balance that will make it easier for you to exercise and increase testosterone.

Cordyceps also helps manage insulin resistance which can kill your test levels by the same mechanism that helps your liver.

When somebody calls you a nigger, you aren't supposed to prove them right.

Deport yourselves to a gas chamber until you learn how to discuss a topic.

I'm half convinced the "people" on that station network aren't even human. Just listen to how they talk. It's unnatural. Strange/incorrect inflections, unnatural pauses, emphasis on the wrong syllables, it's absurd.

Sorry, that first thing to take was zinc, I forgot to mention.

There should be a hormone growth therapy nation wide.

There is but unfortunately it's the opposite of what you (we) want. Shampoo and bottled water are poisons.


Righteous post, friend! I'm going to go read the article in O.P. now.

But there never was one…

Blood test if you want to be certain.

And get >>>/fit/

B-but I didn't say that you double nigger bully. I was merely pointint out the fact that when you post anime the goons come out and attack you, making it easier to spot and ban them. I made a thread like that once and we even broke a goon bot.


I caught a part of this last night. I had to leave right when they were getting into results. Afterwards they interviewed a female to male trans who took T and (((it))) said that after taking T they got interested in science and understood physics better. Hah.



Hi, Goon.

You can't make this shit up. The memes are reality.

Ironic right. Also seems like the shills know how to fuck threads over in a more covert way. Reminds me of jews that learn to speak a language and dress like the ones they intend to subvert but there is always this jewish thing about how they talk and act that only the more keen people pick up on. Same goes for these retards.

when you get a blood test done demand to see the results. doc somehow thinks 288 is "normal"

We already knew these things. This isn't new.

Red meat and eggs is make stronk balls?


where were you when the Holla Forums was vindicated

can someone please tell me what a goon is? Ive been here for 2 years and ive never been able to figure that out lol.

You Ayase-fags are the worst.

Does masturbation = low test or is that just a meme?


Just lift heavy ass weights and put them down again. That's how to become a man with high T. Also juice like Arnold.

Excessive, daily, masturbation will reduce your average. Try to limit to thrice a week at maximum, a month off for maximum effect.
Or get a girl. Sex raises T.

Fucking lurk moar then you faggot.

Yes and no. If you masturbate EVERY DAY you're gonna have lower test because your semen is filled with test which your body recycles over a cycle of about a week. If you constnatly eject that out of your body, you're releasing your testosterone that your body uses. The cycle lasts about a week at which point you will have increased amounts of testosterone for about a day, then the process repeats.

So if you jack off at least once a week or so, then you will gradualy increase your test levels.

This except arnold's juice. You'll get bitch tits like bitch tits Bob and get your nuts cut the fuck off.

I'm going to need a source for this because logically it does not follow.

Alright that makes sense, because I haven't jacked off in three days and I feel infinitely more aggressive and angry but not in a good way, I want to break shit in my room but I'm holding back.

It fucking sucks but it beats feeling tired everyday. But even if I did get a girl I'd still be ejaculating so what difference does it make? Or should I just have sex and not cum, but wouldn't that basically be blueballing yourself? I don't fucking know man, I guess I need to research shit.

What is it about sex itself with a woman that raises T compared to fapping? Vaginal juices? Some kind of mental knowledge you fucked a girl not your hand? Would sex with a robot waifu have the same effect? Do you have some kind of a source or are you making this up?

watching anime alone, not working out, and not getting sunlight decreases your test.
having high test doesnt turn you into a muh dicking nigger/degenerate, but it DOES make you seek a woman to have sex with. Deal with it. If you deny that testosterone makes you want to fuck women, it probably means YOU have low test, or gay…..or just in denial because you have trouble with women and tell yourself youd rather be alone with your waifu instead of being with a real life loving woman. Now hate me and call me a goon.

retarded broscientist

you either take shots of test or dont bother

Those aren't real. 3DPD women are animals that cannot feel real human emotions like love.

Tons, has to do with pheromones and such. I'm not exactly sure the biological reasons but I definitely noticed the difference back when I had a gf. I was way more aggressive/confident.

Also about the fucking and not cumming. There's Chinese sexual alchemy techniques built around that. Haven't had the chance to test them yet, but I will find out in the future.

honestly, i cant really say youre wrong.

Story ?

You do realise you can consider something cute without any sexual connotations, right? I have little cousins that I find cute entirely non-sexually. The show only became incestual in the end of the second season and last three OVAs.

Taoists were pretty freaky way back in the day.

A search led to something called "Taoist Sexual Kung-Fu."

I dunno, just repeating what gurus say, and I agree with based on my experience.
I suppose for one you have a goal oriented task rather than monotony. Two, your whole body is in use and not just your hand. Three, all senses are in use rather than just a portion of touch and sight. Four, there is some merit to 'vagina juices' considering all things a guys residuals do to a girl's brain. Lastly, simply being around a sexually attractive girl clicks the lizard bit of your brain into that sort of mode, it follows that acting on the presense would have some kind of secondary effect.

It's the difference between Mario kart and racing in a real car.

Check out Mantak Chia for a good western friendly explanation.

Continence is the base of all true spiritual development. Some…interesting physical and mental effects are also observed.

Yes, but the show was sexual from the start. The fact the anime gave you the impression that it wasn't about incest was the fault of the studio not wanting to animate Kyousuke's monologues. The source LN made the incestual tones obvious from the start.

Anyway, sage because this is wildy off topic.

The problem is that women are creatures who follow trends in order to fit in with society, find a mate, and procreate. It's hardwired into their instincts. When something like feminism or marxism becomes the norm to their eyes, they strive to become these things in order to fit in with the rest of the herd. When something like feminism, which has them actively going against their instincts and doing everything in their power to be the opposite of an ideal woman, comes into play it ends up being very disastrous for the society that has their women embracing this self destructive ideology.

Not only that, but with kikes constantly trying to create self loathing white cucks, it makes the other degenerate lesser races seem more dominant which in turn keens the woman's interest. Woman like more when a man is confident and sure of themselves, the appearance that they are in charge of their own destiny. Which is of course, what kikes hate and fear the most.

So can we find any scientific links between leftism/low test and cuckold fetishes? They clearly exist, but we just lack the studies to prove it.

How is this even real? How can he say that without either himself or someone in the audience bursting into treats?

Just head over to 4chan, I'm sure they would LOVE to study the art of being cucks.

Wait, are you trying to fuck me over again Holla Forums?

The mushroom has a vastly different effect on humans than it does on insects, dumbass.

The fuck is that suppose to be? Parasitic fungus?

If they can sell it, they must be collecting it. Tell me how it's farmed in quantity.

Yeah, the supplement he's suggesting is a parasitic fungus that infects the brain and affects insect behavior in such a way that they go to the highest point they can reach in order to expose themselves to birds and other predators so the fungus can continue its lifecycle after the host is eaten.

Or it increases your testosterone or something. idk.

On the internet no one knows you are a matango…

You only get bitch tits if you don't do proper post-cycle therapy and take estrogen-blockers to have your T come back to normal levels without being aromatized as estrogen.

>implying incest is her main or a problem
She's worst girl either way.

Are you one of the notorious Holla Forums's self-hating IQ 87 shitskins? If not seriously lurk the fuck moar.


Damn mine was still 800 even when I was overweight and on the antidepressant Jew.


The technique is to orgasm without ejaculation. You do it by tensing your PC muscles right when you feel it coming on, and this prevents ejaculation. It also allows for multiple orgasm without a refractory period.

Did it once, so can confirm it is legit. The timing the the hard part.

Sounds a lot like leftism in fungal form.

It all makes sense now, defund NPR & PBS!


Holy shit, I thought this "low test" shit was just a meme. I didn't think they were LITERALLY SUBHUMAN.

I don't think you fucking understand how LOW these levels are.
If the size of an average school classroom is 20 or so people, that's two fucking classrooms of people to reach the level of testosterone one normal male has.

How do you do to have such low levels of test anyway ?

This faggot is such an insufferable cuck for Israel it drives me up a wall. I wish he would have killed himself when he was younger and an alcoholic. People who are prone to addiction usually jump head first into something else to avoid relapsing and shit cuck jumped head first into muh jews.




Shoveling tofu and soy down their gullets, hops-laden craft beers, water bottles while jogging out in the hot sun, and 5 different types of hair products every morning.

There's no way it's only that.

Never lifting anything heavier than a sack of groceries, chronic masturbation, being derided by women all day, overwhelming stress from freaking out over microaggressions and systemic racism, it goes on my friend.

Definitely. It could also explain a lot.

What would be more interesting is if we can also correlate pure mindset to test levels. I want to know if I, skinny no muscle, high metabolism, pretty much manlet, guy have more T than any of these guys. I.e., if the estrogen-induced attitude they have would imply, if you don't have that attitude, you have higher T.

1000 is optimal male not average male. Think Chad .

No dude, im a 140 iq white male. I kid you not, in my 1.5 years of being here ive seen it mentioned maybe 15-20 times, all in contexts like this one where its not possible to suss out the meaning of the term without any outside information.
I dont really care if its not explained to me because it doesnt affect my ability to converse about politics/religion/culture/race. But it would be nice because ive seen it a bunch and have always wondered wtf it means.

Isn't that a bit low?

I have also read that having a nigger as President imprints upon them that blacks are superior and more manly. Thank. God. for Trump. Even if he fucks some shit up later on, the fact that so many normally screeching cunts on Twitter admitted to having sexual dreams about Trump is a decent sign… I don't have the source image for what I'm talking about but its like a collage of twitter posts.

if i HAD to guess, id say its something along the lines of people who try to get others riled up, like a shill who wants to provoke others to violence. But then i see it use in contexts like this with anime, and then it puts me back to square 1 and now i have no idea wtf it means loll.

It is above average especially for his age.



That phrase has no meaning here.

That's what OP said, stop helping the retards who lack reading comprehension

A huge part of the puzzle is development in the womb. If the mother isn't eating properly during gestation and breastfeeding then the child will have a lower testosterone 'set point'

So high test girls aren't just a meme they're something we should all try to reproduce with ?

My wandering and meandering thoughts - testosterone levels - fatbodies - shows like my 600 lb life on tv - putting growth hormones in cows, chickens, pigs - genetically engineered vegetables - people looking for organic type foods - high sugar levels - high corn syrup - fructose levels - carbohydrate intake - - - - - I'm no scientist, but I'm sure that all those things put together make for affecting the human body. I assume that "rich" people can afford not to eat all those bad things for us that are mass-produced for the masses. The "rich" seem healthier and seem to live longer because they seem to be able to purchase better foods. Do you ever see a millionaire in McDonald's or Burger King? Just food for thought (no pun intended)

Without a doubt.

Proper diet is definitely important as well, basically everything in the modern diet recommendations is wrong and leads to lower test levels.

Here is a blog where a guy did a "natural" (diet, exercise, sleep, sex, etc) regimen to increase his test from 383 to 778 in 90 days:

Lots of good info there on test, including how to get it measured etc.

Can anyone give the red pill on how to quickly and easily get my T levels tested and, if need-be, increase test? Just no anabolic, you should be 25 before doing that if I'm correct and I'm not 25+.

For accuracy, the transcript from the OP's post (below) states that the 3 guys tested at 274, 144, and 140. The women's numbers weren't mentioned.

That's neat. Glad someone went out and actually showed results based on the advice of diet/exercise etc.

read the post above yours


I had this book on my pc as well, its called 'test shock'
I haven't read it yet though

I had no idea that the test levels were that abysmal among numales.

Makes me think that with proper education and training lefties could very well be redeemed.
A little whitepill, I was worried that modern men were too weak and effeminate to save from extinction. They just need to be de-indoctrinated and forced to workout and eat better.

How can you figure what your testosterone level number is?

Blood test.

You do realize that women with PCOS have high testosterone and they're genetic hand grenades right?

The human body is remarkable in its ability to change and heal given the right environment. It's a battle of information though, and the Jews actively push out the wrong information.

With what kind of doctor? A regular family doctor or a specialist?

A regular doctor who isnt a moron can do this for you

Avoid the pill pushers

No clues, where I live you go to a laboratory and you ask for a blood test.

I don't know what PCOS is but pic related is the type of high test I'm talking about.

That's just disgusting user. That's not high test, that's obese.

High test women =
Wide hips
Wide shoulders
Not too lean, good padding without being fat
Good muscle tone
Well developed face with strong jaw and cheekbones
Healthy glowing skin
Long radiant hair
Cherubic angelic face and demeanor

This is a proper mate, dont have any pics hope you get the idea

I thought men who had high test were attracted to "plump" women; not that women with high test ARE "plump" women

I have kept track of my test the last 4 years. I was a single virgin when the first test was done. I exercised regularly, ate well, got good sleep, and had pretty low stress. Test result was 804.

Two years later I had just got married (qt virgin) and result was 752.

Two years later (couple weeks ago) I tested again and result was 566.

Since I got married I've been exercising way less, eating worse, less sleep, and much more stressed. Right now I'm not exercising at all and eating pretty horrible, so I guess I'm not surprised at the lower number.

If you guys want to increase your test, read that blog I posted - it just might work.

I gotta get my shit together and start taking better care of myself.

It does increase ATP which serves as the basis for powering cellular activity in the body. You need sufficient ATP in order to engage in enough activity to increase test levels.

Secondly adequate liver function is absolutely necessary for metabolizing estrogen, which this supplement assists with.

Same thing with its impact on kidneys, cordyceps doesn't really increase testosterone directly, it optimizes various pathways that might block optimal testosterone production.

It's both

Damn man, get that number back up asap. Find a way to make exercise and eating well something easier than not doing it. Make it as simple as possible.

A good body feature I look for is thigh gap. Implies naturally wide hips without extra fat.

288 normal?? like for a woman?

Love some good thigh gap.

pic related on nofap

Didn't need any science for that.

She looks like she's high in both really, proportionately speaking. Women who look like they have AIS are not good women to breed with however, it's wholly dysgenic.

If you're talking about the show from today OP, I heard that garbage while running errands. They had some dyke taking testosterone go on about her identity issues the whole time and it was horrible to listen to. I continued only because it was a look into their diseased minds. I found it hilarious when she mentioned how she was much better at physics and science and had a lot more interest in such fields after taking testosterone. The nervous laugh from the host was the cherry on top until he chimed in "you're setting us back decades with those comments" in a joking manner. The double think was insane

Praise be to Kek, he who memes on the cucks.

Wide shoulders on women is a sure sign of psychotic behavior. From my experience extremely androgenic women tend to be highly unstable which is a poor choice for families.

It's my hypothesis that beyond a certain threshold that female brains simply cannot handle comparably higher levels of testosterone that men can before it starts to have a negative psychological impact.

For his age, it's god-tier high. Test typically plunges hard around 40.

For a good goy.

Any well developed human body will have a decent shoulder to waist ratio, male or female.

You may have a point but I dont think shoulders are the telltale sign

Higher testosterone in women also makes them less trusting, and inb4 some rationalizing faggot tries to put a positive spin on it. It's not an advantage for women to be less trusting just as low trust societies as a whole are generally poorer for the people in them.

Low trust in this context has implications in terms of direct social bonding and only delusional rationalizers will try to exempt themselves somehow and try to spin it as a positive. The point is, women become more paranoid and competitive WITH other men and women (that also means the men they might pair or are paired with).

It all presages discord and a lack of marital harmony when you have an overly emotional, paranoid wife who is likely projecting their own testosterone induced desire to commit malfeasance in the relationship.

According to this chart 400's is below average for his age (tests done in 1996 though)

No, broad shoulders is induced by testosterone, any woman who has shoulders wider than her hips is indicative of a woman who is pretty far removed from any reasonable influence of estrogen.

A lot of these guys who fetishize masculine attributes in women either have one foot in the closet or have no idea that it's the male genetic influence that predicts outcomes for males and not the women.

Women are supposed to be feminine and estrogenic, that's their natural state, and that is ideally marked by a reduced shoulder to hip ratio.

If they were showing them shitskin faces then being less trusting would be a good sign

post pics of your ideal
I will do the same when I find one (searching now)

Wow you literally couldn't stop from trying to rationalize exactly how I explained one would in such a circumstance.

you're posting like a bitch, maybe your test levels are the ones that are low

You sound like a transfag tbh. Obsessing over minor hormone variations because that's what you've reduced gender to.

nice broad shoulders

Pick one, facts don't line up with your perception of reality I predicted the response before it happened because I know your type.


It's not minor, and let's do a hypocrisy test, would you say the same thing about hormonal variations among men? I highly doubt you would. So you're full of shit.

Yeah, nice mental illness too, she was a crazy whore with BPD. Not exactly great for stable families. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Post a pic of your ideal

inb4 some delusional narcissist faggot tries to kid himself into believing he'd have been the "one good man" that would have alpha'ed her into submission.

Please, surprise me, I fucking dare you.

Would I say that a woman who preferred a round faced man with little body hair was a closet lesbian? The answer is no.

I'm starting to think it's a shill

Only men such as that still look like men and there's a difference between gender ambiguity and strong androgenicity.

Men who want women to have masculine bodies are half a queer, plain and simple, if you want to be salty about it, go for it, but it's true.

I think you're running out of arguments and this sad gambit is all you've got.

confirmed shill

I'm not salty because it's not my preference but how you think fucking a woman, who most importantly has a womb, vagina and breasts, is gay is beyond me. Unless you've somehow reduced the situation to a pure question of hormones
That's pretty much what you are saying here.

I'm not talking about those I'm talking about parts of the body which are not associated with estrogenic activity, which is indicative of what it is to be female.

Speaking of transfaggotry only one of those types would get upset over the fact that another person is pointing out that certain physical configurations are explicitly indicative of the eugenic standard for men and women.

You might as well make the argument "So what if a woman has a fucking beard, she has tits and a uterus".

Broad shoulders are in spite of what level of importance you attribute to them just as indicative of a lack of femininity as is facial hair. In fact most women with broad shoulders have a higher incidence of facial hair? Gee I wonder why?

Higher androgen levels in women are also associated with serious behavioral disorders such as BPD which are particularly disastrous for relationships, and especially marriages.

Men who unconsciously seek out masculine traits in women are simply trying to mask their own attraction to masculinity in a safe way.

They're willing to overlook mountains of data proving excessively androgenic women tend to have problems as they relate to our mutual evolutionary roles, because their valuation of those traits is based on blind hedonism.

They have something wrong with them, just as much as those women have something wrong with themselves.


















Hey faggot.

Could you please explain to me why it is that you like to type like this?

Most people on this website don't type like this.

It's okay if you don't like women with wide shoulders.

I think it's weird too.

Please leave.

Too late.
You've already breathed in the memes.
Submit to your fungal overlords and become one with the mycelium.




You spelled "MKULTRA Sex Kitten" wrong.


Emperor Trump gets his tendies delivered to him.

I had a saved post about it, but pretty much, do a paleo diet with organic meats, veggies, and fruits. Filter your water, get a tan, get some exercises(compound exercises are the best for high test), use vegan/organic soap, toothpaste, body wash, suntan lotion, body products. No fap helps, though sex incresses T levels(something to do with the pheromones while fucking) Avoid soy like the plague( there are a few other phyneoestrogens but soy is the worse), avoid fast food, soda, most plastics(infact never microwave your food in a plastic container again). This is just what i can remember so I'm sure I'm missing some stuff.

ok found it, hope you like realizing the way most people live is a low T way to live.

So is having 8 fuck tons of eggs every day for breakfast good for you?

Low test. fag here, friendly reminder that using T patches/gels/injections will prevent your body from producing it's own T, resulting in lifelong dependence on an (up to) $600/mo Schedule IV drug. Shit gets even more complicated if you go on aromatase inhibitors.
tl;dr: stay away from T injections/gels/whatever unless you want to rely on expensive, highly controlled meds the rest of your life.
t. my endocrinologist

The smart way to fix low T is to limit your exposure to xenoestrogens (as in pic from ) and eat better (I'm still working on that, can't offer a comprehensive list yet)

It was a tranny. Kek


Never thought I'd see the day when anime was used as a derailing tactic on Holla Forums. Not just arguing about anime, but shitposting about it in general.

Probably overweight too. Skinny-fat.

Been here 2 years. Accusing people of being "goons" came out of nowhere. Apparently they're people from "Something Awful" and there's some historic animosity between SA and Holla Forums or maybe Holla Forums as a whole. No one has explained their reasons for thinking goons are here or provided any evidence, so I think it's just another boogeyman accusation.

Goons predate Holla Forums in general. Basically, think of them as the SJW polar opposite of Holla Forums. Where anons focus on facts and reason, they focus on shaming tactics and infiltrating mod positions on influential websites like reddit and 4chan.

4chan was literally founded because goons hate anime

No they didnt you newfaggot asshat. It originated over on /gg/ because shillposters got assravaged by big titty smug anime girls. They even admitted to this in chat on their SA board where they were trying to get the board from drybones. Fucking lurk more nigger and shove ten bux up your cunt.

And these are correct.

Kys tbh onifam.

Holy bananas, you really are a faggot or a goon.

Pic one newfag.

Project somewhere else kiddo

Where in good Goddamned hell did you find a virgin to marry? She wasn't like 16 was she?

kill yourself

It's a lot for someone who is 70 years old dude lol

Nice video here showing how the fungus affects insects over time
That is one powerful ass DoT

Are you fucking blind or something? That woman is not healthy she's obese and would give you subhuman children

I don't post on reddit, but your OCD faggotry would be right at home there.

goon stands for 'lurk more'

They used to, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I see plenty of shitposting goons trying to pass as anons by posting smug anime girls.


ok, i read
how in the fuck would anyone be expected to piece that together on their own. you could lurk here 5 more years and never figure that shit out wtf.

You have no clue what you're talking about retard, that whale has too much estrogen, she'd give you ugly subhuman children with no chin. You want athletic tall women.

That was a fun thread

High test does NOT mean chubby chaser. It means women with curves, like big hips, tits and ass. Doesn't count if they're fat!

End me now fam

As someone diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism, this is shit. I still get hard boners and wank a few times a week at least, and my test is in the 200-240 range.



I've reported ea2f5a and 19c834. They're either dense as fuck or they're asymmetrically trolling. My fear is the shills will have learned that low-effort shilling/trolling doesn't work.

You'll only be reliant on them to maintain the boosted levels. If you take sensible dosages controlled by a specialist they're not going to fry your system.
t. actual endocrinologist.

How do you explain Melania Trump then, tard? The biggest alphas want tall, modelesque, sturdy women because those are the most sought after women and that's how you end up with quality offspring. Both the wigger-tier obesity worship, and the creeps obsessing over women that look like 12 year old boys are partaking in dysgenic behavior. I guess Trump is a closet homo according to you because Melania has broad shoulders.

What an ugly color scheme

Kek you got a lot of shit for that, but it is useful to know your enemies. A good is an ideology, somewhat similar to user. They are faggot sjw trolls like GNAA. The ideology grew from the something awful forums. Where we drifted from ironic racism into race conscious nationalism they drifted from ironic sjwisam in to true shitlords and antifa. Because they are not user they are a more tightly knit group irl making connections and helping one another gain influence in media and government jobs.

Some goons where killed in the embassy attack in Libya after getting the job through goon connections, this really split there support for Clinton as they knew she lied about the event.

Moot and Zoe Quinn (((chelsea van valkenburg))) are two goons you know.

Goons are often criminal and have carried out mass shootings the owners of something awful have deleted evidence in several crimes to protect themselves and there users from law enforcement.

Goons are the folks who infiltrate forums, reddit and places like Wikipedia to gain power and help other goons gain power. They are a serious threat to everything that is good and often destroy something just because they are not in charge of it even if its something they would otherwise support.

If all goons suddenly died the world would be a better place. They can be seen as a low brow skull and bones type of outfit, many of the users have dirt on one another kept to keep defectors loyal. Many goons are pedophiles. If you find one you should kill it.

Son, are you retarded?

Thanks, you deserve a (you) for this, and op sucks massive cock.

wtf I love Hillary now

Does running itself lower test, or is it about the bottles they drink from?

It's the bottles. You should usually avoid plastic as it leakes chemicals in your food / water but especialy so when heated / exposed to sun light.
Glass is best but in case of jogging for example it's an obviously bad choise so I would go for a metal one.

Runner here. You don't need to carry water if your run is shorter than an hour or so.

The problem of purposelessness seems to have become less serious during the last
15 years or so [this refers to the 15 years preceding 1995J, because people now feel
less secure physically and economically than they did earlier, and the need for security
provides them with a goal. But purposelessness has been replaced by frustration over
the difficulty of attaining security. We emphasize the problem of purposelessness
because the liberals and leftists would wish to solve our social problems by having
sociery guarantee everyone's security; bur if that could be done it would only bring
back the problem of purposelessness. The real issue is not whether society provides
well or poorly for people's security; the trouble is that people are dependent on the
system for their security rather than having it in their own hands. This, by the way,
is part of the reason why some people get worked up about the right to bear arms;
possession of a gun puts that aspect of their security in their own hands.
-Ted kaczynski

16. Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance,""initiative," "enterprise,"
"optimism," etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist
is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's
problems for them, satisfy everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is
not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to
solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic
to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
17. Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellecruals tend to focus on
sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing
off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything
through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in
the sensations of the moment.
18. Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective
reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one
can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge
and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But
it is obvious that modern lcftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed
logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are
deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack
these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing,
their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful,
it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science
and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful,
superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings
of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some
things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also
underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and
of the utility ofIQtests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of
human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some
persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society
the credit or blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is
"inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been brought up
19. The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of
inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless
competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has
a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of
himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself
strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for
that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of
himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the
leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass
movement with which he identifies himself.
20. Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by
lying down in front of vehicles , they intentionally provoke police or racists
to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists
use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic
tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.
2 1 . Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion
or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of
the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the
main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of
leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior
is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists
claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action
is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action
in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to
take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal
and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action
discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach
because it would not satisfY their emotional needs. Helping black people
is not their real goaL Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to
express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they
actually harm black people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the
white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

- Ted kaczynski

Trump eats it because his nigger cooks take too long, he's a busy man, he knows it's garbage, but because of his superior genetics he can afford to eat some Jew food here and there.