Jim joins in on the manhating witchhunt

that's it, I'm done. I'm soooooo done.

this guy was my hero during gamergate. how the great have fallen. now he's just a typical betacuck.

Jim was always a manhating beta cuck, no self-respecting white man would date an asian woman!

Says the kids that can't stop making this about men and hate on women lol

doesn't work that way

t. Jewish hating cuck


cuckoldry is literally a jewish fetish.

MGTOW are fucking pathetic

Yes they are, they are defending people who deserve bullets to head

lol what I love about the weinstein scandal the most is that it's confirmation to any doubters that there's literally no difference between right wing and left wing sjws. literally definitive proof, same tactics and everything, same gleeful satisfaction.

ya blew it >>>Holla Forums

They are literally the same thing. It's literally crazy how they don't see this. I literally laugh every time I see a nazi communist try to say he's not literally Glenn Beck.

White identitarianism is now social justice?

opposed to figuratively being the same thing?
you dont figuratively laugh every time you say a nazi communist try to say he's not alex jonestein? You do it literally? tell me more

they literally are this though. Nazis are literal socialists so this isn't an oxymoron.

Yeah and communists are literally nazis. I literally can't see how more people can't see this.

socialism is for fags

Yeah literally gosh I wish more people were like you or me then we'd literally be living in a utopia.

That's right goyim. Women are the enemy. Don't marry and make white children with them. Just stay in your mom's basement and play video games with based Jewish manchildren like Mark.

t. kissless virgin

I know you think insulting me, strawmanning what I've said with exaggerated ludicrous arguments and trying to entrap me with emotional manipulation will get me to reply to you. It's not. Get over it.

all me

seriously though. what's with the weinstein defense force lately? i don't see how it would be cost effective to have people shill this nearly dead board. is it just some dumbass who took the contrarian meme too far?

It's ironic.

They are definitely the new SJW'S. A typical bunch of special snowflake cry babies who moan about oppression despite having daddy drumpf into the whitehouse…Sound familiar? They are literally mainstream by all definitions of the word yet they call themselves the "alt" right, how's that for retarded? We need to mock them endlessly and hold them up in their true autistic form for the world at large to see.

Ugh, look at these literal retards. This is literally what I mean when I say nazis and communists are literally the same thing. Look at these filthy communists. I am literally getting sick of these literal shitheads.

Your ironicposting doesn't work because these images don't even match one another. The first one's a 12 year old, it says right off the top. That eliminates it from being cringy right off the bat because the kid's balls haven't even dropped, and all he's doing is wearing a maga hat. I don't see anything to mock the kiddo for.

The fourth picture, the kid could also be in the same age range and it looks like the pose is a joke, but I'd have to see it in it's original context to be certain.

The kek picture? All that kek shit was primarily propped up by Sargon, self-proclaimed left-wing liberal. I think the whole kek thing is retarded, especially in public context like that, but it has no real political affiliation, at least half the people who do it specifically do it for the same reason you post ironic shit (but much like your posts, yes it is still retarded) and on top of all else there's nothing to suggest the text wasn't added after the fact to mock someone who himself was trying to mock politics in general.

The third image I can't defend, but again I'd need the context. It could be a joke, or this could be from a reddit post where this guy talks about how intellectual he is and how he's reading through Trumps book and laughing at it with his little pony friend.

wtf i hate jim now

t. type of shitforbrains hes talking about

They are no different from an annoying girl on tumblr

For being a dumb brainwashed little faggot

sargon isn't "left wing" he's typical centre-right faggot with an edgy spin

all according to the jew's plan

YES i've literally been saying this for years. Communists are literally girls on tumblr and nazis are literally communists.

You sound pretty assravaged. It's such an innocuous act. All he did was post a picture wearing a hat that triggers you.

Go listen to him practically have a heart attack out of anger at the idea people shouldn't be forced to bake cakes for faggots and actually try to argue that somehow not being able to buy wedding cake at every single bakery would starve homosexuals to death and tell me he's not a lefty.

Sargon is a pedo-apologist. Of course he hates the idea of feeding faggots.

That little faggot also took a video of himself hes a little attention whore no wonder hes a trumptard

Sargon has no real views, he's a beta cuck that goes along with whatever he's told as long as it doesn't come from a SJW.

anyone who wouldn't bone asian women are gay, like the Holla Forums GG thread

Right wing fake news tends to be constant, small shit that make opponents look stupid but ultimately harmless, and the bigger relevant news tend to be true and well sourced.

Left wing fake news on the other hand is a lot of small truths, with huge, ambitious and gish galloping lies. Usually starting as damage control but then turning into whole narratives (From the way they are deconstructing Donna Brazile, to the Russian crap).

Seems legit.

I was I the thread with cake guy and Holla Forumseddit had nothing but kind things to say too him. Pathetic.

Fucking bigot.

They look like harmless retards who make meme cakes. If this was 2001 you'd have a point but it's [The Current Year] and nothing can outcringe the left at this point.


try harder

Again, you'd have a point if this was 2001, but it's not. I'm sorry morons memeing irl triggers you, but there's nothing I can do to help you. You have to help yourself.

What's your point here?

Oh what joy it is to see so much chaos in bloom.

His point is literally

My point is that the nu right are the new lolcows of our generation.

t. Mark

There are a few right-wing lolcows but they're much more rare than the left-wing ones. Not that I think left-wingers are more likely to be lolcows. I think it's more that retards are more likely to only care about politics in a skin-deep fashion and default to whatever television tells them to, which is left-wing. It's also possible that left-wingers are more likely to be attention-whores on social media, so we just have more information on them.
Are you the same guy sperging on /cow/ about "classcucks" and "porky" or is that one of your buttbuddies? Do you really think you're infiltrating and turning boards over to your cause? Do you not notice you're just alienating everyone?

I'm saying the alt right as a whole are the new lulzy Internet autists in the same manner that the MLP fandom were.

You want that to be true so badly that you're lying to yourself.

not really. bronies were a gold mine and the kekfags are limp noodle in comparison

It is true, you just don't see it because you don't want too.


There is gold in the alt right too. They are incredibly autistic.

No. There's something visceral about grown men dressed up like ponies from a little girl's cartoon that even normalfags viscerally react to. Nerdy guys in MAGA hats talkinga bout frogs doesn't have the same instinctual punch. You know what does? SJW trannyism.
Take your head out of the sand. You're only hurting yourself by refusing to face facts.


you keep saying that but its just the same shit. cringe pictures and some public autism. bronies made reams of incredibly autistic creations. games, fanfiction, fursonas, youtube poop, porn, etc. kekfags have a unbelievably tall mountain to climb to get even close to the height of brony fandom.

Did you watch the video? They literally REEEEE through a megaphone and shout about "autism being the only spectrum" as they march through town. That is top tier cringe however you want to dress it up.

That's actually hilarious m8, far from cringy.

Does this guy have a name? I've seen him before.

Wow, they shout memes in public? How original and shocking. Posting on r/CringeAnarchy right now.

But these people consider themselves to be based shitposting political memesters, that is just as cringy in a different way. Them taking themselves super cereal definitely makes it funny. They've not been around long either, just wait and the autism will get even more lulzy.

t. The autistic right


I never said they weren't gay as hell. Just that making them out to be the next big thing in internet autism is your wishful thinking. You disagree with them politically so you're biased. Take your blinders off.

Look at this projection.

kekefags don't even have their own con. that is like base level autism to be considered a heavy hitter in internet autism. call me when they get their shit together and you have something more than chanology lite autism to share.

Yes, that is the TLDR of pretty much all of the leftypol memes. Projection.


They are high tier cringe.

do you take me for some newnigger? i know real deal high tier autism and these jabronis are still bush league. they haven't even reached undertale levels yet. begone with you until you got the real goods.

wew lad

Comments are pretty much what you'd expect.

Oh PLEASE mansplain to me why a woman would pretend to have been sexually assaulted by some ugly creep,since u virgins apparently know so much about the feminine mind. 😏

I don't think kekistanis will ever be high tier cringe, the homunculu spergs that tend to adopt those things as real identities would have a hard time expressing their sexuality through it and there isn't much potential to grow the lore/universe enough for them to fucking live in it like they do in other autism magnets.

I just get a good feeling from them. It's the same kind of unrestrained public autism that you see with bronzes. It probably won't be as deep but there will be some solid laughs from it. There are still people who make their identity around anomalous and maskfag culture so this won't be going anywhere soon.

We should let kids play pretend again so they got over that phase sooner, tbqh.

When have rightists ever used such feminine terms?

I hate nu/pol/ but they don't even call themselves alt-right and have gone after the alt-right in vicious ways.