how have (((they))) not stopped him yet? you'd think after all the killing he's done they would have shut him down

Hydefags need to go back to >>>/reddit/

Is he /ourspreeshooter/?

I wish anti white reporters and congressmen would be smart enough to fact check than to jump on the first white name somebody burps at them on the internet.

What did he mean by this?

You fucking same hyde fags are literally the equivalent of retards

No, that's still Antifa

Pol is the same fucking annoying thing, you polyp

Where did Sam touch you?

You sound really fucking mad, dude.


Oh wow nice, it's not like Holla Forums has been assmad for almost 4 years

You gonna spam cuck porn again or something?

And you got another 7 of assmaddery, pal. Enjoy the ride.

Holy shit they fell for it again


It's sick at this point. It shows how desperately anti-white the media and above is.

Anyone who posts
Sam Hyde
Daisy Ridley
Gal Gadot
is fucking reddit cancer


Yeah, that's gonna stop people from posting Sam Hyde. Because a guy said you'd be like reddit if you do

You can't win if you don't play

Maybe just stop posting worthless trash?

Maybe stop pretending like your weird…thing is a judgement of quality and not just your personal butthurt. How about that, my dude?


If Patton Oswalt can get away with killing his wife, Same Hyde can keep getting away with murder. i guess the prerequisite is that you have to be a comedian of questionable quality.

Isn't Samir Al-Hayided Jewish irl?


Wouldn't that name make him a mudshit?



Gee guys isn't this le epic?! Why not give me 5 dollars?


$5 per kill

Don't you love how Holla Forums constantly acts like they have morals?

His Facebook page contained a quote from Mark Twain about not fearing death. “I do not fear death,” it read. “I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

>Not communists.


All me. and yes I'm jewish ;^)




What exactly does this have to do with Holla Forums? Do you think that they're suddenly into the military or something?

didn't you know that everyone who isn't a communist is Holla Forums? there can only be two kinds of people round these parts, Holla Forums and Holla Forums. If you say you're neither YOU'RE LYIN


I can't wait until the next Mudoch Murdoch episode guys lol

I'm /x/

lmao @ this fag getting butthurt over memes

yeah lol loners can't into inside jokes xD the left can't banter xD LEFTISTS lol

So killing unarmed civilians from afar?
Seems pretty fitting

oh come on now, does this look like carrie fisher to you?

Not it looks like an underage boy to me.

Conservatards always think they have outstanding morals



And how is this related to Holla Forums?

Because I said so. The proles need to free themselves from the shackles of porkie and if I don't post anti-memes against these retard polyps they won't be able to. Also why should you have a meme thread if I can't get one? I want to post bookchin memes when they're featured on CNN but BO deletes it everytime I try to. Why is that? Because BO is advocating for institutionalized discrimination against communists, the real kind Holla Forumsyp like me, not like those petit bourgeois you see on tv. So yeah.

mhmm sure

What is that, flatworld?

a boy with a developmental disability

What a pleb.

How long until Sam Hyde starts a new Reich? We need to stop him before he absorbs the soul of Hitler and destroys our tolerant atheist corporate marxist paradise!

Holy shit, media is a joke.

I think I found the guy's motivation for shooting up a church! He wanted to teach those homophobes a lesson!


Post Sam Hyde's peepee tape or I'll post one cuckime girl getting blacked once every five minutes!

Yeah, that's definitely just a conservative thing for sure, and if you say otherwise you're *-ist. No exceptions.

Stop being such a white supremacist fascist.

What is it about Sam that triggers these redditors so badly?

If I told you, you'd just…I don't know how you'd react, sir. I don't know you, but something about not sending t-shirts they ordered
Apparently someone even got a copy of his book instead as compensation and they're still pissed off because it's not what they ordered.

Okay, fine, I will give my unironic and honest opinion on Sam Hyde. He's a fucking asshole and his connection to the aut-right only makes me hate his guts more. The fact that he's a disgusting human being wouldn't even matter that much if you polyps didn't bring him up all the time. The thing I hate about him the most is that he has so much attention and that he isn't funny. Imagine if Tim Heidecker had that kind of following, now that's a handsome and funny guy.

Sam Hyde is nasty white trash that for some mind boggling reason was never brained by any upstanding model citizens for his behaviour.


So, is Sam Hyde okay with Holla Forumsorcs tarnishing his name like this? Wasn't it a situation like this that lost him some of his stand up gigs? Maybe this is why he is accused of scamming his fans.

He's a kike and bad publicity is (usually: unless it's a sex scandal) better than no publicity (especially if he doesn't have to pay for it out of his pocket).


Is Weev really a Jew? I thought that was a story his mom came up with when people on Facebook kept asking why her son was an anti-Semite.

They dont fucking know, they're leftists and they're desperate to character assassinate people who push the other message and gain influence.

lol I KNOW RIGHT? such cucks omg

Maybe now you realize just how retarded the shills are.

I bet you even pay the $5 dollars and bought his book/merch. So this is the power they wield over the goy, impressive.

Well then you'd lose that bet, pleb



hes confirmed antifa
how will lefty non humans ever recover?

Antifa is a white supremacist terror group.

Am I getting your argument right so far? Because otherwise that mental shart you call a post makes zero sense. And given that you can't even greentext, it's extremely likely that you are indeed that retardedIOWa communist

she's almost as ugly as her, so yeah

Go back to 4cham, bud.

It's an kind of feel.


For a long time goony-types had this certain style of humor. They'd say something ironically, but sincerely. It sounds complicated, but really it's just how manchildren who care about posting careers deal with "adulting" aka living in the real world without friendly forum asspats. It's a grating and smug style of humor that they all pretend to laugh at.
Sam Hyde comes along and shits all over their circlejerk. He went to a weird twitter comedy show in NYC hipster Mecca and instead of doing some wacky Galifianakis-style anticomedy that would have elicited forced laughs from the bicurious numale audience, he read out statistics about homosexuality in relation to disease and pedophilia. This triggered the goony-types hard. Their "ironic but serious" style had been used against them, and they had no idea what to do about it. They can't act like they don't care, because muh faggots feewings, but they can't act like they care, because they've based their entire existence on being apathetic cool kid rebels who care about nuffin mannn, so they lost their shit. Now they follow his name around the internet like a bunny boiling ex, ready to pop in at a moments notice and screech about how insignificant Hyde is and how they don't even care because they're above caring and also he's an evil racist who should stop being mean. Not that they care or anything.

tl;dr leftists don't like being made fun of

Feels good.

I used to read their stuff back when they were still popular and I was a 14 year old. I eventually grew out of it and it's pathetic to see these middle-aged guys writing the same shitty "comedy" over a decade later with absolutely no improvement. For a taste of what goon comedy is like, just read Zoe Quinn's twitter.

>Scam *(his fans) "the unfunny dicksucking guy" (and) Hide (the stolen money before his fans realise what happened)

Sam Hyde is a national treasure.

That sounds exactlly like Holla Forums.

Proving me right reddipol

Holla Forums developed from Holla Forums, which was just regular irony.
That sounds nothing like imageboards. Don't try and fit in. Just be yourself, homie.

Try again, leftycuck, and stay mad while you're at it. It's not our fault Holla Forumsacks are legitimately funny as well as based in facts and evidence to the point that you can only autistically screech ad hominems at us.

Not everyone that doesn't love Holla Forums is a leftist, you dumbie.


Listen. I understand that, as a weak and insecure person, it's hard to admit someone you dislike may have good qualities, but this kind of black-and-white childish stubbornness will only hurt you in the long run.

Not the same guy, sorry.

Maybe you should have posted some anime instead

to me it's just fucking weird and I'd like to know what their game is.


they're taking it back

ever notice how all these closet cases keep pictures of their backs?

You faggots aren't even trying anymore

seems like he diagnosed the issue pretty thoroughly. So why did he start mailing bombs to random ppl?


Hi, 2004.


2004 was baller


Citation needed.

my point is, why did he resort to violence. it seems to be a common theme of ppl being so smart they decide to do something like this. This sorta thing should have been put forth as a thesis instead of relegated to a 'manifesto'

He had a isolated cabin in the woods where he wanted to live his life, forest around it started to get cut down so he decided to fight back

I think he's thinking of suing.

against modern society itself? maybe the isolation started to get to him.

t. citycuck

t. animal fucker


That's the best you could come up with, donkey pederast?

Do tell?

I'm not the guy you were talking to.
Just chiming in to call you a dumbass.


Nice try, horse rapist


Looks like her son.

I've never once seen a Holla Forumsyp make an argument about anything. Unless you consider posting a .png an argument (you do).

Holla Forums is just another bunch of useful idiots. They are ideological prostitutes. Their support of (((Trump))) is proof enough of that. Like all conservatives they don't have any actual convictions past screeching about leftists. Who are the leftists? Whoever their (((masters))) say.

I argue that you're a fag.
My evidence is pic related.

>>>Holla Forums

You had one job

Not an argument

Not an argument


Still not an argument

Feel free to make an argument.

My argument is that your argument is inherently flawed

Islam is the Master Race.