
how do we retire this term? It's been a reddit meme for well over a year now. It was funny the first few months with the infographic and when it was expanded to include examples like The Pest, now it's just become another 4chan word that it's difficult to avoid using because it's so ingrained in our autistic internet vocabulary, so we casually pretend it's just semi-ironic laziness. It's also correlated to the absolute worst posts on here and the favourite term of autistic crossposters from /a/ and Holla Forums.
How do we drop it Holla Forums?

We can't.

Word Filter kino to flick or something else


This, spreading it out to normalfag websites might help.

Its over, comrade.


thinks* Holla Forums actually have a significant presence

is this kino?


It was always some shitty halfchan word which crossposting niggers brought here. It was ok at first but very soon lost its meaning and is pretty much useless yet is still used as some rank in defining good movies.


I've had to read Foucault and Simulacra and Simulation, etc… as part of my degree in arts. Its utterly plebeian.

When everything is kino… nothing will be.


do you even know how to fucking type?

nope lol

Memes manage themselves friend. As for reddit, think of it as an "I automatically lose" card. Holla Forums kino is inherently superior to reddit kino. Redditors will always be trash, will always stand out and will always be gay. As long as scorn is being rightfully heaped upon redditors, all will be well.

REPORTED for board raid

mistaken m8

Admit you dont have kino

No, there are plenty movies I like

Basically this but it's bigger than nu/pol/ don't give them all the fucking credit.


Fair enough.

this tbh
kino will never leave Holla Forums, get used to it commiecuck

Why dont they just make their own Holla Forums?

Because left-wing media has reduced them to cucked shells of their former selves, unable to create anything of value, only able to destroy the virtue of others.

I recommend "cinematic". It's a shame plebbit steals everything but we must adapt.

gee whiz, what a life that must be.

Yes but no kino

Pure kino