Moderators have destroyed Holla Forums...

Moderators have destroyed Holla Forums. The fun of this place wasnt that a bunch of rancid autistic trash werent reading your posts and determining sentence by sentence if it appeals to their specific values. You delete CP, thats it you fucks, nobody cares if our topic pass your threshold of 'viable content' you wikipedia editor autistic fuck. why is it any good thing gets these retards come out of nowhere that wouldnt even be hired to mow lawns, nd destroy a whole culture cause theyre OCD anti social fucks

Other urls found in this thread:

watch this

Delete Holla Forumsfags first, then we can work out the vols.



Wait, Holla Forums has mods?

yes they recently got mods who delete everything


>>>Holla Forums

Could you specifiy which thread of yours got deleted?

The last thing we need are a million Sam Hyde threads from his shills.

More like the opposite dumbass

Mods did nothing wrong.

which means?

Looks promising. That broad and her husband/friend were such dipshits.

Here, have her wedding night sex tape.

remove goons

according to weebs, that's what would be oh wait you're not even the same person GET OUTTA HERE.

It's not me

shut up hotpocket


It means you derail and cry and moan and bitch and generally act like an asshurt little retard if someone so much as posts a smug anime grill, you retarded cuckigoon.
Nobody gets mad about anime being shit on, you can even do that on /a/ and not get banned.
However it takes a special kind of retard to be such a tool that you're a reliable means to derail threads anyone with an anime reaction image happens to dislike.

You seem butthurt here

furious tbh, maybe you should tell me more


mad as fuck

yes, do you want more images fam?

Who cares? they're just images.
This was never about the animu. It's about (you).
We reject (you)

Then ban me fam.
Oh w8

so much butt frustration

I actually don't have that many anime reaction images so I'll leave you with this one.
You'll have to ask an actual weeb for a big collection.

I got you, fampai.

I thought the thread was going to be about "The Hunger (1983)" film, but is just a rant.