Seized Laptop Shows Hillary Clinton Covered Up Weiner’s Alleged Sex Crimes

NYPD Turns Against the FBI
New York Police Department detectives and sources working an underage child pornography case against Anthony Weiner confirm the laptop seized from the former congressman contains proof that Hillary Clinton knew he was engaging in a long sexual relationship with a minor but did not intervene to alert any state or federal authorities to protect the 15 year old.
Not blowing the whistle on the serial sexter allowed Weiner to keep sexting the youth via cell phone and internet chats for approximately another four more months, NYPD sources said. While Clinton was busy campaigning to be the first female US president with Weiner’s wife and aide Huma Abedin, he was at home sending the 15-year-old online porn and divulging his rape fantasies to the girl, NYPD sources said. Weiner also apparently talked on the telephone with the girl, based on intelligence gleaned from the laptop.
Instead of rescuing the minor from a sex-obsessed Weiner, Clinton who was the Democratic presidential candidate at the time and eventual front runner, counseled her long time aide Abedin, to end her relationship with him because bad publicity could harm the campaign. NYPD officials said Clinton and Abedin discovered Weiner’s sexting with the minor in April 2016 and that he had already been corresponding with the youth for months.
Neither Clinton nor Abedin apparently did anything to stop the abuse of the minor. Instead, the repeated incidents — which breach a host of state and federal laws — were kept quiet.
Yet Clinton, who champions herself as a women’s rights advocate, did nothing to help the girl. And it gets even worse. NYPD said the high school sophomore was suffering from depression and told Weiner during over seven months of correspondences that she often wanted to end her life. Weiner did nothing to try to stop the girl from hurting herself, NYPD sources said.
It is not clear whether Abedin or Clinton knew the girl was having suicidal thoughts. But NYPD sources said the FBI did know because the proof is warehoused on Weiner’s silver Dell Inspiron 15 7000 laptop, which the FBI obtained via search warrant in October.
That means, as NYPD sources highlight, the FBI knew Clinton did nothing to try and stop Weiner from repeatedly sexting a minor during the election. And the FBI likewise has apparently done nothing since the election to charge — or even question — Clinton for what appears to be intentionally endangering a minor entangled in a child pornography case. FBI Director James Comey said his agents combed Weiner’s laptop prior to the election and found no evidence indicating Hillary Clinton had engaged in any criminal conduct. Any. Somehow, Comey and his understudies were able to comb through over approximately 600,000 emails and files on the computer in a mere week. Yet found nothing linking Clinton to the Weiner child pornography case?
That information does not jibe with NYPD investigators. According to their intelligence, there was discussion of charging Clinton with New York statutes for not alerting law enforcement that a minor was being repeatedly exploited. But such talk was ultimately quashed by federal prosecutors who said this was now an FBI and Justice Department case and no charges like that would originate from New York or from local law enforcement where the girl lived.
“One bullshit road block after another,” a NYPD source said.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some of the facts that Abedin, Clinton and the FBI apparently intentionally squelched include:
Weiner coaxed video chats in which he asked the girl to undress and touch herself and repeat his name out loud.
The girl told Weiner that she was a sophomore in high school and trying to get a learner’s permit to and learn how to drive.
Weiner knew the girl was suffering from depression and occasional suicidal thoughts yet urged the youth to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressed her to engage in rape fantasies.
Weiner repeatedly told the high school student that he wanted to force himself on her when her father was out of town and away from the house.
Weiner forced the girl to write him a letter saying that their online relationship was friendly and at no time did he engage in sexual conversation or innuendo. The youth complied. That letter is on the lap top and in the FBI’s possession, NYPD said. Weiner may have provided a copy to Clinton to cover her in case these allegations exploded during the campaign.
Weiner used his cell phone to correspond with the girl and the texting apps Confide and Kik as well as desktop Facebook and Skype from the girl’s bedroom while her parents were often asleep in the next room.
Likewise alarming, and largely due to Abedin and Clinton’s silence, Weiner continued to sext the teenager for approximately four months after Clinton learned of the illegal relationship.
The girl might have been 14 years old when the sexual relationship commenced in January 2016, per records obtained by NYPD.

What a convenient time for a terrorist attack.


welp, time for a false flag!

brock had probably flipped too

For sticky


The righteous white-hot rage I once felt has faded and dulled into something terrible.
It grows with each passing day.
By will alone I set my mind in motion.


have a bump

Those faggots have been making all kinds of claims for months and nothing's come from any of it.


It was a good run, but I have to assume with the terrorism we had today that the hammer is gonna drop.


When the people running this are exposed they should be torn limb from limb. Gulags are too soft


so youre saying they had a muslim commit a terrorist attack in the UK to hide a report posted on a conservative website that no one reads?



We’re going to need at least one other source for this.

and to think i saw some user yesterday say Holla Forums was getting boring lately

So it's confirmed the FBI is pozzed as hell? What the fuck are you doing, Jeff?

Everyone go tell Sessions about this shit immediately and can all the pozz from the alphabet agencies he can.

The longer I spend in this timeline, the more mild and relatable our ancestors seem.

The Romans nailed people to trees and walls and left them hanging there to die as a warning to the rest of the world and society at large.

The Romans were completely reasonable and rational men who did nothing wrong.

Fuck you, OP. Weren't these the same guys that said the FBI was losing agents because they were quitting over the clinton cover up. And they were they ONLY guys saying this?

Show more sauce, or FAKE NEWS!

Agreed. There is major happenings taking place but some people don't want to dig, or only care about seeing gore pics of the attacks at London.

Low energy plebs.

If anything it was done because of the Nunes testimony today.

Kikes probably started it and other "Fake News" websites so they could push that narrative after retarded redditors (like OP) shared their hoax stories.

Violence simply works, hooking people in the mouth is sometimes more efficient than explaining them over and over again that what they've done was wrong.

Should probably arrest before they escape.

Let me know when you have something.

why don't they do false flags all the time then? If any kind of bad news story is worth a false flag then why isn't there one every fucking day?

Sometimes a ball-peen hammer to the knee does the trick too or would that be to Jew York on this timeline?

he needs more infant blood, looks like he is about to shrivel up and die

This pretty much. There was a race-based false flag recently.


Maybe someone will mistake that hat for maga hat and curb stomp him.

Pizza Forest fucking when?

For a second I thought that was an ugly jewish dyke.

It's well known Comey is (((theirs))), but FBI did help put Trump in power, there are still some in there that want justice. Same goes for NYPD.

I see a LOT of wonderful stories on these new Righwing websites that never come true. No one ever cares they report them. It ends up here and memory holed

I'll wait until someone real announces it. Thanks for getting my hopes for nothing trigger happy, OP


also this is how you sage for newfags.

Counter-sage. Eat shit, kike. Take a page out of David 'Underage Cock' Brock's playbook and have yourself a heart attack.

kill yourself faggot

Missed the first post faggot.


We need him alive, he's the one that is going to rat out the rest of them. The only thing stopping him is knowing his kid's mom is going to prison, but his fear of being Arkancided is going to outweigh that.

Newfag for fucks sake we knew about this shit since back in August.

Threadly reminder that 6 months have passed since it was a foregone conclusion that Anthony Weiner solicited CP from a minor yet he has yet to be arrested.


sage until it's real


Wtf is true pundit?

seems to be a blog which reports what we already know, but reminds us all. Bump

Watch the film "Wag The Dog" if you want to see exactly how it works.
This is no joke.


When will the jew be bumped off?

have a bump

Teen Online Sexual Relationship with Anthony Weiner story:

NYPD Spills Weiner Laptop Info - Clinton Cooked!

NYPD detectives and sources have turned on the FBI for creating “one roadblock after another” and have started releasing incriminating material into the public domain implicating Hillary Clinton in the underage sex investigation. David Zublick breaks it down in this special report.

Of course OP neglects to mention his source.

I wonder what happened to him? A warning perhaps?

More likely he got some jew doctor to sign off so he can malinger as a cripple. Cripple prison is a lot more comfy, it's like female prison.

It's not hard to hide Weiner's mini-wiener kek

His rabbi must have munched on it hard in his youth.



More likely it shows they are also cannibals as well as pedophiles.

he's looking at the camera like its a gun. this kike must be constantly shitting bricks.

Well I think the NYPD knows Trump pretty well so they have a direct line and ally to get this out there.

How is he not in jail?


Punishment by appointment?

Fraternal privilege.

Get em, NYPD!

Looks like CIAniggers all up in your kik too.



wtf is this creepy old man selfie wtf

