Series starts with a hard R rating



It's fucking horrible and it keeps happening. Why does it keep happening?


When did it happen besides Alien and Terminator

Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
most series that started in the 80s and ran on into the 90s.


All series that never needed to exist as series either

You're pretty much right, but Robocop 2 and F13 4 are kino.

I never saw Robocop 2 and I likely never saw F13 4


obviously you've never seen tech gore

hah, the last pic sorta looks like a drain, like where your money's gonna go if any of this happens to you.



Is that a wasp's nest in the third pic?


How much is too much?

reddiany reddiand reddiall, reddifellow reddi8anon

Bet you're one of those butthurt faggot weebs who keeps getting btfo every time he tries to push the false foregone conclusion that cuckime is a sacred cow here.

It is mango worms building mud huts because there is no skin to drill in to.

cuckireddiyes cuckireddi-I cuckireddiam cuckiredditbh, cuckireddi-I'm cuckireddiagainst cuckireddicuckime cuckireddinow cuckireddiand cuckireddit cuckireddifeels cuckireddiso cuckireddigood cuckiredditbh


what Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Streets were PG-13?

Robocop was also rated R as far as I remember.

until Robocop 3 came along

and was later remade into a pg-13 movie


How does something retroactively being re-rated mean anything?

When did Robocop 3 ever have an R rating? Have you ever seen it? It's completely sanitized and proto-PC.

I thought you were talking about the first Robocop being re-rated, my bad

No, it was remade though, and the remake is pg-13.

I'm going to go ahead and admit I didn't actually read and understand the point of this thread.

I think this was when they were trying to make Robocop kid friendly with the TV show and him helping Sting and everything.

probably because they wanted Batman action figure money

How the fuck does some of this even happen?

I dont want to hate the WCW more than I already do, man.


Tropical weather + open windows
It literally is all it takes

Any recommendations?

shit, I hate when that happens


You gotta diversify your portfolio and appeal to the kids, goy.

Games don't have rating systems like that.


Are you 14?

Are YOU?

answer the question