Kickball allegory about immigration and racism to redpill normies

Kickball allegory about immigration and racism to redpill normies.

Imagine there was a group of boys who all played kickball together in the park. The boys have been playing in the park for a while, but one day, a group of mean bullies took it over and threatened to beat them up if they returned. So one of the boys, Achmed, had an idea. He says to the others, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we played kickball in one of our backyards instead of the park?" Pedro exclaims, "Yes! That would be amazing! But whose backyard would we pick?" Jason, being the sportsman he is, suggested they can play in his backyard, because it is big and spacious and has a really well looked after lawn to act as the pitch. The gang all celebrate and decide to do it. After playing some in Jason's backyard, they all decide to try out Achmed's backyard for a change. Achmed's backyard was dry and the pitch was hard, so none of them enjoyed playing in it. Achmed was embarrassed. His parents did not upkeep his lawn like Jason's did. So they all decided to try Pedro's backyard instead. Again the children did not enjoy playing in Pedro's backyard. It was dank and swampy and there was litter in it. Pedro's parents did not upkeep the backyard like Jason's did. Pedro too was embarrassed. Mwamba suggested they try his backyard. So the boys played there. But again, Mwamba's backyard was too small, and there was only concrete and no lawn to play on. So Mwamba said to the other three, "It is no good that we play here, let us go back to Jason's backyard, that lawn is so big and fresh and tidy!" Jason, being the sportsman he is, agreed. And they all went and played in his backyard again. But soon Achmed, Pedro and Mwamba grew jealous of Jason's backyard. They grew jealous that he got to keep playing in it when they had to go home. That he could invite other friends to play in it and they could not invite friends to theirs. That is was always tidy and big and nice to play in with seemingly no effort on Jason's part. To them, Jason didn't deserve his backyard, and they, never having had such a backyard themselves, thought it was only fair that they get to own that backyard themselves! So the three of them decided on a plan. They would set up a kickball tournament, and the winner gets to play for keeps for the backyard. However, they would only ever play kickball in Jason's backyard, so no matter what, one of them gets to have Jason's backyard. So they go over to Jason's house and suggest the tournament to him. At first Jason is like "Yes! That would be a great idea! Let's have a tournament and test our skills against each other!" Achmed, Pedro and Mwamba, excited that Jason wants to play in a tournament too, then tell him that they will be playing for keeps in the backyard they play in. Jason balks at this and says, "But won't that mean that one of us risks losing our own backyard and the very home we live in with it?" "Yes perhaps", Pedro exclaims, "but where is your competitive spirit?!" Mwamba joins in, "Don't you want to play the tournament with us?!" Achmed replies to Mwamba, "He is hesitant because he doesn't like us! He doesn't want to play with us! He thinks he is a better kickballer than us! Pedro shouts at Jason "How dare you! We are just as good at kickball as you!" Jason, not wanting to offend goes "okay, okay, fine, let's see the schedule for these tournaments." The boys, happy Jason has relented, pull out the timetable for the tournament games. Monday: Jason's house. Tuesday: Jason's house. Wednesday: Jason's house. Thursday: Jason's house. Friday: Jason's house. Saturday: Jason's house. Sunday: Jason's house. The week after that? All at Jason's house. The week after that? Also, all at Jason's house. Continuing on ad infinitum. Jason sees this and worries to himself, "All these games are only being played at my house! And we are playing for keeps! No matter what, I'm going to lose my house eventually! I'm going to lose my home eventually! I can't win every game for ever and ever. Why are they doing this? Why are they scheduling the tournaments for my house alone? Do they want me to lose my house? My home? What will I do then? I will die with nothing to shelter me! I will be homeless!"

continued from above

Every day, the Pedro's, Achmed's and Mwamba's of the world are telling the Jason's that they are evil and racist if they don't allow unfettered immigration to their homes. That they are immoral if they do not place themselves in the position of losing their house, their possessions and everything their families and ancestors have laboured to produce and give to them. Meanwhile, these same Pedro's, Achmed's and Mwamba's are at no risk of losing their own homes, possessions and lands to the Jason's. No Jason's are immigrating to their homelands and risking dispossessing them. They’re playing for keeps. And their playing for keeps is entirely one sided. Only Jason is risking losing everything.


Cool blog post.

cool wall of text
if you have anything important here, good job ensuring absolutely nobody reads it

Too long and compact.
Make a pic instead for normalfags.
Or at the very least a shitty MS paint comic.

Do you want my honest opinion?

Too wordy. It becomes obvious that it's political before the point is made, so anybody who doesn't already agree with you will tune you out before it has any impact on them.


if it takes you this long to make the point you might want to rethink it

pretty fucking retarded OP, did your faggotass make this up? also, tbey were playing for HIS LAWN NOT HIS HOME

also, your allegory reads like it was written for 3rd grade retards.


Allegories are meant to be simple. Take the Woman and the Snake allegory read out by Trump at one of his rallies.

"On her way to work one morning, down the path along side the lake.

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.

His pretty coloured skin had been all frosted with the dew.

“Oh well,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you.”

“Take me in, oh tender woman.

Take me in, for heaven’s sake.

Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the vicious snake.

She wrapped him all cosy in a curvature of silk.

And then laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.

Now she hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived,

She found that pretty snake she’d taken in and revived.

“Take me in, oh tender woman.

Take me in, for heaven’s sake.

Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the vicious snake.

Now she clutched him to her bosom.

“You’re so beautiful,” she cried.

“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you would have died.”

She stroked his pretty skin again and then she kissed and held him tight.

Instead of saying, “thank you,” that snake gave her a vicious bite."

I was thinking it might be better animated into a short clip. I guess this could be considered a first draft of a script.


instead, imagine whites playing a series of games against other races, but the whites always try to pass to the other team at least 50% of the time to be 'fair,' who wins?

This. Make it into a comic.

I recall a similar analogy being made for the argument against gay marriage. But like everyone else has said, you need know how to condense your ideas in a way that is palatable for people. In other words, lrn2meme

this. Your heart is in the right place OP, but walls of text don't win meme wars. Come back and try again.

I didn't bother to read your eyesore wall of text, but I think that imageboards are a great allegory about immigration:

Let me help you out OP.

Imagine there was a group of boys who all played kickball together in the park.

The boys have been playing in the park for a while, but one day, a group of mean bullies took it over and threatened to beat them up if they returned.

So one of the boys, Achmed, had an idea. He says to the others, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we played kickball in one of our backyards instead of the park?"

Pedro exclaims, "Yes! That would be amazing! But whose backyard would we pick?"

you really dont notice anything different from yours and his? do a word count and get back to me.

Jason, being the sportsman he is, suggested they can play in his backyard, because it is big and spacious and has a really well looked after lawn to act as the pitch.

The gang all celebrate and decide to do it.



After playing some in Jason's backyard, they all decide to try out Achmed's backyard for a change.

Achmed's backyard was dry and the pitch was hard, so none of them enjoyed playing in it.

Achmed was embarrassed. His parents did not upkeep his lawn like Jason's did.

So they all decided to try Pedro's backyard instead.

Again the children did not enjoy playing in Pedro's backyard. It was dank and swampy and there was litter in it.

Pedro's parents did not upkeep the backyard like Jason's did. Pedro too was embarrassed.

Mwamba suggested they try his backyard. So the boys played there.

But again, Mwamba's backyard was too small, and there was only concrete and no lawn to play on.

So Mwamba said to the other three, "It is no good that we play here, let us go back to Jason's backyard, that lawn is so big and fresh and tidy!" Jason, being the sportsman he is, agreed.

And they all went and played in his backyard again.

But soon Achmed, Pedro and Mwamba grew jealous of Jason's backyard.

They grew jealous that he got to keep playing in it when they had to go home. That he could invite other friends to play in it and they could not invite friends to theirs. That is was always tidy and big and nice to play in with seemingly no effort on Jason's part.

To them, Jason didn't deserve his backyard, and they, never having had such a backyard themselves, thought it was only fair that they get to own that backyard themselves!

So the three of them decided on a plan.

They would set up a kickball tournament, and the winner gets to play for keeps for the backyard. However, they would only ever play kickball in Jason's backyard, so no matter what, one of them gets to have Jason's backyard.

So they go over to Jason's house and suggest the tournament to him. At first Jason is like "Yes! That would be a great idea! Let's have a tournament and test our skills against each other!" Achmed, Pedro and Mwamba, excited that Jason wants to play in a tournament too, then tell him that they will be playing for keeps in the backyard they play in.

Jason balks at this and says, "But won't that mean that one of us risks losing our own backyard and the very home we live in with it?" "Yes perhaps", Pedro exclaims, "but where is your competitive spirit?!" Mwamba joins in, "Don't you want to play the tournament with us?!" Achmed replies to Mwamba, "He is hesitant because he doesn't like us! He doesn't want to play with us! He thinks he is a better kickballer than us! Pedro shouts at Jason "How dare you! We are just as good at kickball as you!"

Jason, not wanting to offend goes "okay, okay, fine, let's see the schedule for these tournaments."

The boys, happy Jason has relented, pull out the timetable for the tournament games.

Monday: Jason's house. Tuesday: Jason's house. Wednesday: Jason's house. Thursday: Jason's house. Friday: Jason's house. Saturday: Jason's house. Sunday: Jason's house. The week after that? All at Jason's house. The week after that? Also, all at Jason's house. Continuing on ad infinitum.

Jason sees this and worries to himself, "All these games are only being played at my house! And we are playing for keeps! No matter what, I'm going to lose my house eventually! I'm going to lose my home eventually! I can't win every game for ever and ever.

Why are they doing this? Why are they scheduling the tournaments for my house alone? Do they want me to lose my house? My home? What will I do then? I will die with nothing to shelter me! I will be homeless!"

Best I could do to chop it up with some visual aids.

Should be a little easier to read now.

I like it.

Needs some refinement, maybe a children's book.


this is the stupid kind of shit the mods leave up. And news stories

We used to do that any time girls wanted to play football with us
We still crushed them
Just as we will crush non-whites