Can we talk about the Elephant in the Room? Not the fact that this guys left eye is lower than his right eye...

Can we talk about the Elephant in the Room? Not the fact that this guys left eye is lower than his right eye, but the fact that he cannot act worth a damn in most things hes been in, just because he was good in one movie doesn't mean he's leading material.

It isn't the direction either that causes him to be an unemoting asswipe or him being typecasted, he just can't bring any emotion besides the occasional meme expression shit

My left eye is higher than my right eye.

man, I don't care.
But he sure seems to piss you off, and you seem shitty. Ray bans fix pretty much anyone's face, btw.

I really hate the way you frame your OPs.

Lol Ryan what are you doing here, please just stop acting the same.

No, fuck you. My own personality is better than anything in any shitty script my uncle moishe writes.

You're supposed to act differently you MADMAN

Women love sociopaths, its basic biology. /thread

would boot in the head

He doesn't act like a sociopath


Presence, mere image of a sociopath
In the same vein as Clint Eastwood

Are you the same guy who sometimes suggests that Clint is a pedo off screen?

He can act just fine.

He is one, you may have some hyped up idea about them, but they are just people with social development issues, who tend to drift towards acting and politics because they have an edge at lying and looking cool.

sociopath is specifically predatory though.

clint is a crypto kike pedo

that chick freaks me the fuck out tbh. Not only is she STICC but her face looks like a mask.

fuck you, young hercules was awesome

Amy Shumer?

There's gonna need to be proof of that. A clip of an old movie directed by some kike isnt gonna work.

I think that would be psychopath, which is the same but with delusions.


no u


what was the one movie that you think he was good in?

No, where did you get that
I doubt it even, he's just some old timey fellow who cannot act but knows how to work off screen