Blood and Thunder

When it comes down to it the only solution to save western society is nationalism. Nationalism which destroys privatized banking and the practice of usury in all aspects of society. For the kikes have infected all organizations which structure a nation.

We have nothing working for us right now. We don't have the money nor the arms nor the organization to even try to dismantle the hold of the serpents. They have trillions of dollars we have shitposters.

Now you may say that we have Trump but at the end of the day you must understand that the president has no real power. An oligarchy rules over the western world, not a the people's will.

These serpents have only one weakness. Only one which is that they are few and must pay others to fight for them. Armed revolt and the dismantling of privately owned banking system is the only way.

Which will mean that we will need to organize. Actually organize and train in real life if we want to change anything.

We have allowed the kikes to dictate our momentum with the creation of the alt-right. We have allowed them to suck up any new recruits which could be used as foot soldiers, and instead have been turned into sackless cucks who worship controlled youtube personalities.

We need to organize. We need to prepare for the day of Blood and Thunder. For the day of the rope.

We need our SS.

I was thinking about it the other day.

It could be simple, just find some Holla Forumsacks near your area, have some gym meets, maybe some martial arts, literature clubs, shooting at the range, just any productive activity that you can enjoy and just start a community, even a small one, would be good.

Hi CIANiggers

No, we are all anons here. We are many and one, all and none. sage for illegal shit.

What did I say that was illegal you fucking kike.

**Many but one

Yeah, nah

Not advocating for violence kike. But violence is their weakness.

Stay mad chaim :^)

European detected

So how is this thread different than the 20 other threads we have up on this general topic? How is this going to give us more actionable advice?


We actually need to shove your crooked big fat nose into an oven, bitch. Nice try.

Speaking like a tripfag kike, fuck off.

even being here is illegal in a lot of countries you cunt

We know how to spot a kike and fed. No wonder you're scared shitless.

We have chaos. Bring it down from the inside, the ouroboros consumes itself once again. They have trillions of pieces of paper…we have billions of us, here at the bottom of the boot-heal. Let them step on a nail. Be iron.

Ultimately, the only thing that's going to get us to organize publicly is a meme. HWNDU was, in a way, just a meme, and to participate in the 3D live action meme is what /ourguys/ turned out to do. To materialize anons in public we need a meme, more powerful and compelling meme than anything we've ever engineered before.

Those that are attracted to an area because of a meme are nothing more than useful idiots.

Wow, you really proved you're not from around here with that post.

No shit, but meeting up on the basis of preparing for day of "Blood and Thunder" and "the day of the rope" will strike your jewish ass in prison far longer than for being racist on an imageboard. Don't have to point this shit out.

Your own sentence says it all, ANONS retard. Although I'm not arguing with a dumb CIANigger further, off yourself if you want to be involved with blood and a "violent revolt" you twisting piece of semitic shit.

Sorry, but those attracted to memes in real life situations are like gnats to a bright light. It only thing HWNDU proved that shitskins are in our ranks in high numbers and make for great useless idiots.

You're either a Fed or a moron who will never understand what's going on around here. In the early 20th century, psychology emerged as an entirely new scientific discipline, and the same thing happened to linguistics around the 1960s. We are inventing a new science - memetic engineering. We are its pioneers and its only living experts. You won't catch up in time. Too little, too late.

I am a vessel of kek. I have foresight. You do not.

Great thread, too, o vessel of kek. Now I truly see.

The fuck is this retarded reddit spaced blog posting retard rambling about and why hasn't this thread been at least bumplocked?