Maximum kino tbh

maximum kino tbh

Next time you're going to shitpost, subhuman, at least post hi-res images.


Holy shit I read this with a nerd lisp. Rock yourself my dude.

pink and teal is the new blue and orange

You just hate good things, and some of us are old enough to remember the authentic aesthetic. You're just a bitch.

you're a delusional autist, they are used because of color theory, nothing else.

sage negated

and I must also ask what is wrong with younger people latching onto the aesthetic regardless of personal exposure to the era? At least they aren't getting into nigger shit.

sage isn't a downvote reddit

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

Not that I think you're even a shill, just semi-illiterate.

sage negated

sage restored

you're just angry because everything with the pink and blue aesthetic does poorly, not even normies like your garbage

sage negated

sage restored

sage negated

sage restored

Bet this triggers the shit out of you.

You don't negate a sage you retard, especially if the thread is already on page 1. All you are doing is helping him derail the thread.

sage negated

you're not the boss of me

reddit tier "look at me guise please believe im patrician"

drive 2/10
ogf 5/10
neon 3/10


Pure Kino Tier
The Neon Demon

Good Film Tier

Literally What Flick Tier
Valhalla Rising
Pusher + Sequels
Fear X

Gooey Neon Sludge Tier
Only God Forgives

I've yet to see Only God Forgives, why do plebs hate it?

Valhalla Rising is pure kino tbh

Because they're atheists.

I like the filename of this image. Very evocative.

Fuck off back to cuckchan m80 I dont like you

jesus christ, let's stop making up retarded playground rules and just start knocking each other's teeth out. I'm sick of this CRAP.

you're on 8gag m8

No one cares m8

Story of your life, pal.

Stay salty reddit

Neon *semen* Demon was the only good one of his movies tbh

Stay gay, Clay

hahahahahahahaha because semen rhymes with demon! oh man! you kill me! hahahahahahahaha

Also because the girls are hot, but you wouldn't know that because you like little boys.

Big if true. I'm not the one always clamoring over fridges though. I like my ladies thicc.

That's /r/movies poll m8

You wanna know how much of cuckchan likes ryan gosling? I'd put it at 60-75%

While I wouldn't mind picking up a sword like what that slope had, that movie was shit. It was even more shit than Drive was, but not as shit as Neon Semen Demon.


So far only 3 shit shows, where's the kino?

Neon demon was shit

up your mom's ass, boy. start sniffin.


There is a difference though. Pink and Teal is used specifically to evoke that neo-80s aesthetic. Blue and Orange doesn't have a rhyme or reason for it except "it's shown to sell films better".

up your ass, faggot

Pink and Teal is also more "grass roots"


ITT: Breddit

Maximum reddit

I liked the soundtrack and aesthetic in Ragnarok.

I'm hearing that's actually pretty neo-retro. Good for capeshit?

Anyone know of any good Neo/Modern-Noir films? Also, any film with good use of electro/synth/wave/etc would be nice.
Not looking for 100% kino 11/10 films, anything above a solid 5 would suit me.

I watched all of the Marvel films over a weekend to catch up on the hate, and the only films that are worth watching are Hulk + 2 Thor films. I don't know how big Hulk is in Ragnarok, nor do I like that guy they got in there that looks like a Pajeet.

shit, seconded
even if they're actually 80s movies.


wtf why is Drive plebbit?

We liked it, reddit also liked it, thus the two events must be related at some level.
Of course, the real answer is broken clocks.

because 90% of the 8gag userbase is pure dumbshit