The Orville

What do you guys think of The Orville so far? Are you glad it got picked up for a second season?

I'm pretty pleased with it. It's entertaining with a lot of heart.

Better than that other show which shall remain unnamed.

The female baby episode was fucken stupid
Being ostracized on the homeworld is irrelevant as she would be raised off planet with races where having two sexes is the norm

It's better than STD, but it's still badly written shit punctuated by awful misplaced humour.

They keep revolving episodes around characters being complete idiots in order to advance the plot. Episode 7 was a great example of this. The captain sends his navigator down to the planet on a covert mission, and the navigator for no reason decides to make a fool of himself so they could have an unfunny joke, which kicks off the plot.

It's comparable to TNG only in the most surface of aspects. The real meat of the show, the writing, the themes, the science, etc… They're all just not there.

The baby episode was stupid for a million reasons, but not that one.

If a human was born with one good eye and one ruined mess of an empty eye socket, and the technology was there to easily rebuild them a functioning normal looking eye inside of 20 minutes with no harm to the child… Why would anyone refuse to go through with the procedure? Just because there exists another race with weird half eyes/ half disfigured eye sockets? At best you're unilaterally deciding your child will be repulsive to their own species and unable to fit in on their own home world for basically no reason.

All in all, pretty good. It's nothing remarkable, and a lot of the humour falls flat, but it just feels like a normal sci-fi TV show of the type we don't get anymore, and I'm happy to have that at this point.

I'm lost with your analogy, are you saying the baby was born with one penis and one broken-penis that happened to flipped inside out? So all of not-Klingon race are asexuals with two penises but sometimes one is born with a penis and inverted-penis?


Boring shit, I always hated Star Trek to begin with but this parody is light's years behind it and that is to say something.

Not having females wasn't a natural thing to that species, it was a cultural thing, and likely it came from a time it was a necessity for them, but being no longer the case it is reasonable that some challenge the tradition.



Being female doesn't impact quality of life like missing an eye or having brittle bone disease does. Having females must have been natural for the species at some point, this is altering a perfectly healthy body (if vestigial) to fit societal ideals similar to corsets, foot binding, or Mesoamerican coneheads.


There's nothing wrong with watching cytv if you have the capacity to decipher the kike messaging, filter it, and expose it. The only people that should worry are those that can't.

The episode doesn't point to females being disallowed PURELY from a cultural standpoint. It's very much presented as a birth defect thing.

The problem you are having is that the show is that badly written that the core central theme of the episode is not explored with enough detail for it to make sense.

Species with one eye do not have their quality of life impacted by only having one eye. Does that mean that it doesn't impact quality of life for a human child to be born with one eye?

Again: This is at no point even suggested in the episode. Females are presented as a birth defect.

See, you guys are treating this like it was a TNG episode. But the writing isn't there. The big revelation at the end in the court shouldn't have been "look, there's another woman alive on the planet, and she's lived a miserable life of solitude in a cave somehow inexplicably writing novels without any contact with another living soul!" It should've been something along the lines of "your species is naturally bi-sexed and somewhere in your history it was decided females were weak and they were modified out (for some reason they are unnecessary to procreation I guess?) but the birth rate for females is really like 1 in 3 instead of 1 in a million!" That would've been a good TNG episode. But that wasn't what this was.

The thing that really lets it down is they mull and brood over this question repeatedly during the episode and every single time they explain away their rationale as "yeah but this is different." They walk through the situation logically with a metaphor (cleft palettes/extra or missing limbs) and then reach the conclusion that it's not right to force human standards onto a completely alien species, and then literally say "yeah but this is different" and cut to another scene.

The sloppy writing of this episode extends even further into the series. Because the race in question is consitently referred to as "all male" when in reality (and in a well written sci-fi show) they would be referred to as only having one sex. I'm pretty sure there's actually a TNG episode about this exact same thing and it was much more interesting and entertaining because it wasn't written by a C-list comedy writer who thinks "look… weed!" is what makes a good joke.

It's one of the best sci fi shows on tv right now. Interesting universe, great music (that TNG feel), the characters are all likable, you learn more about them in 5 episodes than in 5 of STD (to be honest, I don't remember the name of the characters on STD, they're all so superficial).
What I really like about this show is that they don't force a progressive agenda down your throat. From the scripts that MacFarlane has written so far, he always shows both sides of an argument and then leaves the viewer to think for him/herself.
It's a shame that CBS turned down his project. They missed a great opportunity to bring Trek back on tv.
I'm quite happy about it. The professional bloggers and critics gave negative reviews because they hate MacFarlane. It's not a even a joke, the reviews on RT from the "professionals" were all negative while the ones for STD were all positive.
I agree. It's something that has been missing on tv for a long time.
I know some anons refused to watch the show after a scene in the pilot where Mercer finds out that his wife was banging a blue alien. They seem to think that it promotes cuckoldry but I wonder if they can explain how it's "pro" when the cuck gets affected by it, gets depressed and leaves his dream job and all the Orville crew hate her for what she did?

It's quite surprising to see that in less than 10 episodes they've managed to find the right balance between humor and drama.

Well at least they're not paying to watch the final nail on the Trek coffin.

Congrats, you've made a worse joke than anything in Orville. I didn't think it was possible.

Have you considered the possibility that someone on the internet might have a different opinion to you?

You motherfucking lower-millenial pieces of shit ruined the word awesome.

The human body is built to take full advantage of the precision and perception that binocular vision provides, losing that will impact quality of life. The one eyed race would be fully adapted to monocular vision. Unless Moclan fitness is a universal standard with no deviation from any individual Moclan, be they a soldier or a programmer, would a female Moclan have any problems living in Moclan society aside from being a social pariah?

And I remember that TNG episode being complete ass and a half-baked allegory for fag rights

Yes I have. Have you considered the possibility that someone personally liking something doesn't make it good?

How can anyone suggest the show has a good balance between humor and drama when episode sevens plot is entirely hinged around a character being so completely incapable of doing his job that he willfully disobeys his commanding officer, the officer in command of the away mission he's on, and all common sense in order to make a "joke" that consisted of saying the word grind over and over and doing a silly dance? Especially bearing in mind that him being a complete fool was not part of his character. Sure he jokes around and drinks soda on the bridge, but that's not the same as being unable to function on an alien planet in any reasonable sense.

Data did this shit all the time, but data was a plastic man with no functional understanding of how biological life forms went about their day.

Considering it's presented as a birth defect it's entirely possible that there are further health problems associated with being born "female." Probably up-to and including the inability to have children as they are a mono-sex species. But again, this isn't explored fully enough in the show for either of us to expand upon it. I seem to remember them mentioning something about the Moclan planet being extremely tough and harsh in terms of enviroment and climate, which could make a female less likely to survive, but I can't remember if that's because they test weapons wile-coyote style or if it's just natural. Would make sense though considering how hardy they are.

The human body is adapted to two eyes, correct. And one eye is a deviation from the norm. Just as a Moclan female is presented in that episode as a deviation from the norm. That's as deep as the show goes because the show isn't well written enough to actually look at anything with any level of depth.

The TNG episode was a pretty shit one all things considered, I agree. But it still did this exact same plot way better than The Orville.

I have considered that.
The point I was making is that 'good' is in the eye of the beholder.

As for my opinon, I agree with you that some plot points are a bit clumsy. As they often are in regular star trek.
But I agree with the guy you were replying to that the balance is pretty good. I think if they had made it in to a comedy parody that would have been awful.

"muh opinion"
Your opinion doesn't mean shit you massive faggot

Mine does.
Its yours that doesnt.

fuggin cucks

has chuck done more of these or confirmed he's doing more of these?

think he said in one of his recent streams that its probably a one-off though he might do it again

If you say it in a cockney accent it's whoreville. What did Seth mean by this?

Made it to the "Lets kill the baby" episode.
Pure unadulterated shit.

In what way is the balance good? How does hinging an entire episode around a character acting like a cartoon parody of himself in order to enact an unfunny joke as the catalyst for the entire plot strike a balance between good comedy and drama?

Whenever anyone compliments the comedy in this show I find myself remembering the scene on the shuttle in which the first officer uses the replicator to make a bag of weed. Because it's supposed to be a joke. "lol weed in the future guys!" is the setup, punchline and payoff of the joke all in one. And it stops the drama to make this joke. In a well written show the weed would be used later in the episode for some function. It would somehow solve or help resolve the issue of the plot, or help in at least some way. Instead its a throwaway gag in the style of Family Guy.

And then the show continues with no payoff or reference to this whatsoever. Now don't get me wrong, I am a massive pot head, I'm the target audience for this "joke…" But seriously? This is a good balance of comedy and drama? A good balance would be comedy that fits naturally into the flow of the drama. The jokes should be born from the situation developed by the drama, not random throwaway gags. Forgotten as soon as the scene ends.

Obviously not every joke needs to be critical to the plot development. A one liner here, or a slapstick gag there can work well. But In Orville its either a complete throwaway Family Guy style joke, or it's a critical plot point that depends upon a character acting like Peter "I'm literally a retard" Griffin in some way or another.

I think user was getting at all television being fucking awful and made for braindead retards. Oh but you're better than that and you're different because you can spot a political message, congrats.

where does he stream? I'm subbed to his youtube channel and never see them, but I've seen a couple clips from streams I can't track down on youtube.


The amount of brain damage received from watching the kardashians or browsing Holla Forums is about the same regardless, choose your poison.

9/10… If it weren't for Rick and Morty, this would be the #1 current Sci-Fi/comedy show.

Somebody gets it

Seth did a great job acting in this latest episode

the only person that could have been better cast as Ed would be Louis CK

Nice try CK.
I think you have bigger problems to take care of right now.

Holla Forums brings in new redditors every day

The board is called Holla Forums fucking shitlord.