It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Who's mad?

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The Russia collusion meme is the defence they manufactured to protect themselves from the ==TREASON== of hacking and tapping a presidential candidate for the benefit of the opposition party.

We are very mad OP.

I like how it's been memory-holed that Trump was initially hard on Putin on the campaign trail, only coming to like him when Putin said he would fight him, personally. This whole Russia thing is hilariously blown out of proportion because they have literally nothing else to throw at him, I have no doubt they'll try and fabricate evidence to try and get him impeached, just hope he's prepared for all inevitability.

I watched the Comey hearing earlier today where he (or was it Rogers?) said that there was no vote manipulation in places like Pennsylvania. And now the FBI is STILL investigating?


They're eating up resources so they can't be used in other ways.

No it's literally the only thing they have to justify hacking trump, they cannot let it go, they can't show the evidence, all they can do is keep stringing this along. Don't you see the consequences? They all go to prison over this.


I for one am looking forward to the FBI admitting in public and on record the entire thing is fabricated and seeing libshits and retards like OP cry for several days uninterrumpted


Also, note how specific Comey's denial was.
>We didn't illegally wiretap Mr. Trump!
All this means is that it wasn't the FBI doing the tapping, and/or they had a warrant for it. He never actually denied Trump's claims of being wiretapped by the government.


It's all theatrics, Comey will say they're "investigating" the matter to please his (((puppet masters))) but it's an investigation in name only since there's no possible leads to go on. So now you've got a dozen agents wasting time on the tax payer's dime doin nothing but making paper airplanes so their boss can get some brownie points from his kike overlords for playing along with their false narrative.

So bitch Trump with his "4D" chess is going to pwn everybody with his "evidence" of wiretapping and surveillance any day now…

Trump can't possible have massively fucked up. No. That is imopssible.

Everybody knows Trump to be a master strategist who thinks 10 moves ahead, and not just a blowhard who rode the wave of populist anger.

This is Holla Forums so no criticism of Trump allowed. ZeroHedge and Kikebart and "leaked" FAKE news are PROOF that Trump was wiretapped.

I support Trump when he's doing GOOD things for AMERICA.

The fucking idiot needs to learn to control his EGO and his temper.

The reason he had an emergency all hands on deck meeting that Sunday after sending out those tweets was because he knew he fucked up BIG, and wanted a plan for damage control.

No proof is going to be made available, because there is none. Where the fuck is this FISA warrant? What are the contents of this warrant. Who was monitored? Why did Trump not declassify/release the warrant?

Because he is an idiot who doesn't plan ahead. There is no plan.


You're not obvious at all. Reported and filtered.


Another user that literally did not watch the televised hearing, or understood any of it except the MSM narrative that Comey and Rogers confirmed was extremely fake repeatedly.

First Comey betrays Hillary during the election, and now he's betraying Trump.
WTF is wrong with this disloyal little shit and why is he still running the FBI?

Comey is chaotic neutral. He just seems to do random things with no end game.

the Clinton-tier parsing and obfuscated dialog coming from Comey and his allies is maddening.

I know it wouldn't prevent him from speaking to Congress, but he should've been axed on Jan 20th. Clearly there's no good reason to keep him, even with the "muh optics" argument, because all he does is throw fucking smoke and innuendo unless, this is a deliberate distraction before he breaks it off in Clintons' collective asses

Patriot act nigger. We've all been surveillanced. This will justify keeping it.


If you noticed the dems really didnt have any questions for Comey, just spindoctor bs of the russian narrative.

Unless they are willing to dig into each and every vote cast, they are going to have a hard fucking time proving that Trump or Russia, did anything to fuck with the actual vote. If they are going to somehow prove that Russia was channel meme magic for over a year straight, which made us all into Trump loving lunatics, I'd love to see them try.

Otherwise, the best they can do is draw tenuous connections that people not voting for Hillary Clinton was somehow an act not naturally conceivable without foreign intervention from Russian psychics.

They also mentioned if the Russians had any part in our EU referendum regarding brexit.

What they don't know is that the UK used paper ballots. Their claims are just plain retarded it unreal.

I know we say Comey is a dope and chucklefuck, but I think he's seriously smart and protecting himself expertly. He should hang, but he's really good.

Im wondering if Comey is playing his own game against both the dems and republicans. Which in that aspect I can respect, but on the other hand it makes it look like hes going to shill for whoever pays him the most.

KEK. your wish is granted

Are they retarded? All the FBI is doing is investigating and they're acting like Trump is proven to be a Russian spy or some shit.

It doesn't really make sense to me. If he were just trying not get to executed in a back alley somewhere, wouldn't he just keep his head down completely? Rustling the jimmies of BOTH sides doesn't seem to be the best idea

I forgot the punchline

But goy! You can't insult Trump! This is a safe space :^)

The FBI needs it's head cracked wide open

I think he's trying to perpetuate the "Comey is unimpeachable" meme amongst the DC/media faggle. It seems like a big game of give-n-take, so if I were Clinton, I'd have my bags packed and the jet fueled

They're investigating Russia's interference in the election, not Trump. The media doesn't want you to see the obvious difference.

I think the idea is that all the kikes' pawns are being told to kamekaze against Trump to get that desperately needed casus belli to move against him because they straight up have nothing on him, no other move available on the Grand Chessboard.

I bet the wire taps will be installed in record time.

The NSA's been spying on us ((legally)) dumbshit.

You don't want Russia too bold.

The only thing I saw was extreme competence by men doing their job. and a retarded congress.

No, after Snowden, the NSA isn't technically allowed to run draagnets on american citizens

So what happens is they get MI6 to do it for them and then share intelligence :^^^)

They have nothing to blackmail Trump on, like these "Bohemian Grove" and gay fraternity types…

They know they got nothing on Trump, so they build this falsehood and repeat it non-stop, as this is their way of operating. The Obama wiretapping thing is probably Trump throwing a big fuck all to them, and blackmailing them instead, holding information on Obama for if they try to go after his cabinet members again…

Comey does. Why else wouldn't Trump fire his corrupt ass on day one?

you all have nothing to worry about

remember kikes project, so they think if they tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. Thats not how memes work though and why lefty memes always fall or get coopted and made better by us.

We won't let them hurt Trump-sempai!

gg no re.
Honestly, at this point, I'm not going to torture you fucks when I kill you. I literally will just end you, feeling nothing because that's what you are, nothing. You aren't worthy of any real hatred, killing you wouldn't be an act of hatred it would just be a job. Congratulations kikel.

The idiocy of libshits knows no bounds.

In todays world accusation of a crime means immediate guilt, unless you're one of the protected classes of shitskins, kikes, or stronk womyn.

Dubs confirm.

The law doesn't apply to the government.


FBI, CIA, NSA. Different names, same Nazi BS.


Cool. Maybe they will finally offer some reasoning to back up the claim that Trump is Russian plant that they've repeated everyday for months with no evidence.


This. They're so desperate, they're even contradicting themselves.
Proof that the second generation of kikes blew the control after they became old and senile while the young just wanted to poz around.


Bill's wife already tried that

Thanks fbianon

Like kikebart born in israhell? or will they just happen to glance over it?

Good, let's hope it's a clean investigation.
