Disney will receive 65% of revenue from ticket sales, the highest percentage a Hollywood studio has ever demanded...


who cares? if you don't think it's a good deal, don't take it

good talk

what more is there to say?


They're dying, they're afraid.

gee, I wonder why they'd risk something like that on such a successful franchise? hmmm…

it's called the market working as intended

The film looks so shitty

The reason they're doing it is because they know they can charge whatever they want and theaters will still do it because they also know retards will go see that shitty movie in droves multiple times, making up whatever they had to give Disney in the first place

Want to believe that 3 second gif of an abortion isn't in the movie but i know that shot is standard procedure.

What power rangers season is this?

There's just something about The Last Jedi that looks overwhelmingly shitty, but I can't place my finger on it.

Star Wars. Your welcome.

It is the lack of interracial romance.

You, sir, win the internet.

Richfag here, I bought tickets for all the homeless people I could find so I would give a lot of money to Disney and fuck with the fans at the same time.


Congratulations on loosing hundreds to piss people who you mutually don't care about over the internet off by buying a bunch of drug addicts movie tickets.

Okay guys, Holla Forums's here. Time to pack up and leave.

not an argument, Baruch

Wasn't the 64% enough? What a bunch of greedy people.

find me a person who isn't greedy

Not going to feel any pity for the people that charge me $6 for a large soda.

Holla Forums - ALL jews are bad! Not some! ALL!

For the current movie? Or the force awakens? Can you buy me two tickets? I'll give you a throwaway account [email protected]

Find me a good jew and I'll find you an Indian who doesn't stink vaguely like poo.


He's finally killing a long overdue franchise and in the process ending the geek chic fad.
or Trump for the retarded Holla Forumsack in thread

Fair enough. As promised.

nigger, look at everyone's faces. only the two people on the foreground right can't smell him and he's guilty as fuck

How so, for smaller theaters it wouldn't be financially good to do it? That's a 35% of all the revenue from the biggest (in some case only) only screen you got and you're forced to show it for a whole month.

That's a shitty deal i doubt most theaters would like to take.

You lolbergs are as retarded as leftypol.

If you don't draw a line, someone else will do it for you in a way where you don't like it.

I didn't know G-D posted here, sup

Holy fuck, just throw in some more lens flares and it'll be 100% reddit.



The irony is palpable

hotaru a ho

kaczynski was a right wing anarchist

Nigger, Disney isn't letting them opt out.
That's the whole point.

Life is suffering.

You're more autistically active than usual Holla Forums user. Did you get banned from half/co/ again, faggot?

He was a neo-luddite socialist.

Typically a guy who wants people to not have glasses or medical care would not be a socialist.