

Might aswell just show Emma
She alone is enough to squash any american pigdog

why is Marion Cotillard on there? Also this is a pretty bad list. For instance Jennette McCurdy has a 10/10 body even if her face is 5/10, Taylor Swift is genuinely attrative,Keira Knightly is skelly, Emma Watsonhas man feet is shit at acting and has no personality and Kate Winslet isn't even considered to be that pretty.

I don't think there's any winners in this competition.

Tearing down some anons waifu, jewish cocksleave, is always a win.



back to fucking reddit holy shit

Americans have always been mentally challenged.
It shows best today, all retarded things came from USA.


For their defense, all retarded things came from there because only their jews had enough nerve to sell them to the world

fuck off cuckime jew

All of those women (with the exception of Chloe for the most part) are attractive. Also, McCurdy is mostly a "literally who" for most people; using someone like a Katy Perry there would make more sense. And Chloe is also a "who" for a lot of people since imageboards don't exactly reflect the average person; replace her with someone like Christina Hendricks.


I'm not even a Burger, but these examples make for weak bait.


It is so sad.

Can someone please just make a reverse already to trigger this britbong? it's all just cherry picked.

Trannies. All of them.

God dammit Mr.E

But I'm American making fun of my fellow Americans the top is all shit

Americans, everyone

all these threads do is make me miss golden age /int/. that was good banter unlike here.

Even if this is true, you did absolutely nothing to refute my point.


meanwhile our immigration got cut down to before reagan levels and our highest court keeps upholding Trump's so called insane muslim ban, unlike you, londanistanians. Your Brexit meant nothing. You only got your own Merkel out of it. Hope you're happy.

Americans like fridges?

Drown in the brown, mulatto.

I already saw you in another thread, like the sperg said, you are caged and the levels are rising anyways, so you are going to drown in brown too, 56er

And what has this anything to do with americans having bad taste in women


Your country is dying and the world will be better for it. Die quietly.

Fucking slower than yours and there's actually a chance of revival for mine. You'll be dead before us so how the fuck are you gonna enjoy our absence?

You don't have the serbian balls, the han birth rate nor the german discipline to do it

Yeah, I get it, but it's a shit way to live, Nigel.

You live in delusion fat boy. Must be all that nigger blood in your veins.

I agree with him tho, just die already and be quiet about it, you muddied too many countries to get a clean getaway. And yes, most of the world is wishing your suffering, even when many sympathize with Trump's regional ideology

literally no one likes you faggots. i will throw a party when you lot get turned into atzlan tbh



Not at all surprising


Hello jawlet, how do you think you get strong jawed sons, with weak genes?


All your strong jawed men died in the war.
Both of them.
All three of them actually if you count America kicking your ass.

Hullo blz delet



t. nigger


English chicks look ugly as fuck.

ugh, you ethnist! they prefer to be called bongish!

I work in a position that has me dealing with lots of ID's of all kinds of nationalities, and let me tell you this:
I've seen plenty cute girls on French, German, Belgian, Brazilian and Algerian passports (in my age range), but without fail, all the American girls are dogs. I have not seen one American passport with an attractive woman. On top of that, all Americans look puffed up, bloated and sick, like middle aged alcoholics.
I don't know what's going on on that island of yours, could be the fluorides, could be the fructose, but it sure is not healthy.

I'm Irish and I actually have good taste in British girls. Rachel Riley and Jenna Louise Coleman and Emilia Clarke should be on there. Also if we're showing off how Holla Forums we are. Rachel Weisz is a Jewess - still the most attractive woman on your awful list though.

she has the best legs in the entertainment industry

sure you have lad

Mcdonalds drive thru for tourists isn't that impressive, bongman.

But America is far browner than any European nation

in the cities

More like a Ministry of Justice dealing with people recovering our nationality because they had an ancestor with my nationality in 1900. Do you know why these people do it? It's the easy way to get a passport even North Korea will accept without question.

ya goddamn right


I'm American you fucking mong

these are actual Finnishbeauty pageant finalists

ugly as shit

3rd one isnt too bad
TOO bad…

she wouldn't be too bad if she dropped 50 pounds

Watson is queen

lol no

let me guess, you're a Emmahater

those trips say otherwise, newfriend

this isn't Holla Forumseddit friendo.

Exactly we like Emma Watson here

lol Yes

Yiss:1 What about the other Doctor Who girls?

Are you implying all the manual labor in the fields are white?

Yes, motherfucker.
And the roadwork.
And the farming.
And the fucking construction for the most part, unless it's a company from out of state or based in a pozzed city.
The mexicans meme is pretty much only a thing in the south west.

which is precisely why Emmahaters have to go back

Why do cucks like Emma "flatter than a board, shitty personality hypocrite feminazi" Watson now?

Because they're trying, and failing to subvert.

It's just one autist.

Because she's beautiful, smart, successful and makes redditors like you mad


I think he's probably spot on.

Tell me more about how Emma made you crazy

Funny how you never say the same thing about Emma Roberts, Emma Stone, Elle Fanning, Daisy Ridley (okay you say the same), Kstew, Cara, etc who all have mosquito bites and a cups when she has a b cup

The only person with a shitty personality is you and she isn't a hypocrite, do you get everything you say and think from Holla Forums images like a fucking 16 year old LOL

He's nureddit and a polfag who can't actually into common sense


I'll into common kicking your ass

Not all me tbh

Nobody's as autistic about them as they are for Emma Watson in this board, and at least they're not lying feminazis.

She's a big hypocrite and I don't browse Holla Forums like you do.

i'm only

sure lad

She isn't a hypocrite at all.
Okay you are actually brainwashed by memes

Name one(1) actress who has spoken out about your mens mental health and suicide and championed their father and the importance and lack of it recently. Name one besides Emma

Do you browse tumblr? Because he hate tumblr that pol parrots sounds exactly like you

Women shouldn't be speaking out about anything. They are there to fuck, cook, and raise children.

Right no argument from a loser who is triggered by the word feminism

Emma literally loves to cook, you cant banter and handle a woman and actually get mad?

No surprise you can't handle the truth.

You're the one who can't handle Emma Watson's bants. She likes to cook and wants to be a mom, that is irrelevant to what she talks about when she said that feminism is too often seen as man hating.

Plenty of actors have advocated for the battle against certain diseases without needing to attach some bullshit political movement to it.

No, and ad hominem isn't an argument anyway, so I don't know where you'd want to get with that.

feminism is man hating, lad. thinking with your dicklet is no way to go through life.

Not squat and mongolian enough. They must have been captured as war brides from a white country.

Cry more since you can't have an honest conversation


You're just really fucking living your life by memes holy shit


Loving it, just leave if you are so mad

Fine, I'll take pity on you.

I don't buy it
Then again my field was AZ and NM, so i wouldn't know about the non-leftist rest

You gotta be in the quadrent consisting of kansas, missouri, nebraska, oklahoma and colorado pretty much.
Montana too. I guess up north is pretty white too.

Every single argument I've made you've dismissed in the most asinine ways laddie

nevermind, but the area still stands.

Because you're just farting into the wind.

I can believe it in that area except Missouri
Oklahoma has a lot of injuns and pakis thou, but never seen a non-NM injun work in field
Mid-north is my best bet, never been there but i heard there's only chinese
But i don't buy low to mid level construction that isn't pre-made paneling, slabs and woodwork. Not saying it wasn't better when the rednecks and specialty blue collars did it

It's funny, all the road workers around here look like ZZ Top members.


muh gock


Why are Americans so stupid?

What the fuck are you talking about. Philosophy is a common basic course in American institutions.


Holy shit why are you such a dumb fucking idiot? It was called Sorcerer's Stone because that implies that theres magic in the books without fucking knowing who the fuck Harry Potter is

sorcerer is a more *magical* (making it sparkly, because magic is gay and practically jewish) word than philosopher.

The term philosopher is related to alchemy but Americans dont associate it with that they associate it with philosophy

alchemy isnt really a thing in america.
it's a cultural difference, not an intellect gap.

It is and it's alliteration Sorcerer's Stone
All I'm saying is I'm American and can tell you why they would change it from Philosopher to Sorcerer, its because Americans would read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and go WTF?

They would read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and go, hmmm oh yea that's that magic book thing

Yea that's why I hate this meme


karen gillan is hot but Jenna Coleman's on another level, Karen is every-day hot

really makes you think

You just went full fedora there buddy.

I'll put a brick in a fedora, and throw it off a building at you.

I bet u throw like a girl you lil bitch

I bet you can't even see your own dick, fatty

You're posting the wrong image fam

anything when tossed from a building is pretty painful when it connects with human anatomy. Gravity's a bitch. Even a child could kill a man with a brick from atop a building.