New Star Wars trailer

New Star Wars trailer.


Nope. Sorry. Nothing.


The kitchen, clearly.

That trailer was boring. They have all the money in the world and they keep making bland SW movies.
It looks like they forgot to add the CGI elements to that shot.

Not enough niggers tbqh fam.

From that thumbnail, Rey looks almost exactly like that roided "chick" in The Last of Us 2.



How can a xenomorph be cute?

What did they mean by this?

Looks awful. Seriously, it looks like a high budget fan film, which I guess it is.


I can't see her face anymore. It's weird and repulsive

big if true. it is true

I can't wait to spoil this for somebody


How brutally ironic

You made a post, so you cared a little at least. But we all know you care a lot. You grew up loving Star Wars and it's your favorite thing and it kills your soul that they rape the franchise so much. I-III was already bad but this new flicks are even worse. You pretend to not care about it anymore but we all can see past the facade.

They didn't forget user, that was meant to be that way





Needs more Daisy tbh


oh god…


that's the fattest fox I ever saw

Calling it now.
They broyght back Phasma to get blacked by Finn the Ape.
It was never supposed to be Ridley, she isn't blonde.

Soooooooooo…..Han Solo is resurrected as a puffin or whatever that bird next to Chewy is?
I can live with that.

Porg a cute.

What's with all the red color in the trailer?
It's basically in every shot and the separation screens are also red.
Is this menstruation blood?

How can a species with no manipulative appendages develop sentience?

World Building == Shit

disney should hire you

although you're probably so red-pilled you'd turn down the offer

seconded fuck daisy and rey

It's really shit and cheap cliche art direction

Daisy still can't act even just swinging a lightsaber around shes cringey

It might even be more lazy than TFA

Waiting for the inevitable red pilled Mandalorian series.
The only group in the entire Star Wars Universe not mentally ill.

getting a real anakin vibe from her

I remember that Jedi had the small detail of the Emperor's window looking like a spider web. While it wasn't really impactful it enhanced the shot to tell us a bit more about the nature of the Emperor. All I can gather from this is that Snoke must be a massive pussy with that many guards. Also

I've eaten potatoes smarter than you.

I was 12 when i saw SW in theater during the 80's. Today i'd probably freak out at the sight of her psycho face. She looks insane on top of being a mongrel: I am trying to be honest here; She looks genuinely bad. And seen from Europe, forced diversity and mandatory minority quota is disturbing. You couldn't make it more obvious. It's disgusting.



Except Anakin was actually cool when he wielded his saber


Aren’t they all gay or some shit?

i feel like she will come out as a lesbian


You're five?

>(((they))) have all the money in the world
But, don't want to spend it - the driver behind these 'films' is what is the least amount of effort can separate the goy from our shekels.


Is Luke going to smash Daisy's boipussy? He has been alone on that island a long time.

This movie is drenched with cynical disdain towards both the older movies, the people who made them and the people who still watch them.


fuck off weeb

stay triggered faggot

your kind isnt welcome around here

They really seem to be doing it on purpose. Pretty much all of the EU media managed to nail everything that made Star Wars what it is even if it mostly was derivative and it was always clear that Lucas was the driving creative force behind it all. Yet Disney can't get a single thing right. It seems much more likely they don't want to.

Go talk to Kike Cucklasa, you can find him on one of the following boards:
>>>Holla Forums

I used to be a big star wars fan. I even liked Brick a lot. I know trailers all have the same feel, but it just feels like a rehash. It feels like the same exact movie we just saw and the same one we will see again and again now.

How do normies not see this

But its literally copying them

Yeah, that was weird. He should be old and greying tbh, he's been an adult since the clone wars.


It's evident they don't even give a fuck. Only reason for why Chewbacca is in the movie is because of the previous one where they had to have Han Solo to reel in the stupid fucks into the theaters.

Well fuck…

Mandos as you knew them are no longer official thanks to Disney and Lucas. Boba and Jango are also not mandos now, they're schmucks who stole mando armor.

Post matches the pic. Both reek with signs of your assburgers.


Don't bother trying to make sense of it. It gets worse when you actually the new comics and their depictions in Rebels and Clone Wars.

Whats sad is george lucas could make an actual "standalone" star wars film about a jedi knight or something, infused with indiana jones type of ruin discovery for like 30-50 million dollars and it would be better than this 200-250 million dollar crap.

So did they just make everything outside of the films non canon even though that was all of the content that was fleshed out and had depth? Seems pretty stupid of them.

That's because George Lucas is an actual film-maker with atleast some knowledge and love for old western, samurai, space-opera-movies. He's good at that stuff because he geniunly likes it, like Flash Gordon for a famous example.

Disney is run by ((shitty businessmen)) and hires nothing but safe hacks who don't care for schlocky sci-fi operas about men fighting space-aliens or uncovering dark secrets on some random planet. Nobody sits and creates a whole universe that is Star Wars if they didn't love what they were doing, especially not when it wasn't proven it would be a success or not.

Nobody wouldn't either create an intricate plot about a hostile takeover of the Republic along with the story of the downfall of Anakin and birth of Darth Vader if they just wanted to rake in the money. He had a story to tell. That's a film-maker which is fucking missing in today's Hollywood because the kikes have turned even kikier and more nepotistic than before and therefor has less gentiles to use.



I think Rian Johnson was actually and is actually a Star Wars fan, unlike JJ for ex. Sadly we all know whatever he wrote he didn't have control over it and definitely felt from the getgo he had to make some cookie cutter shit instead of something different.

Disney knows it needs good directors and yet squanders them for Star Wars. It makes no sense. To me you get Gore Verbinski to do Pirates and it was a success because he did it. You even get someone like Bill Condon to do Beauty and the Beast and it shows that the director actually liked musicals. Yet whomever they bring in for Star Wars, they just arent letting them do anything.

They would make money either way and they know it they just genuinely dont care about the brand I think. You can care about making something profitable and good at the same time, since star wars is so ridiculously easy to generate a profit though they just have no care at all in trying to make anything.

Every single year of your entire life until they actually make a good star wars film and not the same damn thing

It's like they're hedging their bets rather poorly. They don't want to take the risk of using smaller, less famous directors. At the same time, they're so fucking afraid of catching the same flack Lucas did for the prequels that 7-9 are just photocopying the OT. So they're squandering talent and sabotaging their product by butting heads over every single detail. Overpolished films with no substance that have to be Frankensteined due to talent bleedoff like it's some rushed AAA game. Ironically, they're doing the riskiest thing possible by acting so risk adverse.

Lucas' work suffered because he (rightfully) was sick of Hollywood's bullshit and tried to do the heavy lifting of writing, directing, and producing himself. The absolute madman was doing the work of three different employees while being the CEO. Who the fuck has the time to write a script, sit down and shoot the movie, manage the production, and run the company? It's honestly a miracle, even with the delegates he had, that the prequels came out as coherent as they did.

>until (((they))) actually make a good star wars film
You mean a reboot? That would have to be after the cancerous fanboy shekels dried up and disney sold the license to a studio with enough clout and vision to refusbish 40 years worth of deteriorative rot. Might as well wait for OP's mom to stop sucking off niggers.

The moment Mark Hamill quits or is written out is the moment this franchise will collapse. I've seen porn with better acting and more interesting characters than this shit.

there is another reason too: merchandising
incidentally, that is also the only reason porgs exist, and the reason they created an evil version of bb8

I was mocking the user who is actually a CY SW fanboy you bloody twink.

are you implying we were wrong in 2015 and 2016?

The more I see of it, the worse it gets.

Yea you just know they can't kill Chewy off even with the porg shit, you can't kill Chewy for at least 30 more years. Then everyone will be happy they did it like Han and we will get Nigwy

The screenshot (and the set) that I posted earlier really looks like a remake of the Death Star scenes with Sheev in Ep VI.


Who cares?

unlike reyce mixer, hayden christensen actually learned swordfighting and none of the obi-wan vs anakin duel is sped up. meanwhile, rey plays with fx replica sabers that get cgi touch-ups.

she can't have kids so she might as well munch on carpet

of course george could make something that would easily blow disney shit out of the water, he's the creator and knows how the universe should go.

also, like said, george has a vast knowledge of the many films and literature that inspired star wars' creation in the first place. that's been the biggest problem of all with these new films. rather than do what george did in piggybacking off classical literature and historical moments, disney is just piggybacking off the films. it's like how stranger things season 1 was an ode to 80's pop culture, now season 2 is just piggybacking off season 1 and brings nothing new to the table. top it off with a heap of muh current year politiks and you get a double dose of a shit sandwich that people are eating up without a second thought.

unless we got a full-fledged reboot, nothing disney puts out will ever be good.


Can't wait for not luke to go fight not palpatine with not vader so not vader dies and not lando can blow up the not deathstar 2

