


hey look, it's Armin Tamzarian.

to be fair, nothing in this clip contradicts the Armin Tamzarian episode


Why would a bird seed emporium have giant birdseed bells that are too big even for this scenario?

Which room is this?

that never happened

Homer can't make a spicerack, but he can make a magic baseball bat out of a tree branch?





Your name's Bort, right?




Pathetic. I bet you watch Current Year Simpsons with your gf and her best friend Jamal.

I don't unless the cartoon sells itself as real, which The Simpsons did.

Bart's room?

When's the last time you ran into a fan of barbershop music?

Probably Maggie's room.

but Maggie doesn't have a giant Krusty doll

Maggie's room is on the second floor, this is clearly on the first floor.

It used to be Bart's or Lisa's and they just moved it in there.

looks like a toy room behind the garage


I liked hit and run.

He just whittled down a big tree branch, he did a shitty job too the bat looked like shit.

Maybe the biggest seed bell was just too expensive for Moleman


Got one of the second floor?

Do Americans really do this?

We do shower. Europeans should try it.

Next to the kitchen? That's disgusting.

Where's the bathroom?

They say he carved it himself, from a bigger branch.

why does the armin tamzarian episode get so much hate?

Drama for the sake of drama


Always the damn (((Armenians)))

This is overwrought faggotry, what reddit would come up with as the reason the show went bad.

It’s when the show went Jerkass Homer. It was cemented when they started going Hollywood.

The real answer is there was no definitive moment the show died. It was a slow descent over a period five years or more.

Who let the jew in?

ha… ha… ha…?

The Shitsons was never good, stop pretending it was.

You'll have to try harder than that if you want to be successful at baiting, lad.

Keep living in denial in an attempt to look intelligent, fool.

You are either baiting or a moron. Which is it, nigger?

I'm not baiting but I can instantly infer you're a moron for watching this shlock.
If you want me to prove I'm not baiting I can dissect the Simpsons corpse, show you why it was born as a fragile sick child, and then shit on it's corpse as you cry knowing your favorite series is actually no more intelligent than South Park or Family Guy.

Actually Burns knew of the Jews.

I am waiting with baited breath.

Simpson less intelligent than South Park?
Simpsons less intelligent than Family Guy?


Let's start with something small but noticable.
The Simpsons was initially a series meant to flip the concepts of family around, with a smart female who holds the family, a smarter daughter who is much younger, and a buffoon father, with a retarded malevolent son. Initially more realistic and innocent after season 2 they abandoned it to bloom into what the Simpsons would become, self mockery, but before moving onto that point we need to acknowledge that the Simpsons was initially "Dumbworld." by Lynch. As status quo show made by """""intelligent"""" people making fun of the average people. It never really did address any causes or facets of society but it did mock the idea of a family. Of course no family is perfect but much like Lynch's "Dumbland." they never progress, they were there for amusement and occasionally overcoming problems only to return to them the day after because drama was required I suppose. The Simpsons wasn't propaganda it was an insult. By season 3 they decided to go and focus more on comedy, abandoning roles for and I cannot stress this enough
Throwing shit on the wall and hoping something will stick like a bunch of fucking apes.
If you look up the process of how Simpsons writers wrote jokes, they included multiple ones in a short span of time,they would spend months making jokes multiple small ones they hoped would stick in either desperation or boredom. This is the worst issue I have with the series because they were quite literally, try hards, they made multiple jokes in a short span of time so that at the very least one would get a laugh out of people. You look at some Modern Simpsons humor, it waits 5 seconds for the jokes to sink in, and that's enough time for even the average person to realize "That's not funny." I look back at the Simpsons now and I cannot laugh. I believe no one else can either they just quote the show. The sole reason it became anywhere near popular was because seasons 3-7 or whenever you freaks have convinced yourselves the Simpsons stopped begin """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""good"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" had a obligatory set up for jokes that at the very least one or two good ones would be included in every episode. All characters were discarded, and they deliberately included multiple references to """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectual"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" culture to say "Yes media, we ARE as smart as you think we are, just look at how we referenced Orwell and Kubrick! Aren't they geniuses like us?" Their ego's began growing and they kept pumping them out until they became too big and spaces of fat in between the jokes became to big and no one could properly see them anymore. And when they could the long pauses made the people realize that those jokes were in reality just pathetic stains of slobber and grease the writers pumped out,but nostalgia tells them otherwise and they will claim the Simpsons has only recently become bad.
Denial will only build up inside you and will lead to disappointment and resent, it's time to admit that there was never anything good about the Simpsons, otherwise submit to Groening and his friends concept of how foolish and ignorant you as the average man are.

I'm not reading that, and it has nothing to do with length. Your formatting is FUCKING GARBAGE.

Thank you.

Yeah im with this guy can we get a tldr?


it's crappa-doodle and you know it.

It's a comedy show for crying out loud.
If you don't find it funny that's fine. But the whole idea of the Simpsons created to invert family roles is stupid. You sort of sound like Holla Forums.

It's not that stupid when you find it pushing the message now.

Well I am going under the assumption that King Of The Hill is your preferred view as a cartoon?

Not shitting on your political views or anything.

What's bad about this?

Not really.

Don’t be a faggot. It was you.

No it wasn't, I'd appreciate IDs but since we don't have them you'll just have to take my word for it.

Screencap and dont use ms paint

Really can't be arsed tbh. I'm on my phone.


Do you know how much of a dork you look like if you walk around everywhere with a laptop?

so basically the only reason is "waaaah we're emotionally attached to the character! you can't treat him like that!"
tumblr fangirl-tier reasoning there

I never come HERE when in public with my pocket telescreen. I'm surprised to know people actually do that.

Lol. That meme really served it's purpose.

It's the best. You can take a walk or whatever and just casually make a few quality posts.

holy shit. this is the kind of smart humor that they haven't done in like 15 years

t. kike

what exactly is jewish about what I said?

fuck off shlomo

so you're just being a schmuck. got it.

Here you go

There's two on the second floor, and a small one on a first

forgot image

Yankees and their shit encrusted asshole

This board is strictly for losers and social rejects, go back to >>>/reddit/

I meant like you sort of like show that had realistic family portrayal. Or am I still confusing you?


I do it all the time. 99.99% of people don’t know what you are looking at and don’t know what you are writing.

Anyone who would know is smart enough not to mention it.

to be fair, most of Europe don't wash their asses either
bidets are more of a mediterranean thing

they're also very common in Sweden, probably because of all the islam

bidets aren't used neither in scandinavia nor in muslim countries as far as i know of

Kids dont get it.

No offense, but what you don't know could fill a warehouse










That's it.


Yeah sorry I was elsewhere
The entire point of the Simpsons failed and the writers used a comedy set up that is used to seem funny but isn't and is actually bad, the pacing was used to ensure at least one good joke would be made among dozens of awful ones per minute, and if you look back on it, every episode had 70% awful jokes and only 30% good ones your brain noticed and convinced yourself the show as a whole is good.

It was. Look it up.

That's a restroom.

jesus christ

Such as? What is an example of an awful joke?


Any joke that doesn't make you laugh or at least chuckle.

If he took that the amount of semen forcing the way through the narrow urethra God cursed Hank with would be enough to blow his dick up.

Didn't the door in the kitchen lead to the basement?


The decline was sort of visible around season 5 but almost non-existent. Season 8 is when the decay started showing itself more clearly.

the focus of the show shifted from bart being the center of the humor early on (do the bartman anyone?) to homer being the focus. It's made by kikes so you can assume it's anti fucking white male. Liberals laugh at homer because he's an outlandish buffoon who is wrong, non faggots laugh at homer because he steps out of line in a kosher way.

Either you were born a white nationalist who sees it as humorless kike garbage or you're an 18 year old fedoralord. Neither are bad things, but some people have enjoyed the simpsons in the past and will disagree with you.

If you're talking about nuSimpsons then I'd agree with you easily.
Uhhhhhh what?

I miss when Homer was just the well-meaning and incredibly stupid father. Now he's just your average middle class asshole like every other asshole in places like New York or Florida. Also, Homer isn't even wrong anymore though. Now he just comes off as dimwitted but always shares the same unbeatable opinions as the pretentious writers.

I think he means that people who enjoyed it in the past will continue to defend nuSimpsons simply because of what it once was without realizing what it's become. At least that's what I assume he said, if not then fuck user.

how did skinner got away with this?

Yeah. Give me an example of one you didn’t find funny. Otherwise you’re just a contrarian faggot.


why live

The DVD commentary had Groening trying to claim she was wearing skin colored pants, but you could hear the desperation in him.

Who'd want to tap such an ugly misshapen brat?

I never realized there was a Toy Room…

Go on YouTube and find a Simpsons episode.
Every time a joke happens pause the video for 30 seconds, then go again. Tell me how many times you laughed.

How is it so hard for you to say what Simpsons joke you found unfunny? You’re some kid who never watched the Simpsons before, aren’t you?

You rest in the shower?


You don't?

How about watch it with the sound off?

steamed hams

The cape fear ripoff where sideshow Rob steps on rakes is bad joke.


No it isn’t. That was hilarious.

t. double digit IQ

Muslim use a tube that spray watertunisia,Turkey
Mediterranean use a bidetitaly,Greece,Spain
Nuggets don't use anythingfrance bongs krauts

You brave fool.

How far backwards do you think some would bend to just to prove they aren't Reddit?


Are we seriously playing this game retard?

e gato que te haces, loco, seguí posteando que te quemamos gato

Go back kike
>>>Holla Forums

go back nigger
>>>Holla Forums

Only to a cuck

Oh god, that reddit video. It's fucking terrible. The fag made one about Family Guy as well, also shit. To begin with, that episode was self-aware and deliberately soap opera-esque, it's blatantly obvious and they even state that at the end. Classic Simpsons were constantly bending continuity to suit the joke.

Here's one semi-decent actually tackling the problem and not just sensationalizing the meme.

t. "white"

typical adolescent leftykike unable to do anything but repeat after big guys
go back

who are you quoting?

Not even the user you were replying to, but I just felt the need to tell you to get a better argument. The Holla Forums meme is dead.

what's with the earthbound music?


get back on your meds autist. am I responding to bait?


It's fucking retarded. There were some good joke in episode but most was stupid shit.