Why could Jackson not keep the weight off?

Why could Jackson not keep the weight off?

Becoming fat is a sign of a soul rotting.


This, fat people arguably aren't human because their entire existence has culminated into being a mechanism for consumption which has broken their bodies and mind with fat also constraining the brain with pressure.

But he was fat when he made good movies

Probably a stress eater during movie productions.

eating tastes good, its like small orgasms

its also why religious people fast and try not to have sex because the evil one who rules this world lures us with food, sex, drugs, and MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyy

Obviously the Jews poisoned him.

After being molested by Harvey Weinstein he developed bulimia.

The thinner he got, the worse his movies became

bump in his gut

This. He had three films to produce and no prep time because Del Toro pissed it all away.

lol test cumskin cuckboys always get fat.

Wanted to extend the last days of his life by 3 hours, unedited but a complete waste of time for everyone else involved.

is this the pippin guy from lotr?


Damn, he didn't age well.

Fatsos nor hedonistic homos are people

He could have told the studio he wouldn't have done it unless they delayed it another year or however long he needed to make it decent. Because he could have done two films quickly like that but making it three just made each one bloated trash.

It's not him its the director
